Well I have a vanos m50 and I'm using the m20 radiator. About 2 weeks ago my radiator decided to a meeting with the mechanical fan and it stripped off all the blades. There was no damage done to the radiator but the fan was basically a spinning nub. So I decided to go electric. Got a 16in Spal puller fan and installed it. Now on cool days (like the last few we had in Maryland 50's an 60's) the car ran right at the halfway mark as long as I was moving. When I was stopped for any period of time it would slowly start to heat up to the point where it was at the 3/4 mark on the temp gauge. On warmer days like yesterday and today (70's an 80's) it overheats much faster whether im moving or sitting still. It seems kinda backwards that when the engine isn't underload it overheats faster than when the rpm are up.
Has anyone had this issue and if so what is it and how do you fix it.
Has anyone had this issue and if so what is it and how do you fix it.