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She's a goner....good bye to the DeM3n :(

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    yah, u could bring it back.
    Originally posted by e30e
    lose the old man bmwcca badge.


      Originally posted by steinbachphoto View Post
      how was the front and rear both smashed in?
      Okay, so basically this is how the accident went:

      I was at a stop light heading straight on a road. There are two lanes to my left that turn left. The lane to my left had a mini-van also at the stop light. When the light turned green, I waited my usualy 1-second before pulling out. As I was passing the intersection the mini-van stopped and I remember thinking "thats weird" and BOOM. I got hit.

      The first hit came on the front driver's side corner (as you can see). This must have sent my car spinning causing me to hit my head. The next thing I remember was seeing someone running at me saying "Are you okay, are you okay?!"

      I'm guessing that as I was spinning I ended up hitting her car again with my rear. Maybe this was what caused me to stop spinning...not sure. This is what I remember.


        Glad you're okay. I trully hate seeing this.

        Well, everything at least looks repairable.. Looks like you missed most of the uni-body on the front (new rad. support and bumper post will be needed). The rear will take some work, but nothing to crazy. Good Luck


          This kinda thing makes me sick, please bring her back

          Looking for an e30.....


            Sickening. It brings back the death of my 72 Tii. Same exact deal. I am so sorry.

            What was her story? Why did she run the light? My moron in a Volvo insisted it was green for him. A city bus stopped and told the police officer that happened to be there that I did not run the light and it was red for the moron.

            [IMG] 8.jpg[/IMG


              Good, another Acura off the road. That blows that your car was the one to make it happen! Fuck dude, i dont even know what say, I work at a body shop and just looking at your car all I can think of is a lot of work to be done. Just seeing this pisses me off! Good luck to you though! Keep us posted with the insurance journey.

              Originally posted by Greekstyles View Post
              dude is this a curse to red e30's i just got rear ended by some coastguard rookie that cant keep his foot on the break at a beach toll booth, son of a bitch..mine wasnt as bad as any of those, but holy shit! am i pissed about my own, and your's. makes me want to strangle people...
              No shit, I was thinking the same thing, I am affraid to drive mine.



                Hide the red.


                  Its bad already that E30 M3s are so hard to come around.


                    I just cried.

                    Glad you are ok.


                      Wow man, really nice car. It's a shame to see it in it's current state.

                      Look at that dumb bitch... Ugly. Dumb. Bitch.

                      A similar thing happened to me in 2006. Some fat lady ran a red light while she was eating a McChicken (she was still eating it as she got out after the accident) and hit me on the side. I was turning left onto the road she was going straight on, so the damage wasn't nearly as bad as yours.

                      Insurance paid me 1200. Hah.. I pocketed it and bought a new door and fender. So I guess all was well. Minus the fact that she tried pleading innocent to the whole thing so the insurance battle was a nightmare. No tickets were issued because the cop didn't witness the accident. So I had to go based on witness testimonial (via the phone, for weeks) to get compensation.

                      Yeah, thats my story, now back to yours! Best of luck.
                      Current: 99 M3
                      Past: 84 325e, 84 528e



                        That is all.
                        1985 325e 2.8 Turbo VEMS


                          That's horrible...make sure you're fairly reimbursed for your injuries as well.

                          If I had a car like that totalled by a stupid waste of skin driver I would go fucking bananas on them, kinda like what Walter did to that Corvette in The Big Lebowski.
                          1991 Diamantschwarz 318is
                          1998 Cosmosschwarz M3 Sedan


                            Dude, that shit is weak. Been checked by a doc yet?

                            SILBER COMBAT UNIT DELTA (M-Technic Marshal)


                              Damn dude, glad your able to even post about it.


                                When you go to the doc, act like your giving birth.

                                Let that hoe know why you're car is a "dem3n"

