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Steaming from the ears!

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    Steaming from the ears!

    So I get up today and my bed is right by the window. So I look outside because you can see my car from it and baby is gone!

    I call the police, nothing, I call my rental company, closed. Wait an hour and rental company opens. They give me the number to the towing company they use and I call. Ooo..yea sir your little red BMW is here, pick her up at 1:45am.

    I do believe that I did forget to put my pass in the window but we are in our own little parking lot and I got home at 1:15 last night...they don't mess around. Finally mess....$108 to get it out.

    So why would my rental company make us fill out documents with our license plate number/year/make/model/vin of our vehicles that we are getting passes for? Pella told me, "well sir it has nothing to do with the parking passes", and I said, "then why the hell did I have to give you all that info?" I kinda yelled at her and said I don't know how many red old bmw's you have on you list but I have only seen 2 mine, my bros. She is like no, you are the only two with red ones.

    Well, I call the towing company back. I ask what if my car is damaged while being transported to your lot. She says, well it depends what the severity of the damage is..haha thats fuckin stupid.

    I called my brother and he said there is a towing company that goes around to all the lots around campus and checks for passes. If you don't have a pass they takey.

    Definately my fault but it was a half and hour and I don't understand why I have to give them vehicle info.
    Here it goes...

    I once parked a lot for an hour and 2 minutes; and the dude towed my car. I had a reciept from coffee bean that proved I was there for that long. The max you could of parked there was 1 hours.

    Bitch tried to tow my car, I called the cops on him for stealing. They get there and see they're towing my car for 2 minutes and the cops let me keep my car. =]


      2 minutes. People are fuck faces


        wow that is some true crap, glad you can get it back tho, $108 for that is redickulas tho.


          Sucks bro. I've had my car towed before, cocksuckers flatspotted my rear tires!! I made them pay for new ones (I put them on a week before and had receipts). I can't beleive they didn't know it was RWD, and didn't stick dollies under.

          Keep it slideways!!


            I hope I don't have to worry about that because my buddy saw it going down the road and said it was being pulled from the back end. Is there anything I should look for when I go pick it up. If they damaged anything I will be pissed beyond belief


              I parked in a bad spot at my HS once. I saw the principal at my car and I said is anything wrong? They made me get my grade admin, but It was too late and the tow truck was already there. It was gay because my car was AWD and they were trying to tow it with a regular tow truck. He lifeted it up and the front tires were skidding across the ground as he was driving off. I told them but they did not listen to me. I had to pay $50 to get it down
              Originally posted by cabriodster87
              "Honey? What color is this wire? Is it the same as that one? Are you sure? I don't believe it. OK, it works. Thank you sweetie."
              Originally posted by Kershaw
              i've got a boner and a desire to speed.


                My baby is back home safe with the F*kin tag on the rear view mirror. I got to the lot and asked the guy if he saw my pass, he obviously said no and continued to say if it is in view, anywhere in the car we won't tow it. So I show him that it is laying on the passenger seat...just it and the seat. He says "sorry bro but its upside down". Was not happy after he said that. But hey worse stuff could happen in life so I am over it. Atleast she's safe.


                  And it was surprising to me that they have a 5 ft rule (this is what he said)which is obviously that a car has to be 5 ft from each side. Mine was the last one in the row....on the side I had a car..Brand new M5 with the 30 day tags still on.


                    I've never gotten my car towed, but if I ever come up on a towtruck driver hooking up, he better be nice and leave (for free, I aint hooking his ass up) or he better have a gun.
                    I'd knock his ass out if he wouldn't put my car down.


                      Hey at least it wasnt jacked.


                      2001 Titaniumsilber 540i Sport 6-Speed
                      1990 Diamantschwarz Alpha-N 2.5L ///M3
                      1986 Alpinweiss 325e M50B25 (R.I.P.)

                      -Talk to me when more sound comes from the induction than from the exhaust...

                      -Argentina........lo mas grande que hay.


                        I remember when I was in college, same shit...every night. I always had my pass displayed in the window, but that meant I couldn't use the car cover when we had bad snow storms or lots of rain.

                        Tow companies that have contracts with college parking lots are a joke.


                          I'm glad it wasn't jacked either but I also was wanting to put a cover on it in the winter quarter and I was told by my rental company that I must contact them EVERY day and tell them to contact towing company to make sure that they don't take my car....Damn every day


                            What if I buy one of those boots and put it on the back tire and snug the car up to the wall in front of the parking lot? haha, Im not going to do this but might work


                              that sucks man, people are stupid

                              A couple years ago I parked my ol Fiero on a side street a few blocks away from a ferry terminal because all the legal pay parking lots were full. I come back from my night on the island the next day and sure enough she's gone. I call the tow company and they say they have my car and I can have it for $80. My dad takes me down to the tow company and drives right into the lot. My car's not blocked in by anything so I get in it and we both drive away8-) .....fuckers.

                              I thought it mighta been fun to report it stolen after I took it and to have them shit their pants when I show up looking for the car, but then again I didn't feel like being pulled over and cuffed for driving a stolen vehicle....
                              1991 Diamantschwarz 318is
                              1998 Cosmosschwarz M3 Sedan

