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What brand of oil do you use?

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    What brand of oil do you use?

    I've been using Castrol and used up the rest of the case I had in the garage. This oil spill has left a bad taste in my mouth about BP and the way they do business. If they're cutting corners out in field they're cutting corners with the oil I'm putting in my car.

    Time to trade up. What's your opinion?

    I never thought about it that way; good point.
    Last edited by 808AWD325xi; 06-27-2010, 08:28 AM.
    Alpina B3 Flash/BMS OCC/ER CP/ETS 5/HKS BOV/M3 Control Arms/OFT


      Brian Jacobs


        royal purple in the DD. unnecessary, but i do it anyways. i use napa brand in the beater, works just fine.

        Originally posted by stewie30luvr
        ooo cause i was fixing my chain tensioner and there was a black widow on the radiator so i killed it
        Originally posted by JakeP
        with a coathanger


          Shell Rotella T by the pail.
          Ma che cazzo state dicendo? :|


            Royal purple in the M, and was using Castrol in the Quattro, since the car likes it the best.
            All the other cars, I don't have a preference.
            Originally posted by 416stroker
            well Fünfgang or whatever is the new ubernasty a whore


              I was using castrol, but then a few days ago i was at the stealership buying an oil filter, and they asked if i wanted any oil. i assumed it be to expensive but i asked how much it would cost, and it was $6.25 a quart, which is cheaper than the auto parts stores in the area. So i bought it there. cool story bro.


                I take pictures of stuff for a living...


                  Castrol on my E39 and Red Line on my E30
                  Last edited by cbouchez; 06-29-2010, 01:47 PM.
                  Follow my IG @bouchezphotography


                    Though not totally outside of the oil industry, the API test all major brands of motor oil for minimum standards. Thinking a company will cut the quality somehow in a motor oil product because they and/or a vendor screwed up a well in the Gulf is sort of a reach.

                    Follow the owners manual suggestions based on your driving style and your BMW engine will go many many miles.
                    Lance Richert '88 M3, #35 PRO3, i3 etc.

                    2019 E30 Picnic Weekend: June 22-23 2019


                      I always used Schaeffer oil in the Audi. till I found a local store that sells Amsoil so thats what I've been putting in the E30.
                      Driving:1990 325iS, 2007 335i :devil:
                      past BMWs: 1987 325iS turbo, 1989 325i, 1995 525i, 2000 328CI, 2001 540i, 2008 135i


                        I use Castrol Synthetic...

                        That way I can feel good about my 'footprint' since it isn't real oil anyway right?

                        1984 Hennarot 325e - 1990 Brillantrot M3 - 1938 Buick Special Business Coupe


                          Mobil 1.
                          '16 Focus 2.0L - '99 Protegé DX 1.6L POS (Sold) - '87 4runner 22R-E (Sold) - '86 Schwarz S50 (Sold) - '02 WRX Wagon (sold) - '07 Impreza 2.5i (sold) - '91 Alpine M52 (Sold) - '89 Alpine 325is (Sold)

                          Originally posted by 87e30
                          I just want to dance with some beezies


                            one of castrols products.

                            gtx, gtx HM, syntec-blend, full syn...
                            1991 325iC - Mauritsblau sumthin metallic blue. DEAD
                            1992 525i - Silber sumthin sumthin metallic- Rolling again, needs suspension/wheels/brakes/paint.... Fuck you A4S310R; BEAT YOU.
                            1989 325i - Cirrusblau Metallic sumthin sumthin-project - trying to clean up the interior(done), then the body, then a 5spd, then suspension, then..... - [Stolen :| ]
                            1991 325iC - Calypsorot Metallic
                            1994 540i - Granitsilber

                            Originally posted by scabzzzz
                            I've had blunts cock in my mouth, but I'm not gay.


                              royal PURPSS

