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Rock pink bcaps for a week. Earn $20.

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    Rock pink bcaps for a week. Earn $20.

    Image courtesy of E30Driv3R

    Originally posted by rThor432 View Post

    Welcome to the "Rock pink bcaps for a week. Earn $20." thread. The format of this contest is as follows: There are 10 entry slots that are vying for three $22 prizes via Paypal. Each of the 10 entry slots will be sent $4 via Paypal to defray the cost of painting the wheels. The three prizes will be awarded after you have installed pink bottlecaps on your E30 for seven days, and you will relate the story of your wheels in pictures and words. The remaining seven contestants will have pink bottlecaps on their hands.

    BDSax has mentioned that a can of Painter's Touch by Rustoleum in Berry Pink is an easy way to get the proper color, and for cheap! However Jscotty has also mentioned that using latex paint offers a good alternative to not screwing up your wheels permanently. I dunno how well the paint will adhere, but I can't imagine it'll come off that easily. Remember, removing paint is difficult, so remember that after this contest, your wheels might not be worth much unless you strip and repaint them!

    You MUST take at least four pics of the car:

    1. When you install the wheels
    2. When you park in a public place at the beginning of the week
    3. When you park in a public place at the middle of the week
    4. When you park in a public place at the end of the week

    The wheels must be pink. No cheating and using slightly pink tinted white paint, because that will just get you zero dollars.

    Number of Participants:
    This is a time-limited contest, with a maximum of ten slots. BDSax and ldsbeaker fall under the previous rules, which was $20 for running pink bcaps for a week, and I can't go back on my word.

    These people already have pink wheels:
    1. BDSax
    2. ldsbeaker
    3. e30_325es

    These people plan on painting their wheels:
    1. Jesse30
    2. Jscotty

    These people are out:
    1. mudflaps
    2. Grimm862
    3. MikeE30325i
    4. Mike325

    Terms and Conditions
    E30s are the only vehicle allowed. No MCoupes, no E36/46 M3s that belong to Mom or Dad. Just E30s. If it's ragged, I don't care. I have a soft spot for shitboxes because I own 2 of them.

    You must supply a high quality picture at least 3 days in a seven day period in the Members Ride Section with your car in a public place. So when you run to the bank and park in front, snap a pic. So you go to Giant/Kroger/Albertsons, whatever grocery chain you have, snap another pic.

    Jscotty brought this to my attention. There could be people trying to defraud me. Well just in case, you must have at least one rolling shot and a pic of something with the day's date on it with the car in the background. I don't care what it is, as long as it is not something that YOU can change, like a cell phone display. Bank receipts, gas receipts, newspapers, all fit the bill. Also, if you give me your mom's phone number I'll ask her if you really painted your wheels pink.

    Go crazy man! Additional props, but no additional money will be earned if you park across multiple parking spaces, rev at ricers, or go cruise on the "Ave" on Friday night.

    You can earn a maximum of $6 extra by doing one of the following (each action is worth $3):
    1. replacing Roundels with Hello Kitty stickers
    2. If asked by a girl why you have pink bcaps, you must say that it is for breast cancer awareness. Any subsequent action that you get because of your social awareness of a women's issue is well-earned, but this is the internet. Pics or ban. A suggestion, maybe a pickup line, is to say you offer free breast exams when you are engaged in convo. Hell you might have the unintentional side-benefit of fondling 52 year old tit.

    Remember, you must take pics. One at the begining of the week, one in the middle, and one at the end of the week. A week is defined as seven days from the start of you painting and installing your wheels. Please document in pictures at least the installation of your wheels.

    Just one rule. Please do not think that painting your wheels pink gives you the right to engage in illegal behavior such as racing Hondas or disposing of your car in a river. Feel free to holler at MILFs, 16 year olds at the bowling alley, or whomever you think is looking at you crooked. Especially if they are hot.

    At the conclusion of the seven days, the three people with the best pictures and stories will be awarded $22 via Paypal (to cover the fees and to put $20 into your pocket). A picture is worth a 1000 words. If you spit game at some MILF and get her digits, it didn't happen unless there are pics. If a tree falls in the woods, did it really fall? What is the sound of one hand clapping? Yeah, that's what I thought.

    At maximum I will pay you within 48 hours of the completion of the contest period, which ends after the last person to paint and install his wheels's seven days are over.

    Time Limit
    You must paint and install the wheels within 4 days. Most of you bizzles are HS / college students so if it takes you more than 4 days to do this, there's something wrong with you. I changed the time limit so that people pretty much start by the end of this weekend.

    How will your photos and stories be judged? Mostly by popular sentiment, but I reserve final judgement of the three winners.
    Last edited by FredK; 06-13-2007, 04:27 PM. Reason: updated people that have confirmed entry

    Originally posted by whysimon
    WTF is hello Kitty (I'm 28 with no kids and I don't have cable)

    This is going to be awesome!!!!!

    How about rainbow center caps??


      Haha! I don't want your windows smashed man! This isn't about being gay, this is about exuding enough machismo and confidence to rock pink bottlecaps.

      Originally posted by whysimon
      WTF is hello Kitty (I'm 28 with no kids and I don't have cable)


        Originally posted by FredK View Post
        Haha! I don't want your windows smashed man! This isn't about being gay, this is about exuding enough machismo and confidence to rock pink bottlecaps.
        So you owe me $100 for rocking bears?
        Project Thread | Instagram | Phoenix, Arizona Events Thread


          Damn this is pretty tempting Fred . :D

          E30 M3 / E30 325is / E34 525iT / E34 535i


            DEV0, go to bed. The bears rocked my face off. Alas if I could give you $100 I would.

            Teaguer, since you manage a pro paint shop, you must beadblast, epoxy primer, white sealer, 2K pink BC, CC, add purple ghost flames, then another 3 coats CC. J/k.

            Originally posted by whysimon
            WTF is hello Kitty (I'm 28 with no kids and I don't have cable)


              I would so do this if I had bottle caps...


                KevRC I'll give you a full set of bcaps with tires for free if you do this. However painting them and picking them up would be up to you. I live an hour south of Boston.

                Originally posted by whysimon
                WTF is hello Kitty (I'm 28 with no kids and I don't have cable)


                  fred, you are awesome, ill go buy some paint tonight
                  NEED SOME VINYL STICKERS???


                    i think this is a great thread. i dont own bottlecaps so i cant participate but i think this opens the doors to many more of these types of contests.
                    back a few years ago we had this crazy fucker named russ on ATRT who was putting up the loot to guys who would go into a grocery store late at night and purchase a cucumber,condoms and personal lube and get a picture at the register checking out. you had to produce a copy of the receipt with just those 3 items on it too.
                    there are many ideas floating around in my head.
                    nice post freddie
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                      Hahaha! I figured I'd give r3vlimiters something to do during their summer break!

                      Originally posted by whysimon
                      WTF is hello Kitty (I'm 28 with no kids and I don't have cable)


                        im down. tentatively. ive got a shitbox red 325e sitting at home with a smashed in qpanel. its already got the bottle caps on it too. masking tape, newspaper, and pink spray paint ftw.

               you qualify if you dont take the wheels off to paint them? because i could really give 2 shits about this car im talking about.
               many bonus dollars could I earn if i took pics of me with pinks, while driving it over a bridge into the local reservoir?

                        just a thought.


                          Part of me loves the idea of driving an E30 off a bridge, but the other part of me says that it'd be a bad idea for the reservoir. Lots of bad fluids inside a car that would probably lead to an environmental mini-disaster.

                          You don't have to remove the wheels to paint them. You only need to take pics of the installation / painting process.

                          Again, I'll choose the 2 other slots later tonight / tomorrow depending on response.

                          To make the selection process easier, tell me how many miles you drive a week and what you do during the week.

                          If the car's just gonna sit in the garage or in your driveway for a week, then no dice. The people that sound like they'd have the highest chance of soliciting attention / getting into trouble / having a good story to tell will fill these two remaining spots.

                          Originally posted by whysimon
                          WTF is hello Kitty (I'm 28 with no kids and I don't have cable)


                            hahah what the fuck?
                            Toyota Pickup


                              im in columbus, ohio, just got done with finals T-Plus 1 hour 30 minutes ago, and im ready to go on this project.

                              promised from me: copious burnout action, frequent trips to the redline and plenty of blatant public annoyance.

