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Sarah Palin's speech

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    Sarah Palin's speech

    i thought it was awesome. especially the drilling on the northern slope of alaska, i loved the humor she used there, haha. your thoughts?
    1987 325is Black/Black
    -Stock (mostly)

    That was one awesome speech! Good for her and the party!
    Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs!

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      hell yeah. if i was obama, i'd be shittin my pants right now. the sole reason being Palin would fucking eat him alive. she's the real "maverick" haha.
      1987 325is Black/Black
      -Stock (mostly)


        she was good, a bit akward at times, stepped over her words. i take it she didnt do many prompter speeches serving in AK. she was clever in trying to link energy supply concerns in the central asian republics, venezuela, and iran to a push for more domestic energy production. except the math doesn't really add up.

        i saw john mccain speak in 1999. he came to my high school and spoke about his vietnam experience mainly. he earned my respect that day, but seriously, how many times do they have to pander with the "mccain" story? need some new material?


          She is a superb orator...hands down. Loved the speech and use of humor. Once we get all of the speeches out of the way we can really start to see who these people least politically.


            Judging from the ~ten minutes of it that I watched, it seemed like she was spending most of the time trying to tell jokes instead of making proposals. Each time she made a witty remark, she was given three minutes of applause.

            This seems like a publicity stunt, not buying it.
            - Trey

            E90 325i/6 (ZSP, ZPP, ZCW)
            E36 325i sedan
            E30 325i sedan
            Volvo 945T


              I love people that tell jokes. It draws attention away from something important.


                are you sure you guys watched the same speech i did, cause i thought she looked and spoke like she is way out of her league. bad jokes and heartwarming family talk aren't going to get her and mcsame in the white house.
                ex-Chief Operating Officer
                Blunt Tech Industries
                West Coast and Pacific Rim


                  guys, as the VP nominee its her job to speak like she did. its up to McCain to make all the proposals, and promises if need be. she did a wicked good job. and if you watched the speech for entertainment, you definitely got what you wanted, as for proposals and promises, tune in tomorrow same time...
                  1987 325is Black/Black
                  -Stock (mostly)


                    -her daughter is hot. that is all.
                    1989 cirrisblau-metallic 325i


                      Originally posted by e30sd View Post
                      she was good, a bit akward at times, stepped over her words. i take it she didnt do many prompter speeches serving in AK.
                      sorry her career isn't just all a lot of talking...

                      her and other jokes pointed out how ridiculous the other party is. primarily obama's inexperience, and incredibly BAD economic plan


                        haha, she reminded me of gene simmons daughter for like a second (flame suit on).
                        1987 325is Black/Black
                        -Stock (mostly)


                          As CNN's Wolf Biltzer (how ever you spell his name) said "She hit it out of the park tonight"
                          Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs!

                          Your signature picture has been removed since it contained the Photobucket "upgrade your account" image.


                            spelling and speaking, both [optional] tenets of the american dream.


                              Did she really say "The Iraq war is a task from god." ?
                              McCain's military draft: Are you willing to bet your life?

