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Anonymous vs. KKK

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    Anonymous vs. KKK

    Anyone following this? This shit has got me way too interested.

    Move with a purpose.
    - 1991 325iX 4dr/5spd
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    2016 Mazda CX3 Sport AWD

    Ok so the clan supports the white guy, big surprise there....

    The Klan has been active in MO since its founding. So now the guy is a grand dragon or some shit because hes fucking some chick form a near by town that has known clan members ???? Do you hold the same view point as every chick you have banged or are currently banging???

    Not saying there is no connection just that I will wait to reserve judgement until I see wilson with a hood, or something a little more solid than conjecture from "The source claimed they had information that directly linked Darren Wilson and the Klan".....

    This I find an odd choice of words
    Originally posted by link
    After much deliberation, Anonymous decided that the information was so specific that it would lead back to the informant, and as their goal is to preserve all human and nonhuman life, they have decided to not release the information until they themselves, without endangering the informant’s life, can synthesize and expose the information.
    I think a better choice of words should be corroborate or substantiate than a word whos primary meaning is to make or create shit, yes I know it can fit this context perfectly well just seems a bit of an odd choice. Especially when referring to a group who is know for intenetz hacking and hackery in general and haz da skillz to make just about anything they want into reality on said intenetz
    Originally posted by Fusion
    If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
    The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

    The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

    Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
    William Pitt-


      KKK supporting a white guy, shocker. Next you're going to tell my Al Sharpton has the side of the guy who was shot?

      inb4 r3v meets the full might of Anonymous, aka a ddos attack that has the forum go down for a few hours.

