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1991 E30 - Four Door ( awesome condition) S50B30 Turbo drift build..
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In the midst of working on this car, im also working on my ke70 (Pretty close to finished and on the road) so I have been slightly distracted with shaving the engine bay on that car, plus a removal of the e30 spoiler, refurbished, resprayed and re-installed on the ke70..
Basically stripped the whole engine bay back, sanded, bogged holes with body filler and welded behind backing plates.. Waiting for it to dry before I sand it all back and primer the bay..
Also been slowly ripping out the engine bay on the e30, plus I installed a new steering wheel.. Dish, YES!
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Got some more stuff!!
So yeah, I purchased some goodies, hell yeah needed a roll around chair, a stool and a roller back seat also grabbed a whole lot of degreaser spray cans!! 3 for 4$..
Also took the liberty or stacking some tyres up nice and neat for "SHED SPACE", purchased that chrome water tank which should be useful..
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You cant build a car without fresh tools, right?
Got my hands on a pretty decent sized sidchrome tool box, and a whole heap of new tools, including a ryobi cordless drill and grinder..
As you can see in the last photo when you want to remove a bonnet by yourself and you want to get it done the most simply speedy way possible you just rip it off with an engine crane..
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