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The Official Drunk & Stupid Thread

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    Originally posted by permit
    Because a forum is designed for people to respond to shit.

    People would be pissed off if they posted pics of their car, and not a single person posted a reply. Time to go read how badly the flat-black-spray-can-man got torn up...
    Perfect R3V response by the looks of things. You seem to think i post has to be negative to be worthy of posting. I have no probs with someone saying that they dont like something someone has done or their car in general, its just the way that they get verbally swamped with negativity and insulting comments.
    Just remember there is someone out there that hates your car too but has the respect to not call it a POS,
    Anyway, I think it is a shame IMHO

    Old skool fool


      Originally posted by OLD323
      Perfect R3V response by the looks of things. You seem to think i post has to be negative to be worthy of posting. I have no probs with someone saying that they dont like something someone has done or their car in general, its just the way that they get verbally swamped with negativity and insulting comments.
      Just remember there is someone out there that hates your car too but has the respect to not call it a POS,
      Anyway, I think it is a shame IMHO
      We own e30s - 9 out of 10 are POS cars. And look at Calypso's post about his car - he gets it. We beat people down out of love - tough love.:p

      If you don't like it, then go to e30tech. Its PC heaven - no one dares offend anyone else.
      Current Cars
      2014 M235i
      2009 R56 Cooper S
      1998 M3
      1997 M3


        Originally posted by DaveCN
        We own e30s - 9 out of 10 are POS cars. And look at Calypso's post about his car - he gets it. We beat people down out of love - tough love.:p

        If you don't like it, then go to e30tech. Its PC heaven - no one dares offend anyone else.
        Fair enough, quite funny how someone challenges the knockers and its "go to e30tech"
        You are not offended are you, lol

        All good, im here for the E30s, POS or not and can give as good as i get so i guess so thank you guys for educating me on the R3V "code of conduct"

        Hehe, after saying that, I do like yours Permit lol, i could pick the shit out of it if i wanted to, give me a couple more weeks of being on here ;)
        Im sure you will train me well :mrgreen:

        Old skool fool


          Would it help if I said your car wasn't a POS? The sig pic looks schweet.

          We attack people on this site because they just do SOME REALLY DUMB SHIT to their e30s that were uncalled for and unnecessary. We shit on them because they're not moving towards making their e30 nice looking, they're going backwards, they make their car look shittier than it has to be (ie: spray paint man; I crashed my car so stop worrying where I went man; Heeter; ugly wheel man; and the inevitable destroyed-my-engine-homemade-turbo man).

          I could tear my car a new one too, its flawed, but ~$1200 will make it perfect, so I'm close.

          PS: Don't get this thread locked.


            Soz mate, not trying to get it locked.

            lol, my car is a POS, photos can do wonders lol but thanks for the comment.
            I havent had any neg comments actually so i dont have sour grapes or anything, just that the majority of E30 guys in Australia have a unspoken love/respect even if we hate each other LOL (take note Iain you TD drinking mofo) so i guess I assumed that it was the same world wide.

            i actually LOL'd reading this part
            (ie: spray paint man; I crashed my car so stop worrying where I went man; Heeter; ugly wheel man; and the inevitable destroyed-my-engine-homemade-turbo man).

            Classic. So do i now become blew-my-headgasket-from-too-much-thrashing-my-Dirty30? lol

            Cheers guys for the comments, it is appreciated

            Old skool fool


              No bashing on that, we're supposed to thrash our e30s around.

              Back to the subject at hand...let the drinking commence!


                imfcukign trashed.

                fuck your barborosa, but fuck you i haegv a chick from down the hall i ghet to fuck toignht youdockless fucks hahahahhaahhadie


                  Originally posted by E30godz
                  imfcukign trashed.

                  fuck your barborosa, but fuck you i haegv a chick from down the hall i ghet to fuck toignht youdockless fucks hahahahhaahhadie
                  HAHAHAHAHAHA, YES!!!!

                  Perfect example of why this thread was started.


                    iummfucking going to devestate your wolrd man


                      in a ogdod way


                        tehre are smileys at the bottom of the posts hting!!!!


                          you're all waffleswaffleswaffleswaffless. and i pee in your mother's butts.


                            Alright, who here loves to call the x and use?

                            91 m3


                              ugh bad morning/.


                                this kid in my chem lab shows up at 7:30 am with remanants of his costume from partying last night. his frat made him dress up as a woman, so naturally some of the eye-shadow remained, as well as about 50 different phone numbers and other random information written on his arm in permenant marker. i wish i had gotten a pic, that shit was priceless.

