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The final "Who are you going to vote for" poll

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    ^^It is taken out of my paycheck. clear as day. And, there is no accountability for who gets the money and who doesn't.
    sigpic89 M3


      Originally posted by h0lmes View Post
      That is absolutely not the definition of communism. Communism is shared ownership of the means of production. It simply means that everybody gets an equal share of the pie. This is in direct contrast to Capitalism where an overwhelming minority hold an overwhelming majority of wealth. This idea that commies are going to take all your money and give it to some drug dealing illegal immigrant is completely baseless and inconsistent with what communism really is. For some reason people fear communism because of the Cold War stereotype. The truth is that although the Soviet Union started as a communist state it quickly turned into a totalitarian dictatorship because of greedy, power mongering, sociopaths. That is where your fear comes from. Communism and thus Socialism really are wonderful ideas. I suggest you do a bit more research.
      go look up "to those with means, to those with needs"
      straight out of the communist manifesto

      the commies were good at taking the $ and keeping it for the bastards in control, letting the people starve. like it so much holmes? try cuba or north korea for modern examples of how great communism works in the real world

      and explain how someone who pays no taxes, and then gets money from the govt is a tax cut and not redistribution od wealth

      you guys tired of a low pay dead end job? get off your ass and change for crying out loud. get a better education. move to another part of the country and quit crying. work smarter, change your life.

      everyday i see vietnamese, chinese and hispanics that can hardly speak english working their asses off to get ahead. they're happy to have a shot at something. government is not here to give you happiness and the american dream. its here to give you a chance.

      you cannot tax your way to happiness and prosperity. capitalism is full of tough choices, but its the best form of government tried so far.

      my fucking head is going to explode

      cowboy up
      Last edited by gwb72tii; 11-01-2008, 10:47 PM.
      “There is nothing government can give you that it hasn’t taken from you in the first place”
      Sir Winston Churchill


        Originally posted by gwb72tii View Post
        go look up "to those with means, to those with needs"
        straight out of the communist manifesto

        and explain how someone who pays no taxes, and then gets money from the govt is a tax cut and not redistribution od wealth

        you guys tired of a low pay dead end job? get off your ass and change for crying out loud. get a better education. move to another part of the country and quit crying. work smarter, change your life.

        everyday i see vietnamese, chinese and hispanics that can hardly speak english working their asses off to get ahead. the happy to have a shot at something. government is not here to give you happiness and the american dream. its here to give you a chance.

        my fucking head is going to explode

        cowboy up
        I have read the Communist Manifesto and I don't remember that quote. I Googled it and the only other mention of it across the entirety of the internet is from yourself on another board.

        The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The whole problem is that people don't have the money for things like health care and education because it is so ridiculously expensive. You give them a small boost and it could really pay off in the long run. Bill Gates can spare a few million bucks if it means giving an opportunity to someone that may not have one.

        And by the way, capitalism is not a form of government.
        Last edited by Guest; 11-01-2008, 10:50 PM.


          Originally posted by Jonny Cash View Post
          Seems? Quote me right now. Mccain will win this election.
          So uhhh.....
          "We praise or find fault, depending on which of the two provides more opportunity for our powers of judgement to shine."


            Originally posted by Turf1600 View Post
            So uhhh.....
            For sure. And even Palin's "Real Americans" in North Carolina apparently chose Obama.

            Maybe the GOP will finally see that their brand of "old time religion" doesn't appeal to the majority of Americans that see it as devisive.

            To all you "ain't skeered" types out there who bristle at the notion of more gun regulation, I understand your concern for the health of the Constitution. After all, Bush seems to have disregarded whatever parts of it that suited his agenda from time to time. Now, there's a Presidential precedent!

            When it comes down to it, the GOP must decide who they are. They must revert to true conservatism.

            (1.) Men and nations are governed by moral laws; and those laws have their origin in a wisdom that is more than human—in divine justice.

            (2.) Variety and diversity are the characteristics of a high civilization.

            (3.) Justice means that every man and every woman have the right to what is their own—to the things best suited to their own nature, to the rewards of their ability and integrity, to their property and their personality.

            (4.) Property and freedom are inseparably connected; economic leveling is not economic progress.

            (5.) Power is full of danger; therefore the good state is one in which power is checked and balanced, restricted by sound constitutions and customs.

            (6.) The past is a great storehouse of wisdom; as Burke said, “the individual is foolish, but the species is wise.”

            (7.) Modern society urgently needs true community: and true community is a world away from collectivism. Real community is governed by love and charity, not by compulsion.

            (8.) In the affairs of nations, the American conservative feels that his country ought to set an example to the world, but ought not to try to remake the world in its image.

            (9.) Men and women are not perfectible, conservatives know; and neither are political institutions. We cannot make a heaven on earth, though we may make a hell.

            (10.) Change and reform, conservatives are convinced, are not identical: moral and political innovation can be destructive as well as beneficial; and if innovation is undertaken in a spirit of presumption and enthusiasm, probably it will be disastrous.

            Until the GOP embraces true conservatism again, it's platform will be too far right for the majority of voters to embrace.
            Last edited by Old'n'Slow; 11-05-2008, 07:45 AM.

