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Hardcore Mac guys suck....

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    Hardcore Mac guys suck....

    I've been working with a client, who is a diehard mac fan-addicit. Friday I was 3 seconds away from telling him to get the fuck out of my edit suite and never come back.

    Long story short - I'm a video editor professionally - I've worked on both mac's and PC's. Both have their short commings. Both have their positives. Now-a-days, the software shipped that I uses (Avid Xpress, P-shop, Aftereffects) all work EXACTLY the same regardless of OS or CPU maker.

    Anyways - this guy was SO cluless and SO into his mac. GET OVER IT! Did you hire us cause we have a OS? No you hired us to do work! Based on my good editing, and skills. If you want a Mac editor - hire a huge teen-pimple that their parents bought a mac for his 12th birthday. Enjoy. Go cling on a mac guys balls and stop kicking mine....

    Fuck you Mr. Mac Buddy....

    Fuck you...

    OK - I'm done

    (ps mac man - enjoy the final bill - we have you CC on file)
    Originally posted by Matt-B
    hey does anyone know anyone who gets upset and makes electronics?

    Originally posted by george graves
    (ps mac man - enjoy the final bill - we have you CC on file)

    Right...because you're going to late-charge his credit card for a whole bunch of money to "get back at him"?

    Grow up, dickwad.

    I hate to break it to you, but he's the client. He pays you. If you are fed up with him, fire him. Yes, you can fire a client. Otherwise shut the fuck up and deal if you want to continue accepting his money.


      Chuck Norris took the bite out of Apple's logo.

      Now how's about BOTH of you just can it. I'm sick of these Mac vs. PC battle-threads popping up every so often.


        Originally posted by Eurospeed
        Now how's about BOTH of you just can it. I'm sick of these Mac vs. PC battle-threads popping up every so often.
        This isn't even a debate. There is no debate. Macs are better. Period.

        This is about Big Boy Graves thinking he's a badass because "Watch out Mr. Mac Man, I've got your credit card on file..."

        What does that mean? Do explain...


          Originally posted by Ben Carufel
          This isn't even a debate. There is no debate. Macs are better. Period.
          If you say so. Seriously, no one cares. Let it go.


            Originally posted by Eurospeed
            If you say so. Seriously, no one cares. Let it go.
            Sarcasm. I was being over-the-top on purpose. I like PC's. I like my Mac more, but I like PC's.



              I would never overcharge a client - that un-lawfull and un-moral, unprofessional. With that said, he not getting our usuall producer rate or breaks on billing. Not a punishment - more of a PAIN-IN-THE-ASS non-discount....

              And unless you've worked in the real world - you know you just can't fire a client if you have a contract in the middle of a project...

              BUT!!! Maybe you have a point - I so rarely have a client complain, that it does get to me a tad...This client was just over the top...

              Thanks for the input - I'll consider that....
              Originally posted by Matt-B
              hey does anyone know anyone who gets upset and makes electronics?


                Originally posted by george graves
                And unless you've worked in the real world - you know you just can't fire a client if you have a contract in the middle of a project...
                If you look at the contract and see that there is no out-clause for you, then yes you're stuck working with him until completion of the project.

                If there is an out clause and you can afford to not have that client, fire him. One of the better feelings around.


                  Originally posted by Eurospeed
                  Now how's about BOTH of you just can it. I'm sick of these Mac vs. PC battle-threads popping up every so often.
                  I've worked professionaly on both - in my biz - Pc's you have more control, mac's you have bit easier time with simple things(harder time with complex things)

                  PS - not a MAC vs PC thread - a "ass hole" client thread...
                  Originally posted by Matt-B
                  hey does anyone know anyone who gets upset and makes electronics?


                    Originally posted by Ben Carufel
                    Sarcasm. I was being over-the-top on purpose. I like PC's. I like my Mac more, but I like PC's.

                    Well dammit Ben, you forgot to add your [sacrcasm] brackets, you dolt!

                    It's all good. I'm a PC user and builder, but I will agree, Macs are the shit. Macs and PC's are just better at some things than others.


                      Originally posted by Ben Carufel
                      If you look at the contract and see that there is no out-clause for you, then yes you're stuck working with him until completion of the project.

                      If there is an out clause and you can afford to not have that client, fire him. One of the better feelings around.
                      a.) can't afford it
                      b.) no clause
                      c.) he has the attuite prolbem not me
                      d.) dam, can't a guy vent on this forum and not just get a "hell yes!"
                      Originally posted by Matt-B
                      hey does anyone know anyone who gets upset and makes electronics?


                        Originally posted by george graves
                        c.) he has the attuite prolbem not me

                        That's exactly my point.

                        Here's an example:

                        My boss is an architectural photographer. About three years ago a longtime client of ours sent us to LA to do photos at a new church they had designed there. They did NOT send an art director.

                        We got back to San Diego, processed the film and sent it over. The principal of that architectural firm called my boss personally to say that he thought the photos were shit and that he felt he would need to have it re-shot from the angles they really wanted. My boss calmly explained that they did NOT send an art director nor did they even email/fax plans of the building with marks at the vantage points they wanted the photos shot from. Nothing.

                        After calmly explaining this to the mad but not irate client, my boss politely suggested he find himself another photographer and bid him good day.

                        About two years later, we got a call from the same firm. "Oh, we haven't found anyone locally who can shoot like you can, please shoot this project for us, you pick the angles, and we'll just take what you shoot."

                        Easy peasy.


                          Exactly what I think too - your talents speak for themselves...End of the day, that's what matters - It just suck to have a shit head for a client- ohhh, I'm sorry was that what the thread was about? THINK SO!
                          Originally posted by Matt-B
                          hey does anyone know anyone who gets upset and makes electronics?


                            You both are fags. Sun machines > all
                            Im now E30less.


                              I do all my Photoshop processing with this:

                              George, let us know what ends up happening with this client.

                              RISING EDGE

                              Let's drive fast and have fun.

