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Non airbag rack in an airbag car?

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    Non airbag rack in an airbag car?

    Does anyone know if it will work? Will the columns need to be swapped too? The rack on my car is very loose and in need of replacement but it's a '90 hence having an airbag. My parts car is an '89 and has a refurbished rack so no airbag... Just want to see if theres any major difference that would prohibit the swap.

    You will be fine. The same part # was used from 11/86 on e30's.

    However a better swap would be to put a quicker rack in from a e36... There are plenty of threads on here of what is needed for that swap, but if you are looking to save cash and use the one you have in a parts car then you will be fine to use it and the column does not need to be changed


