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Anyone here in Marketing?

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    Anyone here in Marketing?

    The twists and turns of life have landed me in a marketing job. I run a mobile market company. Not much of a company yet, but we have been up and running two weeks and already have some high profile prospects.

    So, I have an opportunity to work with the largest radio station in atlanta that does all the sports talk radio and is the sports presence in atlanta for MLB NBA NFL blah blah blah.

    I have been given complete power of the marketing company with full financial backing. Trouble with that is I have no one telling me what to charge these people.

    Does anyone have experience with advertising and what not?

    I am specifically needing help with pricing for single day campaigns.

    I work in advertising but for network tv. We usually look at how many homes we are available in and what percentage of those homes are actually watching our content. Then, we take a look at our competitors and size ourselves against them and price accordingly. Of course, other factors are involved such as integration and cross platform promoting. What you'll probably need to know is how much traffic (eyeballs) you think you can deliver and of that pool of traffic what percentage of them are your target demographic. That will give you your share. Being a start up and not having much of a reputation you may need to price yourselves lower than your competitors just to develop a clientele/portfolio.

    I feel like this may not make sense but if it does good luck.

    Edit: just saw the site. This kind of marketing, as i see here in NYC, alot of agencies do giveaways on the street, as opposed to just some random dude wearing a billboard. But usually they gather a decent audience when your giving away stuff. Thats just one angle of course but i. Just throwing out some ideas at ya.

    Ok, im done.
    Last edited by 5ickride; 04-05-2011, 09:07 PM.

