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God is great, beer is good... and people are crazy

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    Matt, just so you know, the day after you made this thread, I called the police department and gave them your info and the details regarding your perspective. I also found the Porsche dealer that had that A3 out as a loaner. The sales manager was extremely appreciative of all the info. He has seen this thread and your pictures. I have also made a backup of this thread for future use.

    You need to understand that you ARE involved. The mexican is VERY at fault, but he wouldnt have been racing if there wasnt a dumb ass goat fucker to race against.
    If the other car wasnt loaded with illegals and this situation went to court, you'd be in it. Quite simply, it compares to if someone robbed a bank and he shot someone in the process and you drove the get away car. You *claim* that it wasnt you who robbed the bank or killed the guy, but in a court of law, your ass is grass.

    Aqua, first you call me a moron, then you take my side. Grow up please.


      e30slut, you're a douche.

      you antagonized the guy into racing you. if you werent accelerating quickly then how did you beat him? e30's aren't that fast. you're "bav tech" isn't a rocket ship.

      god i'd forgotten how many idiots were on here


        Originally posted by xLibelle View Post
        Matt, just so you know, the day after you made this thread, I called the police department and gave them your info and the details regarding your perspective. I also found the Porsche dealer that had that A3 out as a loaner. The sales manager was extremely appreciative of all the info. He has seen this thread and your pictures. I have also made a backup of this thread for future use.

        You need to understand that you ARE involved. The mexican is VERY at fault, but he wouldnt have been racing if there wasnt a dumb ass goat fucker to race against.
        If the other car wasnt loaded with illegals and this situation went to court, you'd be in it. Quite simply, it compares to if someone robbed a bank and he shot someone in the process and you drove the get away car. You *claim* that it wasnt you who robbed the bank or killed the guy, but in a court of law, your ass is grass.

        Aqua, first you call me a moron, then you take my side. Grow up please.
        things just got fantastic


          Originally posted by xLibelle View Post
          Matt, just so you know, the day after you made this thread, I called the police department and gave them your info and the details regarding your perspective. I also found the Porsche dealer that had that A3 out as a loaner. The sales manager was extremely appreciative of all the info. He has seen this thread and your pictures. I have also made a backup of this thread for future use.

          You need to understand that you ARE involved. The mexican is VERY at fault, but he wouldnt have been racing if there wasnt a dumb ass goat fucker to race against.
          If the other car wasnt loaded with illegals and this situation went to court, you'd be in it. Quite simply, it compares to if someone robbed a bank and he shot someone in the process and you drove the get away car. You *claim* that it wasnt you who robbed the bank or killed the guy, but in a court of law, your ass is grass.

          Aqua, first you call me a moron, then you take my side. Grow up please.
          as if I hadnt already talked to them...

          That was a total waste of time and proves you have nothing else to do with your life. you went so far as to call the police in another state for intentions of?

          that was epic.. but seriously I would like to hear your intentions


            you know what xlibelle??

            ima tell you..

            I really dont wanna leave r3v but its people like you that make this place annoying.... other peoples shit is tolerable but when you go out of your way to do whatever it is you're tryna do..... shit is just ridiculous... its liike I cant really enjoy shit on here and neither can others...

            I mean dont get me wrong, shit doesnt get to me but it really keeps me from wanting to do anything here...

            I know I have a past on here that will never escape me but you know what? I came to terms with the shit and none of you had any choice other than to accept the fact that I dont give a fuck what you think.. but then you like to take shit further...
            I cant count how many times Ive been kicked off this thing but each time I come back and try to do a better job than last. I could have easily just hid myself but I chose not to,. y? cuz of my pride. I have plenty of it.

            as for the accident I saw, it was typical forum protocol. I seen an accident, then posted it here with minor, ok major moderation and exaggeration... I dont know how dumb you have to be to not get it but "bav tech" "speeding" and shit like that was just for dramatic effect on the story.. NOBODY RACED ANYBODY, and for you other snobs that dont understand shit, NOBODY PROVOKED THE FUCKER TO DO WHAT HE DID... I saw a fucking accident and came up with a story. how hard it that to understand? im sure others that thought it was funny got it but why didnt you? It's people like you that make living freely uncomfortable. Understanding that being free has its limits..

            you annoying sack of ashy puss.... please dont argue witht his post. just accept it and move on... like really... what else is there for you to do or say? your opinion has already been read, if you dont like any of my threads dont read em and please dont reply.

            simple as that right?

            wait.... back to reality, this is r3v.....


              o man, the shit just hit the fan.


              Originally posted by JamesE30
              And with a car looking like yours I imagine the balance shall tip in the favor of insult, like a big fat fucking retarded fucking black girl on a see-saw, opposite... a dwarf.


                I hope the police send you to jail, so you can experience what its like to be one of your goats.


                  Brought some to share

                  join the E30 Cabrio owners gruppe
                  click here for details


                    Originally posted by dvs909 View Post
                    I hope the police send you to jail, so you can experience what its like to be one of your goats.


                    OP your a piece of shit

                    One stop shopping for NEW, USED and EURO PARTS!


                      Originally posted by e30s52 View Post


                      OP your a piece of shit


                        To be honest, am I the only one that think's the OP is getting too much shit from everyone? Typical gang mentality.

                        He shouldn't be held accountable for what someone else decided to do. Any clear thinking individual would not have played chicken with a red light with his family in the car, OP had no control over that, and as such, he has no fault, other than possibly enticing the guy to drive faster than normal.

                        However, I'm sure ALL of you have encountered that ricer douchebag that will hear your car's exhaust and attempt to look cool by driving fast past you. That might be the case here.


                        Originally posted by JamesE30
                        And with a car looking like yours I imagine the balance shall tip in the favor of insult, like a big fat fucking retarded fucking black girl on a see-saw, opposite... a dwarf.


                          Originally posted by Alkasquawlik View Post
                          To be honest, am I the only one that think's the OP is getting too much shit from everyone? Typical gang mentality.

                          He shouldn't be held accountable for what someone else decided to do. Any clear thinking individual would not have played chicken with a red light with his family in the car, OP had no control over that, and as such, he has no fault, other than possibly enticing the guy to drive faster than normal.

                          However, I'm sure ALL of you have encountered that ricer douchebag that will hear your car's exhaust and attempt to look cool by driving fast past you. That might be the case here.
                          alka... I have to be honest with you as I appreciate you standing besides me here....


                          you know what... wait..

                          nvm, don't entertain these


                            Originally posted by Alkasquawlik View Post
                            To be honest, am I the only one that think's the OP is getting too much shit from everyone? Typical gang mentality.
                            You'd make a good scientist questioning the basis for founded ideas in others. Or a good emo kid refusing to go along with the "mainstream". Seriously though it is a good quality to try and find reason within an unreasonable situation. Fact of the matter is, no one is calling e30slut an idiot because everyone is wanting to flex for the other and "good game" each other when he (hopefully) runs off crying and offended. We're saying he's out of line A. engaging in the stupidity of racing a Camry chock full of our Southern neighbors, B. getting on R3v and bragging about it, and C. Having the balls to get on here and spout that because of the aforementioned stupidity a child now has no chance at life... See what I mean? This is seriously a pretty twisted thread and whether or not he was so intimately involved in the transaction is without regard seeing as the bloated "truth" was what we heard first. Don't pity him. He makes impressions on those online just as he does IRL. And he's managed to make multiple bad impressions. just my
                            Late model granitesilber 325i convertible FS:


                              I feel like this picture sums up how people are reacting.

                              Am I the only one to think "natural selection"?

                              Status: HG repair. 488wtq though!


                                Originally posted by PaladinReed View Post
                                You'd make a good scientist questioning the basis for founded ideas in others. Or a good emo kid refusing to go along with the "mainstream". Seriously though it is a good quality to try and find reason within an unreasonable situation. Fact of the matter is, no one is calling e30slut an idiot because everyone is wanting to flex for the other and "good game" each other when he (hopefully) runs off crying and offended. We're saying he's out of line A. engaging in the stupidity of racing a Camry chock full of our Southern neighbors, B. getting on R3v and bragging about it, and C. Having the balls to get on here and spout that because of the aforementioned stupidity a child now has no chance at life... See what I mean? This is seriously a pretty twisted thread and whether or not he was so intimately involved in the transaction is without regard seeing as the bloated "truth" was what we heard first. Don't pity him. He makes impressions on those online just as he does IRL. And he's managed to make multiple bad impressions. just my
                                I totally get your point, it's just that to me, he isn't coming off bragging or anything. Just wanted to tell a story, embellished it a little bit, and got flamed for it, but hey, I guess that's r3v right?

                                And for some people to take time out of their day to call the local PD department and report him is childish and tacky IMHO. I don't know what good that would do for anyone.

                                P.S. I hate science and emo fags ;)
                                Last edited by Alkasquawlik; 08-06-2009, 07:40 AM.


                                Originally posted by JamesE30
                                And with a car looking like yours I imagine the balance shall tip in the favor of insult, like a big fat fucking retarded fucking black girl on a see-saw, opposite... a dwarf.

