Here at the forums we have a list of guidelines that will make everyone’s life easier. Please be aware of them when you post, we take these guidelines seriously and they will be enforced. You will be held accountable for them regardless.
Disrespectful posting and blatant flaming of other members may land you in timeout WITHOUT WARNING. We at R3VLimited do not approve of attacking other members and frankly it will not be tolerated. If you find yourself in timeout, now you know why.
General guidelines:
R3VLimited has a carefully selected team of moderators that are here to help keep the site running smoothly. You will see the word Administrator or Moderator under their username in bold. It is best to do as they ask. For a list of the R3VLimited staff members, please click forum leaders at the bottom of the forum index.
Before asking what seems like a very simple question, please make use of the forum search function, you can find the search button located at the top of any forum page.
When creating a new thread, please create a title that makes sense. For example if you have a question about your air flow meter spring adjustment, don't just put "help" in your title. Please do not cross post. You only need to post your topic once, in one forum.
R3VLimited strongly prohibits the use of profanity in thread titles. Many of our members browse from school, work, and even their family computers. Failure to follow this rule may result in a suspension without warning.
At the top of the forum pages, you will see rotating banners ads. These are our forum sponsors. Go ahead and click on them, see what they have to sell.
Post your topic in the correct forum PLEASE, it is very frustrating to the moderators to have to constantly rearrange topics. Technical questions do not belong in General Discussion. Get it? This helps keep R3V nice and organized so others can find what they are looking for.
The practice of posting one letter reply for a repost. This will result in a timeout.
Posting of pornographic materials are not permitted and will be removed / time out notices sent to posters. The posting of these images has deterred possible members from joining the site and R3V would like to attract more E30 owners.
We recommend you do not post pictures of your car in the Members Rides forum unless you are ready to accept both positive and negative criticism. Everyone has a different opinion on how an E30 should or should not look and they are welcome to share their opinion within reason.
If you should happen to have a problem with another board member or would like to inform the R3VLimited staff of a post that's simply out of line, please PM one of our administrators or moderators.
Thank you
Signature and Avatar guidelines:
Signature picture maximum size is 650 pixels wide by 225 pixels tall. Your signature should never exceed either of these limitations. Having a signature is a privilege; please be considerate of those who have opted to make them visible. If your signature image is too large it may be removed without warning.
Avatar pictures maximum size is 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall. Your avatar cannot exceed these limitations. Having a avatar is a privilege. Abuse it, and it will be revoked.
Do not use obscene or otherwise distasteful content in your signature or avatar. Some of our members do post from school or work. PLEASE, no animated signatures, thank you.
Choose your user name wisely. For it can be changed later on, but doesn't mean it will be changed. It will be looked upon in individual cases, i.e. if your name is after your car, and you get a different model later on. We're not going to change your name each time you deside to get a different car model. But PM an Administrator about a username change if you would like it looked at, cause a Moderator don't have the power to change usernames on here.
If you'd like to take a look at the member title ranking system, click here
Disrespectful posting and blatant flaming of other members may land you in timeout WITHOUT WARNING. We at R3VLimited do not approve of attacking other members and frankly it will not be tolerated. If you find yourself in timeout, now you know why.
General guidelines:
R3VLimited has a carefully selected team of moderators that are here to help keep the site running smoothly. You will see the word Administrator or Moderator under their username in bold. It is best to do as they ask. For a list of the R3VLimited staff members, please click forum leaders at the bottom of the forum index.
Before asking what seems like a very simple question, please make use of the forum search function, you can find the search button located at the top of any forum page.
When creating a new thread, please create a title that makes sense. For example if you have a question about your air flow meter spring adjustment, don't just put "help" in your title. Please do not cross post. You only need to post your topic once, in one forum.
R3VLimited strongly prohibits the use of profanity in thread titles. Many of our members browse from school, work, and even their family computers. Failure to follow this rule may result in a suspension without warning.
At the top of the forum pages, you will see rotating banners ads. These are our forum sponsors. Go ahead and click on them, see what they have to sell.
Post your topic in the correct forum PLEASE, it is very frustrating to the moderators to have to constantly rearrange topics. Technical questions do not belong in General Discussion. Get it? This helps keep R3V nice and organized so others can find what they are looking for.
The practice of posting one letter reply for a repost. This will result in a timeout.
Posting of pornographic materials are not permitted and will be removed / time out notices sent to posters. The posting of these images has deterred possible members from joining the site and R3V would like to attract more E30 owners.
We recommend you do not post pictures of your car in the Members Rides forum unless you are ready to accept both positive and negative criticism. Everyone has a different opinion on how an E30 should or should not look and they are welcome to share their opinion within reason.
If you should happen to have a problem with another board member or would like to inform the R3VLimited staff of a post that's simply out of line, please PM one of our administrators or moderators.
Thank you
Signature and Avatar guidelines:
Signature picture maximum size is 650 pixels wide by 225 pixels tall. Your signature should never exceed either of these limitations. Having a signature is a privilege; please be considerate of those who have opted to make them visible. If your signature image is too large it may be removed without warning.
Avatar pictures maximum size is 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall. Your avatar cannot exceed these limitations. Having a avatar is a privilege. Abuse it, and it will be revoked.
Do not use obscene or otherwise distasteful content in your signature or avatar. Some of our members do post from school or work. PLEASE, no animated signatures, thank you.
Choose your user name wisely. For it can be changed later on, but doesn't mean it will be changed. It will be looked upon in individual cases, i.e. if your name is after your car, and you get a different model later on. We're not going to change your name each time you deside to get a different car model. But PM an Administrator about a username change if you would like it looked at, cause a Moderator don't have the power to change usernames on here.
If you'd like to take a look at the member title ranking system, click here