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Worst job youve ever had

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    Worst job youve ever had

    it doesnt have to be a full time gig. maybe just something you had to do at some point in your life that was the worst thing possible at the time

    i used to have several contracts with the city of st paul minnesota. one was to clean the county jails.
    you have never seen shit like ive seen smeared on the walls and floor. theres no telling what some of that stuff was.
    i would take a small crew in and work 4 hour shifts cleaning jail cells and cell blocks. it was the best paying gig per hour ive ever had but also the most disgusting. i made 80k a year to work 4 hours a week with a crew of 4 and i paid them 11 bucks an hour. it was downright scary though being in contact with human waste and blood. i would suit up like a fucking astronaut and go in.
    later when i was done i would scrub down with jet fuel and a wire brush.
    i also had a contract to clean all the city owned parking ramps in downtown st paul. this was the biggest fucking scam ive ever heard of and frankly im a little embarrassed to admit i did this. one night i had 3 kids with me and i had got the ok to clean and sanitize this dank smelling parking ramp. it was 3 levels and had approx 50 stalls on each level. i told the city i would disinfect the walls and floors in each level for 18 cents a square foot
    the total bill was just over 6k and it took us 2 hours and supplies were less than 30 bucks. i went and bought a bunch of hilex bleach,,, filled up garden sprayers and sent each kid out to spray this shit on anything that didnt move.
    we were done in no time and went out for dinner and played pool then came back incase anyone was around.
    i still hold this contract but dont work it and havent in 15 years. the city official i knew retired and some new asshole now is in charge of things and isnt willing to piss away city funds anymore
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    Can't say I've ever had too bad of a job - at least from a disgusting factor.

    I used to do some legal work for an outfit in the rendering business. I got to know of some pretty nasty jobs.

    They have these guys who work in what is called the "dead stock room". Their job is to handle dead livestock brought in -skin it, gut it, and chop it up so it can be thrown into the processing line. I've been told that these guys virtually carry this smell with them wherever they go - no amount of normal bathing gets it out of them.

    Imagine that job in the heat of the summer in someplace like, say, Louisiana or Texas . . .
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      I love your stories Blunt. More stories please!

      Worst job I ever had? Lifeguard at $5.15 an hour. I've lived an easy life. Sure I had to mop up the changing/showers/bathroom and clean that shit. But I know I had it good, just not at that price.

      Life is much easier now.


        Uhh working at a family (Not Mine) owned Hardware store... 5.50/hr, 100+ Degree days, never inside always in a warehouse, lifting 100 lbs. cement. sucks...

        Now i work for my father who owns a saw sharpening business. they also sell large Coldsaw machines etc.
        Dan Zickel
        1995 M3, 1991 318iS, 1987 325iS


          Originally posted by DaveCN View Post
          Can't say I've ever had too bad of a job - at least from a disgusting factor.
          Same. Though I think the worst job I ever had from an overall standpoint was I was a "houseman" at a 5-star hotel here in Bend, called The Riverhouse. Absolutely beautiful place, amazing rooms, beautiful views, great golf course and restaraunt, and tons of celebrities and big tippers. That was all on the outside. Basically, what I did was go around all day and pick up the HUGE bags of linens from all of the rooms that the housekeepers had just cleaned, and haul them back to laundry. This place has about 400 rooms, and they load about 20 or so rooms of linens into these bags. I'm talking everything, including every room's sopping wet shower and pool towels. I can't tell you how many times I got soaked carrying these 100 lb. bags of wet towels and sheets a 1/4 mile back to laundry.

          Besides that job, I had to clean out the fireplaces in all the rooms that had them, which sucked ass, as well as wash all the glasses (not those plastic Motel-6 cups) and put cellophane over them. 400 some-odd rooms x 5 glass per room, you can imagine how much fun that was. I also had to vaccum ALL of the hallways outside the rooms, inside and out, which took FOREVER because I had to use this humongous vaccum cleaner that didn't work worth a shit. And the best job of all, everyday at 6am, the FIRST thing I did when I got there at the ass-crack of dawn, was put on my fall protection harness and climb the 40' readerboard out in front on the highway, and change the board, with those big plastic letters. Super fun in the middle of winter when it's 10 degrees outside, the wind is blowing 20 mph, and if you drop one of those fucking letters in that temperature, they hit the ground and shatter, so you have to detach from your line, go all the way back inside and get another one. Six lines per side, 2 sided board, usually took about an hour or two.

          Aside from that, the houskeeping staff lounge was a pile of shit, one shitty 20 year old microwave, an even older fridge, nasty as fuck everywhere, and all the housekeepers were either drunks, tweakers or worse. The guy that owned the hotel was a complete asshole, and the only time I got tips was when the front desk called and said that all the bellhops were out doing shit and I had to go help unload someone's luggage. I hated that fucking job.


            the housekeepers at our hotels are all mexicans too . . . :drink:
            Current Cars
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            2009 R56 Cooper S
            1998 M3
            1997 M3


              My job wasn't nearly as bad as your guys, but i used to work at subway during the summer. Standing in front of ovens all day with no AC. $8/h. Now i'm a unemployed student.LOL
              91 318iS


                Originally posted by DaveCN View Post
                the housekeepers at our hotels are all mexicans too . . . :drink:
                About half the ones there were, too. They were the only ones that were sweet and weren't miserable fucking waffleswaffleswaffleswaffless.


                  The worst job that i had so far was working at a quarry/strip mine. The pay was only $8.00 an hour and 12 hour days with no breaks. I drove a front loader, which was the only part that i liked to do. It was proboply the worse job i had cause of the pay and hours with no breaks.

                  1992 BMW 325iC
                  1978 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
                  1965 Chevrolet Corvair Monza 140hp


                    oh geez, Josh - missed that one, didn't you . . .

                    Anyway, when I was in law school, I had a job at the Courthouse working as a pretrial officer - this entailed interviewing the newly arrested "citizenry" so that background checks could be done and given to a judge for the purpose of setting their bail.

                    As you can imagine, you get to meet all kinds of wonderful people who are in all kinds of conditions. WHen I started, I had weekends from Midnight - 8am - sweetness - when the best addicts and drunks came in.

                    Knowing some of the things I saw and smelled, I feel for blunt having to clean that shit up.
                    Current Cars
                    2014 M235i
                    2009 R56 Cooper S
                    1998 M3
                    1997 M3


                      Originally posted by E30 Reaktionär View Post
                      The worst job that i had so far was working at a quarry/strip mine. The pay was only $8.00 an hour and 12 hour days with no breaks. I drove a front loader, which was the only part that i liked to do. It was proboply the worse job i had cause of the pay and hours with no breaks.
                      That sounds horrible, jobs like that are the worst. I don't mind busting my ass and doing hard work, but you'd better fucking pay me what I deserve and and give at least the legal allotment of breaks.

                      Originally posted by DaveCN View Post
                      oh geez, Josh - missed that one, didn't you . . .
                      Nope, I got it Dave. :up:


                        Originally posted by Mr. Anderson View Post
                        That sounds horrible, jobs like that are the worst. I don't mind busting my ass and doing hard work, but you'd better fucking pay me what I deserve and and give at least the legal allotment of breaks.

                        The job was easy really, just sit in the loader and pick up rocks and dump them in a truck. But in Maryland there is no laws requiring employers to give you any kind of break.

                        1992 BMW 325iC
                        1978 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
                        1965 Chevrolet Corvair Monza 140hp


                          i have an equally disgusting job currently. i do a bunch of stuff but one of my jobs is to maintain all the equipment at my wifes dental practice. i fix everything and change oil in the compressor and splooge pump. the splooge pump is the main pump that runs the vacuum system. thats the suction device that sucks up saliva,blood,phlegm,chucks of your big mac stuck between your fucking teeth that you didnt brush away before coming in. yes you.
                          about once every 3 months this thing has a cannister that needs to be changed. this shit is labeled biohazard and has to be accounted for. i have to turn in a cannister every 3 months or we can be fined big dollars by the state. gone are the days you could set it on your tailgate and burn thru neighborhoods till it flew off
                          so once every three months i go down with 3 pairs of gloves on and a face mask and protective glasses. dude, you do not want any of this shit spraying in your eyes or on you in any could be HIV infected or who knows what. so we just bought a new building last year and moved my wifes practice from her old lease space to her new building and along with that came buying all new shit. so i have a new splooge pump im not familiar with.
                          the first time i go to change it i pull off this cannister and splooge juice literally goes flying everywhere. all over my pants and shit. its diluted splooge, not the nice creamy stuff but water based diluted splooge. but im fucking serious when i say i ripped all my clothes off right then and there and started douching my entire body in the washtubs. none got into my eyes or mouth or anything thank god but it was the most disgusting feeling ever. i later read the directions and found out the pump needs to be running when you change the cannister so juice doesnt fly
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                            I worked at a store like cosco, restocking the floors and shelves with food and whatever. I worked from 10PM to 6AM with two breaks. The job was not horrible, but sleeping during the day till 2PM sucks. Also, I had to lift hunderes of pounds of shit every night and I was always tired. I left after 4 days.

                            I know that is not that bad, but I am only 19 so not as many jobs as you guys. Blunt, 80K a year for that first job is pretty nice. I know the job sucked, but the pay was damn good. But ya, I would have left too.
                            Originally posted by cabriodster87
                            "Honey? What color is this wire? Is it the same as that one? Are you sure? I don't believe it. OK, it works. Thank you sweetie."
                            Originally posted by Kershaw
                            i've got a boner and a desire to speed.


                              Originally posted by blunt View Post
                              i have an equally disgusting job currently. i do a bunch of stuff but one of my jobs is to maintain all the equipment at my wifes dental practice. i fix everything and change oil in the compressor and splooge pump. the splooge pump is the main pump that runs the vacuum system. thats the suction device that sucks up saliva,blood,phlegm,chucks of your big mac stuck between your fucking teeth that you didnt brush away before coming in. yes you.
                              about once every 3 months this thing has a cannister that needs to be changed. this shit is labeled biohazard and has to be accounted for. i have to turn in a cannister every 3 months or we can be fined big dollars by the state. gone are the days you could set it on your tailgate and burn thru neighborhoods till it flew off
                              so once every three months i go down with 3 pairs of gloves on and a face mask and protective glasses. dude, you do not want any of this shit spraying in your eyes or on you in any could be HIV infected or who knows what. so we just bought a new building last year and moved my wifes practice from her old lease space to her new building and along with that came buying all new shit. so i have a new splooge pump im not familiar with.
                              the first time i go to change it i pull off this cannister and splooge juice literally goes flying everywhere. all over my pants and shit. its diluted splooge, not the nice creamy stuff but water based diluted splooge. but im fucking serious when i say i ripped all my clothes off right then and there and started douching my entire body in the washtubs. none got into my eyes or mouth or anything thank god but it was the most disgusting feeling ever. i later read the directions and found out the pump needs to be running when you change the cannister so juice doesnt fly
                              You win. I think mouths are fucking disgusting, and being doused in 3 months worth of mouth scum would have killed me right then and there.

