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Potential Head gasket Leak?

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    Potential Head gasket Leak?

    Picked up a 1987 325e that's been sitting for quite a while and was bleeding the coolant and saw what seems like a leaking head gasket. A steady stream of bubbles and some smoke coming from the reservoir. Looks like a head gasket to me however want to be sure and there seems to be no other symptoms, no white smoke from exhaust, seemingly little to no loss of coolant, no overheating. Obviously I know a combustion gas leak test is needed but just wanted to get some thoughts. In the video attached the car had been running for about 10-15 minutes with heat on full blast. Coolant was bled, no smoke from exhaust, no overheating.

    Seem normal to me since you are still in the bleeding process (bubbles). A 30 mins drive and monitor the temp gauge and check for steam in exhaust and pressure in the coolant lines to confirm head gasket issue.


      Before you go, fill the expansion tank up further and see if the bubbling continues or if it slacks off. Clearly, extract or drain the extra fluid from the tank before you drive anywhere.

