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    I got a client job just the other day (after swearing up and down I wouldn't)
    He want's a hightech banner, standard buttons, etc, typical clutter associated
    to my art style, n' blah. Got about this far but I'm starting to second guess
    myself about a buncha stuff. You know a good way to finish this
    short and sweet. Feel free to look @ it 200/400+ magnification.

    Ideally it'll be cropped down to 1024x without to much loss of detail, or
    minor layer transfering after a image resize. Your on my page so I thought
    u'd be able to help. Gimme the four 11. n' btw thanx for the critique.

    「 Terror from the Rising Sun 」

    makes me feel cool just looking at it 8)
    R.I.P 07/01/09 - 04/23/10 :(


      I think it looks incredible. Which program do you use to create them?
      Originally posted by Gruelius
      and i do not know what bugg brakes are.


        insofar: 3D Studio Max R6, SolidWorks, PhotoShop, Illustrator.

        Here I added more weight to the clouds to diffuse the city below

        And here I added a cross shade to the rim, and browse button to
        add more of a dropped off feel to it.

        I'm still very unhappy with how the drop off is to the city, i feel like
        it doesn't seems very convincing so I'm trying every technique i know to
        run visualized depth. I've updated the entire picture, but don't have time
        to post the full img.
        「 Terror from the Rising Sun 」


          Looks really nice, I need to dust of photoshop and get back to doing some design work.


            Ya got skillz kid.
            Im now E30less.


              thanx for the compliment, but no not really.
              I'm just about average in the scheme of design.

              You should acredit some of the really good ones out there. :oops:
              「 Terror from the Rising Sun 」


                what is this intended for in terms of use...
                why are the buttons covered up...

                i like what i see so far im just sure i understand where its going


                  Not to critize too much(even though I cant do anything near that)

                  One little detail that bugs me is that the bulding that connects to the rest of the pic tilts , like twirls or twists. If you inteded for that ok, but just a little thing
                  Just wow


                    gnarly, wanna make me a sig? :D

                    i think they all look good


                      Originally posted by natorious
                      what is this intended for in terms of use...
                      why are the buttons covered up...

                      i like what i see so far im just sure i understand where its going
                      It's supposed to be a head unit banner for a webpage styled in the
                      semblance of a "Rave" flyer. Buttons aren't covered except for Browse
                      and I just covered the corner since it added depth the the primary part
                      of the piece, all buttons will be JS RollOvers pretty soon.
                      Do you have any advice for the left side of the piece, for some reason
                      I feel like it just doesn't quote flow right. I'm trying to decide what I can
                      put in there to make it as "busy" as the left side. I was thinking some
                      kind of LCD display or something but all my attempts just damage the
                      picture worse. To much Yin, no Yang I guess?

                      Btw Brian it's supposed to be like that to add depth to the picture
                      and the feeling of being on top.

                      Sorry Bryson, but I stopped doing Signatures for the members here.
                      「 Terror from the Rising Sun 」


                        Update of where I am at currently

                        And here's a part of the rollover sequence of the LCD
                        「 Terror from the Rising Sun 」


                          I think it would help to take the left side away from the edge and put a border around it to make it seem more like the top of a building.
                          It is supposed to be like the top of the building right? Right now it just doesnt flow right as you said.
                          PNW E30 CREW ///


                            i love what you did to the left side, but it almost makes it seem even more like two different things slammed together. it is too dark in between the two, maybe a bit less of a border between, and bring out the lines that flow between, bring them out a bit more. i dunno, just my opinion


                              comming along nicely i have to say... the browse button being partially covered up bothers the hell outta me tho...

                              will any of the interface on the top be functional? it wouldnt be that difficult to do that portion in flash

                              and i like the LCD concept but not so much the execution... i think it needs more depth... i dont know how good you are with 3DS but maybe do something with that and the tubes going into it... it looks a little dull and not up to par with everything else as it stands now

