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New rx7 calipers - brake bleeding?

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    New rx7 calipers - brake bleeding?

    I am trying to bleed the brakes on my new rx7 calipers. It looks like I took all the air out of the system manually using a helper on the brake pedal, but it is still mushy and the car doesn't stop. Is there a trick to this? I almost wasted all of the brake fluid liter and I heard about flushing out the abs and tapping the calipers witha gamer to knock it around to free some air. What's the best way to get the system airless and firm?

    Pull the air the other way? up through the MC...
    ABS units scare me, i feel as if any air that goes in there will never come out.
    E30 buildy things


      How do you do that??? I heard something about air being stuck in the ABS and difficult to come out. I guess thats the case, so what do I do? I want to get this thing on the road.


        Get a motul break bleeder. Pump it up, attach a 5 foot tube off the caliper and watch the air bubbles fly out.


          Found out that I had the calipers on the wrong side like a nooooooooob. Switched right to left and left to right to have the bleeding nozzle to be on top and it bled no problemo.

