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New E39 10" Subwoofer

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    You have plenty of room to cut a little bit more metal away there. From the far sides of the hole on the face, which is already wider than the ski-pass there's 2 more inches of foam to the left and right. Trimming the sides 1/2 to 3/4" wider certainly wouldn't hurt the seal.


      Keith- review? how does it sound? I sent my monies already but man im anxious. :)


        It sounds amazing! You seriously wont be disappointed. My poor old w3 is getting pounded on daily because I just cant get enough of the amazing sound lol. Cant wait to get a fresh sub in there and see how much better it gets!


          Originally posted by StereoInstaller1 View Post
          Hey guys, just a quick note to let you know we now offer an E39 design.

          Here is a pic of the test fit:

          This does require metal cutting if you have a standard back seat, but the woofer and ports come through the ski pass. As in all of our designs, 100% of the bass is sealed into the cabin. This provides far better sound quality, much higher efficiency and to some, the biggest bonus of all: NO RATTLES.

          So, as soon as we have better pics, we will get some up. They will be fully independant reviews upholstered either in black for the upcoming amp rack or in factory match gray.

          Here is the deal: we are doing an initial run of 12 at a discounted price of $200 plus shipping. After this initial run, we will be showing these on our site at $239.

          We are building these as we speak and will be shipping this coming week.

          Please feel free to PM either me or JustinB or email us at sales AT if you have questions.

          Luke Fisher
          German Audio Specialties
          Hello nice to see your workout. I need speakers but the price is bit high for me. I will try for some lower priced speakers and if can design it for me, it would be great
          Last edited by tonystrength; 02-03-2013, 10:57 PM.

