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LOOK OUT EPA say CO2 threat to public health and safety

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    LOOK OUT EPA say CO2 threat to public health and safety

    Seems that now that CO2 is a health hazard the EPA can regulate it via the clean air act. This is gonna be a big deal as everything its about to get really expensive. Have to hurry up and get this shit done, not that the cat is outta the bag that the Climate change industry has been making shit up. Have to get it done before the masses get wind of it, and so the tools in Copenhagen think we are on board with them.

    this is all based on the UN's BS bogus info.

    Hope and change, hope you all are happy with your choice

    first for the Kiddies, hippies, tree huggers and dbags, because if I dont link your news site you chalk it up to propaganda :roll:

    for the rest of us,

    Some other sources to confirm the Bull shit
    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

    In the face of GOP opposition, the EPA on Monday declared greenhouse gases a danger to public health in a move that could pave the way for future regulation. 
    Last edited by mrsleeve; 12-07-2009, 04:38 PM.
    Originally posted by Fusion
    If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
    The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

    The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

    Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
    William Pitt-

    seriously, can anyone here believe what has happened this year?
    i defy anyone to explain why CO2 is a threat to health?
    i feel like i'm being suffocated by the government, everywhere i turn its something else

    this is what we get for the first black prez, an fucking looney from chicago
    “There is nothing government can give you that it hasn’t taken from you in the first place”
    Sir Winston Churchill


      Fuck the Kiddies, hippies, tree huggers and dbags. They can go colonize Mars. Fuckin' queers.


        oh noes. Prius for all. I bet pellet guns and paintball guns will become contraban soon. And exhaling.

        You guys know how much the US taxes dairy farmers due to cow ass methane release. IIRC it's like $6-800/cow/year.


          Originally posted by gwb72tii View Post
          seriously, can anyone here believe what has happened this year?
          i defy anyone to explain why CO2 is a threat to health?
          i feel like i'm being suffocated by the government, everywhere i turn its something else

          this is what we get for the first black prez, an fucking looney from chicago
          Whats so new about this? The USA has been apeshit about global warming and environmental protection long before Obama was in office. How about I answer your question and you tell me what new great lengths Obama has gone through to turn your life upside down with propaganda regarding air pollution?

          Technically speaking the only real nonaction or reversal since the effort to prevent "global warming" and basically protect the environment was during GWB's reign of terror. During that time he refused to actively and aggressively pursue the subject, leaving the door open for big business and manufacturers to pollute. Less restrictions means less cost to meet more stringent requirements and less vigorous testing. All of this equates to maximizing profits, and is arguably a very modern-day republican move of deregulation.

          First and foremost, the threat is not only Co2, but Co, as well as nitrogen dioxide and other pollutants that come from burning of fuels, carbonating beverages, spray cans, and other byproducts of human civilization.

          Technically speaking, air pollution in major cities is a very high risk to your health. Studies have shown that air pollution increases all kinds of pulmonary diseases such as Asthma and COPD, as well as significantly increasing the risk for respiratory infection in the demographics most vulnerable, being the children and elderly.

          Not only that, but the haze that hovers over many big cities traps in heat, increasing temperatures during the summer, running more risk of dangerous hot spells, heat waves, etc, which have been proving to be an increasing epidemic in the United States. In big cities it's shutting down main modes of transit, taking out power, costing the LITTLE person hundreds or thousands of dollars more just to keep cool and overall is contributing further to the pollution and smog by putting more air conditioners and thus freon, another pollutant, out in the world. This causes power shortages, increase in utility rates, injury and death to some people.

          So basically what they're saying is that by continuing to pollute you pose significant health risks to not only yourself, but the former and future generations.

          I don't necessarily think that global warming is a legitimate reason to flip shit, but I definitely think that people need to be more cautious and aware of their effect on the planet that we all inhabit. Recycling, reducing emissions, etc are all for the greater good of society. You might not care about yourself, but I guarantee there are at least 10 people you care very much about. This isn't just your world, it's theirs too. This place is for everyone. If you don't care about your lungs, maybe you should consider your children's or your grandparent's or your parent's, or whatever.


          I hate green peace. fucking terrorist bastards. I do, however; love playing the devil's advocate.


            and this pretty much says it all too

            Watching Social Security Eat the Young Alive
            By Bill Frezza

            My 26 year old son got the most extraordinary letter from the Social Security Administration last week. In plain English it admitted that the system was a Ponzi scheme destined for bankruptcy more than a decade before he reaches retirement age. It warned that if he is to have any hope of retiring he'd better start saving on his own. Anyone who wasn't personally hypnotized by FDR knows this to be true. Yet I was still surprised that such a frank government confession didn't make national news.

            The two-page pamphlet entitled "What young workers should know about Social Security and saving" reminds us that 50 million, or one in six, Americans will collect more than $614 Billion dollars in Social Security benefits this year. It informs young people that the Security Taxes they now pay go into a "Trust Fund" that is used to pay current beneficiaries. Paying off early investors with funds taken from later investors is precisely how Wikipedia defines a Ponzi scheme. The pamphlet advises that the Social Security Board of Trustees estimates that the "Trust Fund" will be depleted before my son's 54th birthday. Because people are living longer and the birth rate is low, it goes on, taxes paid by workers in the future will not be enough to pay the benefits promised in his personalized retirement account statement enclosed with the pamphlet. Imagine what hell would break loose if Schwab or Fidelity Investments enclosed a confession like this when they mailed investors their 401(k) statements.

            On top of the negative rate of return young people paying into Social Security are expected to suffer, the pamphlet concludes that my son should plan on taking an additional 24% haircut on the benefits promised in his statement. This is the same healthy young kid being told that he will soon have to buy an artificially overpriced health insurance policy so his premiums can be redistributed to aging Baby Boomers lobbying Congress for free stuff.

            Given the fact that Social Security will be bankrupt before my son even reaches my age, the pamphlet directs him to a handy web calculator that shows how much he will have to save every week if he hopes to retire on his own. Play with it for a few minutes and you realize that there is only one field in the calculator that really matters, and that is the rate of inflation. Plug in an annual inflation rate of one or two percent and the numbers look pretty reasonable as compound interest works its magic. But stick in the double digit inflation figures that were in vogue when Jimmy Carter was president and a funny thing happens. In order to prepare for retirement, young people would have to save more than they make!

            Given the Vesuvius of cash the Fed pumped into the economy to disguise the real estate debacle, what do you think the odds are that inflation is going to stay at one or two percent?

            Why do kids put up with this? Last time I checked they were old enough to vote. An entire generation is being systematically robbed by their parents with nary a peep. Why aren't they marching in the streets like we did? When they do show up at the polls like sheep ready to be shorn, they pull the lever for kumbaya politicians promising to stick them with the bill for an ever-expanding menu of unfunded middle class entitlements.

            There only conclusion I can come to is that we Baby Boomers have infantilized our children into idiocy.

            Our kids got so used to being taken care of, educated, clothed, entertained, and driven to the mall that they somehow got the idea that this life of Reilly would go on forever. Little did they know that we were luring them into an adulthood of intergenerational slavery. Baby Boomers made a mess out of what was once the most productive economy in human history. Rather than atoning for our errant ways by paying our own bills, we seem determined to use Congress to squeeze every last bit of cash out of anyone we can get our hands on before we shuffle off this mortal coil. Après nous, le Déluge.

            Impoverished by our incessant demands for free government services, our children will most likely get revenge by not providing us with any grandchildren. Even if they wanted kids, how will they afford them if half their paycheck is confiscated to take care of us? As the most self-absorbed generation in American history, I suppose Baby Boomers will find it easy to live out their days bereft of grandchildren, much as the French and Italians have. Can this really be the Great Society we've been promising to bequeath to posterity?

            Bill Frezza is a partner at Adams Capital Management, an early-stage venture capital firm. He can be reached at If you would like to subscribe to his weekly column, drop a note to
            “There is nothing government can give you that it hasn’t taken from you in the first place”
            Sir Winston Churchill


              Originally posted by genocide98 View Post
              Whats so new about this? The USA has been apeshit about global warming and environmental protection long before Obama was in office. How about I answer your question and you tell me what new great lengths Obama has gone through to turn your life upside down with propaganda regarding air pollution?

              Technically speaking the only real nonaction or reversal since the effort to prevent "global warming" and basically protect the environment was during GWB's reign of terror. During that time he refused to actively and aggressively pursue the subject, leaving the door open for big business and manufacturers to pollute. Less restrictions means less cost to meet more stringent requirements and less vigorous testing. All of this equates to maximizing profits, and is arguably a very modern-day republican move of deregulation.

              First and foremost, the threat is not only Co2, but Co, as well as nitrogen dioxide and other pollutants that come from burning of fuels, carbonating beverages, spray cans, and other byproducts of human civilization.

              Technically speaking, air pollution in major cities is a very high risk to your health. Studies have shown that air pollution increases all kinds of pulmonary diseases such as Asthma and COPD, as well as significantly increasing the risk for respiratory infection in the demographics most vulnerable, being the children and elderly.

              Not only that, but the haze that hovers over many big cities traps in heat, increasing temperatures during the summer, running more risk of dangerous hot spells, heat waves, etc, which have been proving to be an increasing epidemic in the United States. In big cities it's shutting down main modes of transit, taking out power, costing the LITTLE person hundreds or thousands of dollars more just to keep cool and overall is contributing further to the pollution and smog by putting more air conditioners and thus freon, another pollutant, out in the world. This causes power shortages, increase in utility rates, injury and death to some people.

              So basically what they're saying is that by continuing to pollute you pose significant health risks to not only yourself, but the former and future generations.

              I don't necessarily think that global warming is a legitimate reason to flip shit, but I definitely think that people need to be more cautious and aware of their effect on the planet that we all inhabit. Recycling, reducing emissions, etc are all for the greater good of society. You might not care about yourself, but I guarantee there are at least 10 people you care very much about. This isn't just your world, it's theirs too. This place is for everyone. If you don't care about your lungs, maybe you should consider your children's or your grandparent's or your parent's, or whatever.


              I hate green peace. fucking terrorist bastards. I do, however; love playing the devil's advocate.
              CO2 is not a pollutant
              “There is nothing government can give you that it hasn’t taken from you in the first place”
              Sir Winston Churchill


                Originally posted by gwb72tii View Post
                CO2 is not a pollutant

                So go huff CO2 and tell me how you feel. :)

                Co2, while not technically a pollutant after having a judgment reversed, is definitely harmful to the human species. It is still subject to the clean air act- despite not being classified as a 'pollutant' Why? Simple. Co2 is heavy. Heavy things sink. The more heavy gasses we have down below, the less air we have to breathe. Less air to breathe can and IS detrimental to your health.

                Technically, if you read carefully I did not say Co2 was a pollutant, only that it was harmful. Other pollutants being carbon monoxide, which is, and nitrogen dioxide, which is also a pollutant.


                In a nutshell Co2 is fine, however toxic or unacceptably high levels of Co2 have an extreme detriment to your health and or well being.

                So can you answer my question now?


                  Originally posted by gwb72tii View Post
                  i defy anyone to explain why CO2 is a threat to health?
                  Go into your garage, make sure all the doors are closed, turn on your car and wait there for an hour. Then come back here and tell us all that co2 is not a health hazard.


                    That in mono oxide silly. co2 is dioxide.


                      Originally posted by LBJefferies View Post
                      Go into your garage, make sure all the doors are closed, turn on your car and wait there for an hour. Then come back here and tell us all that co2 is not a health hazard.
                      Pretty much.

                      It's not a health hazard on the smaller scale of things, but upsetting the balance of the delicate ecosystem we live in is definitely a bad thing.

                      These regulations would typically target those who output the most emissions, such as manufacturers, big businesses, larger trucks and trailers, etc.

                      I love how people try to make this about the little guy- we don't even get the shit end of this. So what if we pay another $5 to get tags for our cars- it sucks.. but at least we aren't paying EXPONENTIALLY like big business..


                        Originally posted by Farbin Kaiber View Post
                        That in mono oxide silly. co2 is dioxide.
                        No, carbon monoxide and dioxide are both a byproduct of an internal combustion gasoline powered engine.

                        In this article, cached btw, it is stated that up to 33% of the USA's carbon dioxide production is from automobiles


                          DO you believe everything Al tells you ?????

                          CO2 account for .038% of the atmosphere and is a horrible green house gas. Water vapor is the best green house gas and accounts for over 98% of the green house gases in the atmosphere. So Co2 is less then 1% of total green house gases and way less than 1 tenth of a % of total atmosphere. We as humans cant make enough co2 to do shit to those percentages. Why do you think they list it TONs emitted, to sensationalize it so it sound like a lot

                          Next all those other trace pollutants you are bitching about have been all but eliminated from 99% of industry and exhausts. The NOx you refer to is why the EPA wont let ultra high efficiency cars into this country, as they have a fraction too much NOx on the rollers but fail to account for the extra millage traveled comapred to a the lower mileage car with acceptable NOx levels

                          Lastly BHO and his Progressive cronies are trampling freedoms left and right, This right here lets the feds into your life and allows them to control every aspect of it. As CO2 is part of our very existence, from the natural production of food (plants need the CO2) and the fuels that make your food, bring it too you, you use to prepare it. The fuel used to heat and cool your home, power and produce every single part of out lives. Do you think all those evil big business and trucks that MAKE and DELIVER every thing to you in your little wonderland, WONT PASS THE COST ON TO ALL OF US. THIS IS ALL ABOUT THE LITTLE GUY AND CONTROLLING US

                          Oh and 100% O2 can be bad for your health too, it blows up if there is a spark, Also detrimental to your health

                          Get a clue dude

                          Originally posted by genocide98 View Post
                          Whats so new about this? The USA has been apeshit about global warming and environmental protection long before Obama was in office. How about I answer your question and you tell me what new great lengths Obama has gone through to turn your life upside down with propaganda regarding air pollution?

                          Technically speaking the only real nonaction or reversal since the effort to prevent "global warming" and basically protect the environment was during GWB's reign of terror. During that time he refused to actively and aggressively pursue the subject, leaving the door open for big business and manufacturers to pollute. Less restrictions means less cost to meet more stringent requirements and less vigorous testing. All of this equates to maximizing profits, and is arguably a very modern-day republican move of deregulation.

                          First and foremost, the threat is not only Co2, but Co, as well as nitrogen dioxide and other pollutants that come from burning of fuels, carbonating beverages, spray cans, and other byproducts of human civilization.

                          Technically speaking, air pollution in major cities is a very high risk to your health. Studies have shown that air pollution increases all kinds of pulmonary diseases such as Asthma and COPD, as well as significantly increasing the risk for respiratory infection in the demographics most vulnerable, being the children and elderly.

                          Not only that, but the haze that hovers over many big cities traps in heat, increasing temperatures during the summer, running more risk of dangerous hot spells, heat waves, etc, which have been proving to be an increasing epidemic in the United States. In big cities it's shutting down main modes of transit, taking out power, costing the LITTLE person hundreds or thousands of dollars more just to keep cool and overall is contributing further to the pollution and smog by putting more air conditioners and thus freon, another pollutant, out in the world. This causes power shortages, increase in utility rates, injury and death to some people.

                          So basically what they're saying is that by continuing to pollute you pose significant health risks to not only yourself, but the former and future generations.

                          I don't necessarily think that global warming is a legitimate reason to flip shit, but I definitely think that people need to be more cautious and aware of their effect on the planet that we all inhabit. Recycling, reducing emissions, etc are all for the greater good of society. You might not care about yourself, but I guarantee there are at least 10 people you care very much about. This isn't just your world, it's theirs too. This place is for everyone. If you don't care about your lungs, maybe you should consider your children's or your grandparent's or your parent's, or whatever.


                          I hate green peace. fucking terrorist bastards. I do, however; love playing the devil's advocate.
                          Last edited by mrsleeve; 12-07-2009, 05:24 PM.
                          Originally posted by Fusion
                          If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
                          The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

                          The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

                          Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
                          William Pitt-


                            Originally posted by mrsleeve View Post
                            DO you believe everything Al tells you ?????

                            CO2 account for .038% of the atmosphere and is a horrible green house gas. Water vapor is the best green house gas and accounts for over 98% of the green house gases in the atmosphere. So Co2 is less then 1% of total green house gases and way less than 1 tenth of a % of total atmosphere. We as humans cant make enough co2 to do shit to those percentages. Why do you think they list it TONs emitted, to sensationalize it so it sound like a lot

                            Next all those other trace pollutants you are bitching about have been all but eliminated from 99% of industry and exhausts. The NOx you refer to is why the EPA wont let ultra high efficiency cars into this country, as they have a fraction too much NOx on the rollers but fail to account for the extra millage traveled comapred to a the lower mileage car with acceptable NOx levels

                            Lastly BHO and his Progressive cronies are trampling freedoms left and right, This right here lets the feds into your life and allows them to control every aspect of it. As CO2 is part of our very existence, from the natural production of food (plants need the CO2) and the fuels that make your food, bring it too you, you use to prepare it. The fuel used to heat and cool your home, power and produce every single part of out lives.

                            Get a clue dude
                            I didn't cite any figures relating to Co2 and green house gases, I simply cited a figure which was the percentage of source Co2 production (which is truthful) and that Co2 is in fact detrimental to the health of a human being (which is also truthful)

                            I never stated that Co2 is bad, in fact I stated it is integral to maintaining equilibrium in our environment (ecosystem) and in addition to that I believe that it should be regulated in order to preserve our ecosystem and living environment.

                            Now that you're done making wild assumptions can we get back to a reasonable, adult debate, derived of facts? or should we put words in people's mouths and get our panties in a bunch like children?


                              Originally posted by LBJefferies View Post
                              Go into your garage, make sure all the doors are closed, turn on your car and wait there for an hour. Then come back here and tell us all that co2 is not a health hazard.
                              It seems that very few here have caught the point of declaring carbon dioxyde (not carbon monoxyde - LBJ) a health hazard, just before Copehagen. Indeed, if it is a recognized health hazard, the US administration can impose laws on pollution and Greenhouse gases. Now you see where it's going.
                              Brake harder. Go faster. No shit.



