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Another N52 swap attempt!

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    Another N52 swap attempt!

    Hi gents. Been following the N52 stuff for quite a while, amazed at the progress and solutions you have come up with to get this swap working. Maybe one day I'll have the skills to build a set of headers as pretty as those LukeJ made, that's impressive work.

    My car is an 88 325IS.

    I was hoping to do this swap later, ideally when we build a shop, but my M20 had other plans. Just got my head back from a machine shop because it's been losing a little coolant since I ordered a rebuilt one almost 5 years ago and I've changed every component of the existing cooling system since then, oil has never looked peanut buttery and compression is fine. Shop said the head was warped and my cam was bad but just needed to be resurfaced and cam replaced. Got it home and installed a new Schrick 272 cam, valve springs and rockers. Got it all back together and 14 minutes into the cam break in it started spitting coolant from what I thought was the water pump gasket. Turns out I was wrong, pressure test revealed this:

    ​I have no idea how it cracked there, temp gauge never even got to half while we were running it. Anyway, I'm tired of spending money on this engine, 2nd head job in 5 years, adjusting valves, and a rattling G260 that's getting up there in age.

    I started browsing the web and found a crashed 2011 128i with 107,000 miles and a six speed. Guy drove the car into the garage where my brother and I pulled it, so I at least know it runs. Pretty nasty but the power steering reservoir had a crack that was RTVed so hopefully it's mostly from that. Although that probably doesn't say much for the overall care this poor engine received, at least it runs, more than I can say for my existing one.

    I'm excited to get started on this, my progress will be slower than some of you guys but I'll get there.

    Hopefully hoveringuy will be willing to provide advic​e and help to another rotor driver ;)
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    Last edited by Striker01; 09-04-2023, 08:09 PM. Reason: Rough time with attaching pics

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      Perfect combination! Start shopping for E85 Z4 engine mount arms and that motor will drop right in.


        Thanks guys!! I've got hubcapboy's incomplete of stuff needed and started ordering parts.

        Kinda wondering how far I should tear it down before installing. It's so filthy the only thing I can tell that needs replacing is the valve cover gasket.

        I kept the front section of the 328 driveshaft, wasn't sure if my driveshaft will bolt right up or not and haven't seen much discussion with the shorter 6 speed about it.


          Originally posted by Striker01 View Post
          Kinda wondering how far I should tear it down before installing. It's so filthy the only thing I can tell that needs replacing is the valve cover gasket.

          Not much at all. Look for broken bolts when you pull the valve cover off, the oil filter housing gasket is a must. eccentric shaft sensor seal and VVT motor seal. All easy.


            Originally posted by hoveringuy View Post

            Not much at all. Look for broken bolts when you pull the valve cover off, the oil filter housing gasket is a must. eccentric shaft sensor seal and VVT motor seal. All easy.
            Thanks, I'll add those seals to the order list.

            I made a little progress this weekend. Built a stand to hold the N52 while I clean it up and prep it and got the underside stuff out of the way so I can pull the M20. My brother helped label the harness, what we could figure out anyway, and pulled that off.

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            Z4 arms and DOHC mounts are ordreed, unfortunately one of the arms is a 3 week estimated wait. Found some AA looking headers from Poland or somewhere for about $300 shipped so I ordered those to try. I have the MSV70 DME, Z4 Harness and IVM on hand, EKP on the way.

            Hoping Nando stops in here so I can get in touch with him to get my DME ready to go, sent a PM.


              Slowly but surely making progress. Got the N52 stripped down and cleaned up, just waiting on parts for it now.

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              My headers arrived from Poland, weird they were faster than stuff I order from some places here in the states. The OD of the headers is 2" at the flange so I think I'll just try to run my Stromung M20 exhaust to get started, it's 1 7/8 OD, and just have to build a center section with new cats.
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              The M20 is out of the car, hopefully I can sell some of the stuff off of it to fund a small portion of this swap.
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              On a side note, with no engine in the car, all I need is a Saltlife sticker on the back and I'm ready to cruise the streets of NC. ;)

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                I pulled up the carpet on the driver's side to weld in a nut for the e90 pedal and found some rust. Because I'm unable to leave well enough alone and just fix around the pedal and move on, I decided to pull the carpet and see how much more there is. Not my brightest moment I guess. Found a bunch more, especially on the passenger side. I guess the swap will have to wait a couple weeks while I fix the holy floor.

                I know I'm not going back with that thick rubber firewall insulation, it was rusted through on a few of the studs for those plastic nuts.

                Do you guys see any issue with permanently sealing up these giant plugs that were loose despite the seam sealer?

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                  Got some goodies today. Huge Thank You to hoveringuy​!!

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                    Originally posted by Striker01 View Post
                    Got some goodies today. Huge Thank You to hoveringuy​!!

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                      Originally posted by hoveringuy View Post

                      You'll probably have yours in before I get this one put together. I keep finding "while I'm here" stuff to fix and my garage is running out of space. One of the Z4 arms is on back order so no telling how long that will take.


                        Got a few holes repaired and the pedal mount ready for the new pedal. I suck at welding but the floor is a good place to practice I guess.

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                        This area looks like a lot of work to patch so I ordered a right rear floor pan replacement piece. Waiting for that to arrive.

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                          Decided to move the brake and clutch pedal pads left a 1/4" or so, tired of dragging my foot on the brake pedal when using the gas.
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                          The oil pan parts that hoveringuy came up with are looking really inviting, I may start working on that next. I'm bored of floor repairs, want to do something that actually feels like progress towards getting the N52 in.

                          Still waiting on Z4 arms, estimated ship was Oct 7th I guess that was a little optimistic.


                            Been getting a little done on the car. I think I'm finished with floor and firewall repairs. I don't want to mess with the engine bay until after I get the engine test fitted to figure out exhaust clearance and driveshaft. I didn't get the replacement floor plate perfect but it's better than a rust perforated one. Finally getting the welder to cooperate with me a little better.
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                            No turning back now, throttle cable hole is plugged.
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                              Tired of working on rust repair stuff so decided to attempt to get this oil pan put together. Thanks again to hoveringuy, amazing work on the pan design and offering lots of pointers along the way. I also stole his small magnet idea to mock it up.

                              I just need my brother to get moved into his house so he can pull his TIG machine out of storage and get this thing welded up.

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