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Glovebox latch

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  • harm
    Seems like it's a pretty common problem. Mine was broken when I bought the car.. unfortunately no treasure inside. I bought a replacement latch on ebay and it lasted three uses before breaking in EXACTLY the same fashion. It's possible to use the broken stubs behind the handle to release it but I've never tried removing the hinge from the back.. I have a plan for modifying the next one. if it works I'll do a write-up.

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  • accident
    wedge a screwdriver under the handle a little to the right and pull down. should pop right open

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  • AndrewBird
    If you remove the screws holding the hinge on at the bottom, you should be able to reach up and jimmy the latch open from the inside.

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  • craiggroves91
    Originally posted by b*saint View Post
    I've never had a problem with drunk girlfriends if that is what you're asking. :(
    your sig is cracking me up
    Im gonna see if I can pchop it and put an e30 in it

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  • b*saint
    I've never had a problem with drunk girlfriends if that is what you're asking. :(

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  • Alkasquawlik
    started a topic Glovebox latch

    Glovebox latch

    I let one of my drunk girl friends grab something out of the glovebox in my car last week, and I'm assuming she yanked too hard in her idiotic drunken stupor and broke my glovebox.

    The glovebox is closed, but the latch seems to be broken. I can pull on it, but it's not releasing and I can't open the glovebox.
    I tried prying it open from the side, but that won't work.

    Anyone have this problem before? I mean either way, I'm probably going to need to get a new glovebox, but I need to get in there because I have all my important shit in there.