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Vaccines and medical conspiracies

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  • einhander
    Originally posted by Farbin Kaiber View Post
    I think having people think critically and forcing those "in-the-know" to explain and elaborate the information they possess allowing more people to learn is a great benefit of people questioning and/or doubting.
    Good point.

    What would work better: scare campaign or medical studies?

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  • Farbin Kaiber
    Just as I'm sure a full 20% accepts everything they are told at face value without a second thought or question.

    I think having people think critically and forcing those "in-the-know" to explain and elaborate the information they possess allowing more people to learn is a great benefit of people questioning and/or doubting.

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  • einhander
    started a topic Vaccines and medical conspiracies

    Vaccines and medical conspiracies

    ...a University of Chicago survey published Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine reveals that half of Americans believe in medical conspiracy theories. A full 20% believe the government and the medical world are pushing vaccinations on children that cause autism.
    Not sure where this fear of vaccines comes from, but it's sad how a group of weird hippies afraid of ear infections can affect the health of the general population.