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reverse lights and a gear lock : (

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    reverse lights and a gear lock : (

    ok so my reverse lgihts are bust and out... i know that it can either be a switch which is broken, or it could be a wire going to it which has been the dammaged...

    i took of the shifter boot, (i drive a 2 door) so the wires for the windows where there, and all messy after cleaning it up i noticed a pair, a green and i think white wire...

    heading off down to the bottom of the shifter... they are fine and not cut at all... they disappear into a rubber join looks kinda like a mini plundger..

    i have a gear lock that has a big arse steel plate welded on down there and ti comes thru my boot... and i couldnt get the rubber seal of from around the base of the stick shift... how do i get to the switch, and what else could be wrong? down there.. i tried looking around but couldnt get past the rubber thing, should i climb under my car and have a look see, or just force my way past the rubber?

    what is a gear lock?

    the switch is actually a small threaded thing that is screwed into the transmission. you can see it from underneath, and its near the top, on the side.

    FWIW i had to replace both the switch and the wiring in order to make mine work again.


      lol thanks..

      um im from south africa, and here to stop people stealing cars, we use gearlocks, or at least on older cars...

      is some thing like a bycicly lock, that goes around the gear shift, or you get one that goes and clamps on the steering wheel..

      ill post a picture up


        ah i get the steering lock, we have those. never seen a gear lock though :p

