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Radar detector reviews

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    Radar detector reviews

    I'm in the market for a new detector. The sites I saw looked more like an advertisement than unbiased reviews. Can anyone reccomend me a site?

    Valentine 1 is all you need to know.


      I have a cobra and its not crazy over priced like the valentine 1. It's more than paid for it self n always works.


        Pretty much the plug-in Escorts or the Valentines are the only really good ones. They have 4 receivers so they are sensetive as fuck in multiple directions and have good processors for managing the signals and mitigating false alarms. If you look in the car magazines there are always like 30 point differentials between those and the rest (with Valentine usually getting a slight edge). Not to mention those are flashable so they can be updated with new features.

        Plus usability. My girlfriend got a Cobra POS and I dont even like riding in the car when she uses it because its so annoying and a Bell lit my friends lighter socket on fire.
        Im now E30less.

