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Warning to all motorcyclists

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    Warning to all motorcyclists

    Last night my friend was driving home when an x3 pulled out in front of him. He had no stop sign but the x3 did, but was pulling around the corn to see if anyone was coming because of an obstructed line of sight.
    My friend did not have enough time to stop and ended up under the car.
    He is now in the hospital with a broken neck and no feeling in his legs or arms.

    Many motorcyclists tell them selves they are safe/defensive drivers and that because of that they will never get hit or hit anyone.
    This can happen to anyone at any time no mater how good of a driver you are.
    All it takes is a split second laps of attention and BAM! You wont be able to move for the rest of your life.
    For your own safety please just think of this every time you get on a bike.
    It might save your life.
    He is going to have a second surgery this up coming week after the swelling in his neck goes down.
    The doctors do not know if he will get feeling back in his limbs at this point.
    I will up date.
    "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten."

    That sucks man.
    Originally posted by Matt-B
    hey does anyone know anyone who gets upset and makes electronics?


      My condolences go out. Just does to show how good I do have it with my prosthetic


        wow dude that sucks. i was riding today and some douche cut me off i had to slam on my brakes and swerve out of the way. the driver didnt even look on the left lane where i was at. i hope your friend recovers and gets his feelings in his arms and legs back
        Originally posted by blunttech
        r3v does not fuck around. First you get banned, then they shoot you


          Fucking bmw drivers...

          But seriously. Thats hardcore, I got swiped riding home one day, I slid and hit the barrier feet first, couldn't move my legs till I finally got in the ambulance then things started working again..most frightning feeling i've ever had in my life. Hopefully he get things going again.
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          Originally posted by slammin.e28guy
          I <3 dead naked girls.


            Originally posted by 5Toes View Post
            My condolences go out. Just does to show how good I do have it with my prosthetic
            BK or AK, I've seen some folks BK that you'd never know.


              AK... sucka.

              Haha represent. Yeah BK is a hell of a lot easier


                Sorry to hear it, Always a thought in the back of my mind when I ride.

                I hope he makes a full quick recovery.
                1987 325i-M60b44 swap


                  Originally posted by 5Toes View Post
                  AK... sucka.

                  Haha represent. Yeah BK is a hell of a lot easier
                  More power to ya man, did some prosthetic work for a while when I was younger, I liked making legs, saw very few that were good with an AK.


                    I get around. Hahaha with a limp. But I dont really care, I can walk nice, but I choose not to.


                      Sorry to hear about your friend. Hope he makes a speedy, full recovery.

                      I am an MSF Instructor (have been for 20 yrs.) and other drivers are your least worry. 70% of all motorcycle accidents are 1-vehicle accidents.

                      Too many riders are reckless and exceed their own skillset.

                      Yea, there are those who get creamed by 'cagers', but that's not what you should be worrying about - Life is risk. Without casting aspersions, I wonder what the other driver has to say? Did your friend contribute to the incident in any way?

                      You're much more likely to die or be injured by your own lack of skill or judgement - those are the statistics.

                      Concentrate on your own skills and habits and see how much more safe riding becomes.



                        One thing I credit with keeping me alive over 15 years of motorcycle riding from age 16 to maybe 30yo (including a cross-country ride at age 20 - pa-fl-ca,la-ca,sf) is to ride like you are invisible.

                        Don't ever assume that anyone else on the road sees or notices you. The person making a left across your lane, the car that pulled up to the stop sign ahead like the X3, anyone at anytime.

                        Just expect them to drive and behave like you aren't there, you will be prepared to stop/avoid.

                        Does this suck and nearly take all the enjoyment out of riding? Yes, but the alternatives are much worse.


                          ^ +0ne. Assume everyone is a douche and not paying attention.
                          Sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully he will recover fully.


                            Your friend is in my prayers. Wonder how many of us on here ride. I've contemplated selling my sportbike - as I've gotten older I feel less bulletproof than I used to...
                            Originally posted by LJ851
                            kingston is the play by play announcer for this thread.
                            ‘Tis by the grace of God that my cars run!

                            Originally posted by unloadedak
                            Siobhan's Build Thread - UPDATED!


                              I hope your friend who drives the X3 understands now how easy it is to pick us riders off. This is more like a warning to drivers not warnings to riders. Our forums are full of stories like this. Its nothing new. The last day of the first season I rode, I was riding through a small downtown area with a green separating the directions. This woman just pulls halfway out because she is looking the WRONG direction for pulling out. Almost took me out. You learn quick that you have no control of your surroundings. After riding for just 4 years, I could fill a page with my close calls.
                              Ma che cazzo state dicendo? :|

