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Americans (we) are so stupid!

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    Americans (we) are so stupid!

    according to a gallop 2006 poll almost half of American's believe that humans did not evolve and instead were created by God in the last 10,000 years.

    why/how can people be so blinded and stupid by religious beliefs? this is scary!

    Who the fuck cares. You like to bitch alot.
    Back to my roots


      it creates insightful thought into our everyday lives as we live and work with people who believe that some extraordinary being just "poof" made people.


        Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

        I'd contend that to ignore the possibility of a god would be equally as stupid as ignoring the possibility of there not being a god. Fact of the matter is that nobody knows for sure. I'm no expert, but evolution can tie in with biblical history...can't it(someone fill us in here).

        One way or another, you believe in something infinite. You either believe that matter/energy are infinite and cannot be created or destroyed, or you believe that a god is infinite, and created the universe. Either way, you belive in something rediculous and incomprehensible.

        That being said, Fifedog is right. You do like to bitch alot.
        Last edited by shiftbmw; 01-14-2007, 06:41 PM.
        "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill


          I'm not saying God does not exist, but how can people really believe things like the grand canyon was created in the last 10,000 years, and all the fossils on earth were made then as well.


            It's called dogma. Afterall, man wrote the religious texts, so they can say anything they want, and as long as people need something to believe in, they will follow along...just see how the the major religions continue to follow writings without any modern interpretations.


              you are right. killing people over what are possibly made up texts (no guarantee anything in there is proof except for your Faith) has got to be the most disgusting use of religion. it makes me want to pull my hair out when I read about Sunni and Shiite killings in Iraq.


                Originally posted by shiftbmw View Post
                Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

                I'd contend that to ignore the possibility of a god would be equally as stupid as ignoring the possibility of there not being a god. Fact of the matter is that nobody knows for sure. I'm no expert, but evolution can tie in with biblical history...can't it(someone fill us in here).

                One way or another, you believe in something infinite. You either believe that matter/energy are infinite and cannot be created or destroyed, or you believe that a god is infinite, and created the universe. Either way, you belive in something rediculous and incomprehensible.

                That being said, Fifedog is right. You do like to bitch alot.
                I think believing in an all-knowing, all-seing god who resurrected his son who was born from a virgin mother is a lot harder to swallow than NOT believing in it. Isn't that idea just an silly as a magic unicorn god that lives in space and controls our destinies, or a flying spaghetti monster? The fact that no one can prove god exists - that you have to take it on 'faith' - makes me believe that there isn't a higher power and that we just turn into compost when we die.
                And anyone who believes the world is 6000 years old didn't pay enough attention in high school history. Ever hear of the Sumerians? They had an advanced civilization in today's middle east about 7000 years ago.
                ex-Chief Operating Officer
                Blunt Tech Industries
                West Coast and Pacific Rim


                  we're not hot shit like we think. human's have had the same brain capabilities for almost 120,000 years. the day i believe in Jesus or all of those other population controlling cults is the day i go crazy. (no offense meant to the believers, it's just what i believe;))


                    Originally posted by ptownTSI View Post
                    I'm not saying God does not exist, but how can people really believe things like the grand canyon was created in the last 10,000 years, and all the fossils on earth were made then as well.
                    You've hit upon a very unsettling trend spawned by the religious right-a paranoid distrust of all things scientific. Like the fundamentalist in my town who doesn't believe in scientific theory, says dinosaurs were never carnivores and co-existed with man, but wanted the absolute best state-of-the-art care science could offer, (and his insurance would cover) when his wife got cancer. Hypocritical? What? No faith in god, but science saves the day? Oh, wait! I forgot, god used those scientists to save her!

                    And this End Times stuff! Every time there's a flood or earthquake, it's "a sign of the end of the world". It does not help to point out that at no time in history have there not been floods and tornadoes and earthquakes, etc. It does not help to point out that "prophets" and "seers" and all sorts of other charlatans have been stating the same thing for thousands of years. They're sure this is the real deal. And since it is, to them, who cares about the planet. "Why conserve? God made us wealthy so we could consume ourselves into oblivion".

                    How about this "museum" planned for Cincinnati. $25 million? Wouldn't that help a lot of truly needy people?

                    I think if there is a god, he/she/it/they have a sense of humor. In 2003, Pat Robertson said that Hurricane Bonnie would be God's Judgement on the gay population of Orlando. Shortly after uttering that little gem, the storm turned northward and took aim at Pat's Virginia Beach headquarters, having left the gays and everyone else in Orlando alone. I don't recall him having any comments regarding precisely who "God" was judging.
                    Last edited by Old'n'Slow; 01-14-2007, 07:41 PM.


                      Yup we live in jesus land face it. People just take what is spoon fed to them and with a promise of an after life why would you expect anything less. I just cant help but fell sorry for people that have been so brain washed that they cant have a single independent thought.

                      The end of day act of god distasters LOL that has been said about every one for the last 2000+ years that the 2ed comming is upon US.
                      Last edited by mrsleeve; 01-14-2007, 07:45 PM.
                      Originally posted by Fusion
                      If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
                      The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

                      The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

                      Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
                      William Pitt-


                        Originally posted by ptownTSI View Post

                        according to a gallop 2006 poll almost half of American's believe that humans did not evolve and instead were created by God in the last 10,000 years.

                        why/how can people be so blinded and stupid by religious beliefs? this is scary!
                        You bitch a lot.

                        A couple of hilljacks down in Kentucky that want to open a museum scares me a whole lot less than a bunch of allah-loving camel jockies trying to blow themselves and everyone else up. Focus on the real problems. FWIW, they don't believe in evolution either.

                        Swing wild, brake later, don't apologize.
                        '89 324d, '76 02, '98 318ti, '03 Z4, '07 MCS, '07 F800s - Bonafide BMW elitist prick.


                          Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                          than a bunch of allah-loving camel jockies
                          what are you then? we're just a bunch of jesus-worshiping-SUV driving-obese-ignorant fucks... and do you actually know anyone from over there? some of my best friends are from the middle east, and the war crimes they tell me about that we commit (that our news just over looks, btw the military guides all the media over in Iraq) are atrocious. i just lost a lot of respect for you charlie. i'm sorry to hear that you feel this way. this derogatory mind set is a huge part of the problem.


                            Originally posted by ptownTSI View Post
                            I'm not saying God does not exist, but how can people really believe things like the grand canyon was created in the last 10,000 years, and all the fossils on earth were made then as well.
                            You can be a Christian and still believe that the world/universe is millions or billions of years old, believe it or not.

                            RISING EDGE

                            Let's drive fast and have fun.


                              This thread sux.
                              88 325is. 4.10 lsd, J.C. chip.

