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but, but.. shouldn't they ban Barney the purple pedifile too

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    but, but.. shouldn't they ban Barney the purple pedifile too

    contrary to thier intended use. Here is a quick look at the best (worst?) releases on tv every week.


    Somebody has been watching The Daily Show.

    Spongebob has already turned you into a homosexual so everyone break out the shortpants.
    Im now E30less.


      actually no it was on the forum at the empornium


        Damn, the necrophilia scene was really gross.


          Originally posted by ///M Powered
          Damn, the necrophilia scene was really gross.
          That scream made me laugh.
          I retired my E30 for now...
          E46 323i
          David Schultz


            The great thing is if you miss anything funny like the boob incedent you can go to that site to catch it. :roll:
            Im now E30less.


              From the way these schmucks act it's like somebody is going around the country tying people up, propping their eyes open, and forcing them to watch shows they don't want to see Clockwork-Orange style. If you don't want to see that stuff pick up the remote you self-righteous weenies. If you don't want your kids to watch it use the parental controls every TV and cable box has had for years or - here's a wild idea - pay enough attention to your kids that you can monitor what they're watching. Keep your morality out of my life. If I can't force you to nail your wife on camera you shouldn't be able to force me to be stuck with nothing more exciting than a Full House rerun on TV.


                don't bother venting about how stupid this site/org is... they are so out of touch with reality it's painful, and i pitty the children if these individuals in the real world...
                PNW Crew
                90 m3
                06 m5


                  South Park one is hilarious.
                  South Park has to be one of the most racist and homophobic show ever, but it's awesome.

                  The funny thing is, South Park mocks life's everyday foolish conflicts. Then they always seem to manage to pop in a moral at the end that, the conflict is really stupid and absurd.
                  All in all, I don't think that it sends a horrible message.
                  ~ Go Canucks Go! ~


                    I love that Dentyne Fire commercial.

