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1990 Brilliantrot 318is from Australia

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    1990 Brilliantrot 318is from Australia

    Greetings! I have lurked on this site for a long time, but thought that I shouldn't register until I had an E30 of my very own.

    After 18 months of looking far and wide, this came up for sale 15 minutes away from my house a couple of weeks ago. I picked it up on Sunday, these first few photos were taken that afternoon.
    She is in beautiful condition, Just shy of 140,000 kms (about 86 990 miles).

    Truthfully, I have only done minimal work on cars in the past, but I like the challenge, and see this as a long term project to maintain and pamper this car.

    In terms of plans for the car, nothing too crazy...
    -Stereo first, so that I can get rid of the terribly obsolete CD player that skips continually.
    -Then it would be great to get the AC working, needs a new compressor and probably all of the seals need to be replaced.

    Hope you guys like the car, looking forward to posting more pics, and keeping you updated on progress.


    Nice start into the E30 club. Welcome aboard!



      That is a beautiful 318. Lucky you the previous owner took very nice care of it from the looks of it! I was not so lucky with mine and have a lot of work to recover my own car.

      Working on cars is VERY rewarding and feels so good when you accomplish even the simplest of things. However, it has its times of frustration and anger. Just don't take it out on that nice paint!
      1989 635csi - Betty White - 5-Speed, 120k, AWII over Natur Nappa


        Very nice. Why is it that our country seems to have the best paint in general compared to the others? Weird.

        If you're on facebook, jump onto the group "E30 Enthusiasts Australia" as there's a heap of us with 318is' and a whole lot of knowledge.

        (clicky on piccy to get to thread)


          Off to a great start.


            Originally posted by pilotskillse30 View Post
            Off to a great start.
            Could not have said it better myself.
            Bmw CCA # 490080

            1995 525iA RIP
            1987 325e Cirrusblau-Metallic/Pacific Blue (Daily)

            DSC_1725 by Matthew Johnson, on Flickr


              Beautiful car indeed, welcome!
              What's going on with the wheels? Type c's with some sort of can mod??


                if you do work on your ac, post some pics. I would be interested in them :)
                Renting my rear wheel bearing tool kit. SIR

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                  wish my paint was that good.


                    Awesome - your paint is super nice. I need to find the time to work on the paint of my cars. That is some serious shine!
                    91 DS S52 Slicktop, 91 Calypso M42, 89 Royalblau M20, 84 Bahama Beige 323i, M535, Euro e24, ap1

                    ig @RenownUSA / @rude.scott


                      Paint looks great. Get some new wheels :)
                      1989 325i
                      1988 M3
                      1987 325ic
                      2001 330ci
                      2001 M3


                        Thanks for the kind words everyone. After I wash the car on the weekend I will post a few more pics and some info about the car.
                        I am pretty keen to get some new wheels, at the moment they are TSW's that a previous owner refinished in black, but would like to get something a little bit more period appropriate. However being as that is a purely aesthetic decision, It will take a backseat until I have addressed some other things.


                          I think the wheels are period correct, but I would get them back into a silver finish. I despise black wheels
                          Current Cars:
                          -1999 996.1 911 4/98 3.8L 6-Speed, 21st Century Beetle

                          Make R3V Great Again -2020


                            Originally posted by econti View Post
                            Very nice. Why is it that our country seems to have the best paint in general compared to the others? Weird.
                            Because we have a climate where it doesn't snow so we don't salt on the roads, and plenty of room so we can keep our cars undercover!

                            My car gets daily driven, but lives under a car port at home, and in an underground car park at work... the paint doesn't exactly cop a hammering.

                            Great stuff OP - some interior and engine shots would be nice too :)
                            My e30: OEM+ with M30B35


                              Heh, those TSW's and TSW Hockenheim's were a dealer option in NZ/AU. Waaay cheaper back in the day than paying for 15" weaves.

                              Everyone shits on TSW Hocks but they were the gun rim to have on your E30 in the late 90's.

                              Wicked looking car OP, Thorpie says its fully sick.

                              SILBER COMBAT UNIT DELTA (M-Technic Marshal)

