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Don't even sit in your car drunk...

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    While I've slept in my car to avoid driving before when I was drunk, I can see why they don't want your engine on.*

    *warning: repost


      I've known about this law since before I was 16, so at least a decade, but at least it looks like it worked out better than it could have for ya.

      Originally posted by george graves View Post
      I "cab it" if I even have 1 drink.
      + muthafucking 1

      It's just not worth the risk. Especially for me as I live in a college town, I've been pulled out of the car for a sobriety test when I haven't had anything to drink.
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        I don't drink (haven't had drink or drug in over 10 years) and I demand the "1 drink and you ride a cab" deal from the GF...only I am the "cab".

        Seems to me that cops are not out to "protect and Serve" as much as they are to "Fine and Gouge". They seem to look to "tax" people who can afford to pay the fines.

        Rampant fucking criminals don't get busted, but heaven help your ass if you try and sleep off a few drinks before you go home!

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          Originally posted by StereoInstaller1 View Post
          I don't drink (haven't had drink or drug in over 10 years) and I demand the "1 drink and you ride a cab" deal from the GF...only I am the "cab".

          Seems to me that cops are not out to "protect and Serve" as much as they are to "Fine and Gouge". They seem to look to "tax" people who can afford to pay the fines.

          Rampant fucking criminals don't get busted, but heaven help your ass if you try and sleep off a few drinks before you go home!
          I agree with you whole-heartedly. Had this happened a few years ago, I would have been all pissed off saying I hate the cops here. But as I get a little bit older, I realize that even if they are dick head cops, I still have to give them a reason to arrest me. Also, if I were being robbed or something while I was passed out, I'd love the police to be there then.


            Originally posted by TwoJ's View Post
            Well, I'll probably get flamed for this, but I thought I'd share this story in case anyone is ignorant of the law like I was. This happened in February.

            I was pretty intoxicated on a Friday night while out with my friends. Around one they told me they were leaving to go to a house party, but I elected to stay because I thought I was going home with some girl.

            At the end of the night, I ended up not going home with her (probably babbled something retarded), and I had no ride. I didn't want to walk home in the snow, and was too stupid to get a cab, so I thought it would be a good idea to just sleep in my car. The police walk around downtown just patrolling the area around the bars and one of them saw me asleep in the car. Long story short, they knocked on the window, asked me what I was doing, I told them and then I got arrested. I was confused because I honestly didn't think I was breaking the law, but I had the key in the ignition (engine on for heat) and that is in fact illegal.

            So I was booked and charged with, "Physical Control of a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence". The case should be closed this week, my attorney negotiated with the prosecutor to a reduced charge of Negligent Driving.

            So in case you are ignorant like me and weren't aware of this law, now you are. Don't do what I did.

            PS: This is not a "fuck the police" thread or anything like that. I know I was in the wrong, I'm just giving a heads up.
            Fucking lame man.

            Happened to my buddy once, but he threw his keys down into a ravine.
            He told the cop what he did, and the cop gave him some bullshit how if he was smart enough to throw the keys, he was smart enough to not enter his car.

            Double check about having it changed to a negligent though. One of my coworkers had this done only to find out that his DUI wasnt as many points as a Neg.
            Originally posted by Teaguer
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              I knew you couldn't have the engine on, but I found out a few years back that you can't even have the key in the ignition.

              My dad used to be a part time cop, he said that some other cop he worked with got a call for a noise complaint. So he gets there, and he sees this guy working on his car. He just put a new stereo in it, had the KOEO and was dicking around with it. Well he had a few beers and the cop gave him a dui. Engine wasn't even on, but the key was in the ignition, and the guy was in the car with a beer.

              Pretty lame.
              Rollin' with a Geistkuchen


                From what I understand, if you are in the driver's seat, if the keys are within reach, then you are fucked.

                It's pretty crazy how much one little bad decision can end up costing.


                  the ol' PCMVUI
                  Your signature picture has been removed since it contained the Photobucket "upgrade your account" image.

                  Originally posted by TimKninja
                  Im more afraid of this thread turning into one of those classic R3v moments, where Pizza gets delivered.


                    Hey Jordan.

                    Were they city, county, campus? Where were you parked?
                    Originally posted by Teaguer
                    Filling an Eta's tank with super unleaded will reach the cars maximum attainable performance level .

                    Aa a bonus filling the tank will also double any Eta's resale value .


                      I thought I would update this thread. This happened a long fucking time ago and I have nearly paid my debt to society. I have been without a drivers license for 11 months. One more month to go and I'll be back to normalcy. I ended up having the charge reduced to reckless endangerment which pretty much carries no penalty. I got off with just probation and the obligatory court fees. I lost my license because I was irate with the officer and refused to blow (worst move ever).

                      I am racing with time to get my car wet sanded, cut and buffed so I can drive it the day I get my license back.


                        dude that sucks donkey dick.

                        that's why I get in good with the house owner and crash on the couch.
                        Youtube channel is up!-->According2Valentine

                        Your signature picture has been removed since it contained the Photobucket "upgrade your account" image.
                        If lucky, the E36 will die peacefully, in its natural habitat, and be given the prestigious honor of donating its parts to an E30
                        Originally posted by J3M93
                        This guy delivers, you are a boss


                          Oh man, that sucks. Especially since you tried to do the right thing and not drive while intoxicated. Can't believe they weren't a little more lenient for that fact alone. How much did this fiasco cost you in court?


                            Attorney was $3500, court fee was $1500, forced "substance abuse" treatment was $900, and then there is the cost for me to get my license back and pay for "financial responsibility" insurance. Plus I am 99% sure it prevented me from getting an internship this summer.

                            Holy shit, I never really added that up. Depressing.


                              Sucks a lot. Thanks for letting us know.
                              Originally posted by z31maniac
                              I just hate everyone.

                              No need for discretion.


                                this sucks what a bogas law,i know now when i am to drunk to drive to pass out with the keys in my pocket is this law only in Washington or state wide i wonder?

