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How does the catalytic converter connect to the rear exhaust piping?

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    How does the catalytic converter connect to the rear exhaust piping?

    forgive my amateur drawing:

    exhaust flange:

    currently, there are exhaust flanges on areas 1, 2, and 3. area 4 did not have an exhaust flange when i took the exhaust system off. does anyone know how to connect it all back together? i wanted to purchase a 4th exhaust flange assuming it goes onto area 4 in my picture above, but it probably won't fit over the exhaust piping's cutoff.

    so far on my "to-buy" list (bavauto), i have the following for this section of exhaust:
    4 Exhaust Catback Bolts - 07119912524
    4 Exhaust Catback Nuts - 11621711954
    1 Exhaust Seal Ring - 18111723541
    1 Exhaust Crush Ring - 18111245960

    help please :(

    your list sounds spot on. i'm sure a mechanic misplaced the flange.
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