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Air Force People would like some info.

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    Air Force People would like some info.

    so i have pretty much planned that for my future i want to go into the air force and i plan on going to see a recruiter in the next couple of days to start my enlistment.

    so i just wanna know how the fist few years what i should expect etc.

    im 20, have 20+ college credits but no degree, and i am going to be married soon.

    thanks for your replies and if their is a thread like this already my bad but thanks for looking!

    first off, plan on finishing your college degree.

    second, go to an officer selection office.

    third, go to officer candidate school AND graduate.

    fourth, you COMMISSION, not enlist.
    AWD > RWD


      thats kinda the reason i am enlisting it to be able to go to school i dont have anyway to live and go to school at the same time. if it was up to me i would finish. Also i would like to travel and see new places is it really THAT bad as enlisted?


        My dad always told me to go in as an Officer if I were to join.

        Also, they lie. At least they did to my father, he was promised the ability to go to school, but every time he signed up they shipped him over seas.
        No E30 Club
        Originally posted by MrBurgundy
        Anyways, mustangs are gay and mini vans are faster than your car, you just have to deal with that.


          so if i get an associates degree will i be able to go as an officer? or does it have to be a bachelors? i might be able to get an associates degree. to be honest i am kinda scared to do it but i feel it is the best option in the long term for me and my future wife.


            I almost joined, just think everything through, once you sign you can't go back.
            Last edited by Exodus_2pt0; 07-31-2012, 07:40 PM. Reason: change of thought
            No E30 Club
            Originally posted by MrBurgundy
            Anyways, mustangs are gay and mini vans are faster than your car, you just have to deal with that.


              yea but i want some input from some people who really did go through with it. hearsay from your father does nothing for me.


                Hearsay? Dude its not like I heard this from a friend of a friend. Whatever man, enjoy yourself.

                You said it yourself, you want what is best for you and your wife. All I am saying is to think long and hard about it, where my info comes from should not matter. The decision you are about to make will change the course of your life for better or for worse. Just keep that in mind is all I ask, take it or leave it.
                Last edited by Exodus_2pt0; 07-31-2012, 08:04 PM.
                No E30 Club
                Originally posted by MrBurgundy
                Anyways, mustangs are gay and mini vans are faster than your car, you just have to deal with that.


                  Officer has better benefits dude. Just do ROTC and stick with it. Just note if you fuck up with ur classes, you're back to enlisted.

                  And married...? Dude how old are you? Lol

                  Sent from my HTC ThunderBolt using Tapatalk 2


                    I'm currently enrolled in ROTC at the college I attend. Feel free to fire any questions. Only advice I can offer, since the downsizing of the military, and budget cuts, Scholarship money is TIGHT. You would need 3.8+ GPA, outstanding PT score 270 plus, and the right 'major' to be considered for a scholarship. Good luck man!


                      Originally posted by kickinindian View Post
                      so if i get an associates degree will i be able to go as an officer? or does it have to be a bachelors? i might be able to get an associates degree. to be honest i am kinda scared to do it but i feel it is the best option in the long term for me and my future wife.
                      No you would not. There are some caveats to this, but none that would apply to a guy joining right off the street. You need a degree from a 4 yr accredited university. School is really not that tough, and I would encourage you to do it either way. That being said, becoming an officer just to pay for school is probably not a very good plan in most cases, but it does happen. For reference, my initial obligation once I commissioned was 4 yrs active duty, and then 4 years of voluntary inactive ready reserves. 2 years later I got my wings, and tacked another 8 years of active duty obligation on from that day. I realize this doesn't apply to non-aviators, but the 4/4 requirement is pretty standard for all new officers. Suffice to say that being commissioned is more like a mini-career (or a full one depending on the route you take) than it is a job for a few years to pay for school.
                      e92 M3
                      e30 M3 s52 swap
                      w203 C240 wagon (DD)
                      190e 5.6 swap (in surgery)


                        My foremost advice to you, would be to take a hard look at the jobs that you can train to do. Don't do something like air traffic control, cryptology,radar-man or some BS like that. Choose a skill that has a broad range of application--like electronics, or mechanics. Because if you're getting married soon, chances are it's going to be tough for you to go to school after you get out of the service, especially if you have kids. So you want to think hard about a long term career. Most of the good specialties require a 6 year enlistment period, because you can spend about 2 years in school, so they extend it out to 6 years to get their investment out of you.

                        Usually there are enlistment bonuses, and those vary, so you may want to do some on-line research of what people have been saying they're getting for their bonuses, so you'll have some negotiation knowledge when dealing with recruiter (they'll try to low ball you on the bonus).

                        Besides you don't want to get a degree and then get commissioned anyway, because the OCS and ROTC guys are the biggest dicks me. The academy guys are the shit. You'll see.

                        As an ex-Navy nuke, I would recommend the Navy over the air farce.

                        Go Navy!


                          there is a very recent thread on this, look it up, many AF guys here, myself included born and raised...and enlisted


                            See this is what i wanted! thanks alot guys!

                            At the moment i was just gonna enlist and go into mechanics or Engineering, im guessing those are 6yr enlistments? anyway if i like it maybe i will stay in. but for where i am in life i can struggle living life working a part-time job at Vons and not be able to go to school, or while im young take a leap and just do it, and worst comes to worst at least i have a job and a place to live for 4 years minimum right?


                              If I could go back and do it again, I would DEFINITELY just stick it out in school and go in as an officer. If you can't push it out in school then I'd imagine you'd have a difficult time in the AF, depending on what job you get. Also, know what your plan is before you sign up and stick to it. So many people get in thinking they'll get out after 4 and go to school, and don't. Once you get used to tall the BS you deal with on a daily basis it really is an easy gig. If you like seeing your family at all stay the hell out of aircraft maintenance. I don't know why anyone would steer you away from ATC as they work few hours, have high bonuses, and get PAID on the outside. I know 3 ATC guys here and despite the high pressure of their jobs they are very chill ( they also all have very nice cars...). AF and Navy are very high in terms of quality of life, but I personally think the AF has it better, which is one of the reasons I picked it. I've been in 6 years and am about to get out and finish my ME degree at 28...I've been a jet engine guy and have loved/hated my time, but it was an overall great ride. Hell, I got to go to Germany and buy my first E30...Just think long and hard about what it is you want to do...
                              sigpic'87 335i

