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A wife Led Marriage

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    Originally posted by kronus View Post
    you're infringing on my right to not have my opinions questioned!

    Also, I think questioned is too loose a term; criticized is a much more fit toning adjective
    This is in general and directed to a plural audience: I'm not criticising your opinion, so why criticize mine?

    Secondly, DEFENDING an opinion is entirely diffetent that forcing people's opinion. For the record.


      Originally posted by JinormusJ View Post
      This is in general and directed to a plural audience: I'm not criticising your opinion, so why criticize mine?
      because it's WRONG


        Originally posted by JinormusJ View Post
        I'm not criticising your opinion, so why criticize mine?
        Because your opinion doesn't hold water when questioned. It's why more and more of the world is rejecting religion, and typically, the LEAST religious societies are the happiest.

        If you don't like that, put on your big girl panties?
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          Show me proof. I've asked since page 3 for a decent rebuttal to any of my claims and recieved nothing. Give me specifics, not just vague ideas "I heard fom my grandma's cousin's friend's uncle" type stuff

          Originally posted by Wh33lhop View Post
          because it's WRONG
          That's your opinion and I'm free to believe what I wish
          You have no right to tell me I am wrong or right in choosing my opionions
          Last edited by JinormusJ; 06-05-2013, 05:24 PM.


            Originally posted by JinormusJ View Post
            That's your opinion and I'm free to believe what I wish
            You have no right to tell me I am wrong or right in choosing my opionions


              Originally posted by JinormusJ View Post
              This is in general and directed to a plural audience: I'm not criticising your opinion, so why criticize mine?
              Because you put it out there on a public forum? If you want a blog where you can go off on spiels as to how less capable women are than men in the workforce then you are more than able to do just that. That combined with the fact that you promote ideas that would sooner see women shut away in the kitchen than provide the same as a man, and that your opinions if held by the majority would set back decades worth of efforts to make men and women equals.

              I'm by no means an advocate of aggressive feminism, I think if women want to be equals they need to portray themselves as such. You and I seem to see eye to eye on one thing, that women out to "prove" something represents them negatively, it acknowledges the elephant in the room. I prefer to remove all doubt, I accept women are equals and treat them as such. That means giving them just as much respect in the work place, but it also means not taking any shit from them and giving them the status of untouchable if they choose to get rowdy with me. Equality is just that, equal.

              Originally posted by JinormusJ View Post
              Show me proof. I've asked since page 3 for a decent rebuttal to any of my claims and recieved nothing.
              Yes you have, dispute it.

              Could fine motor skills not mean women would be more competent at building engines, more accurate and efficient machinists and more talented athletes? How about men being "better equipped to handle arduous tasks without emotional breakdowns" aka stay at home and deal with the kids? Do you know what's arduous, sitting at home all day with a crying toddler and still attempting to juggle everything else in the house.


                Originally posted by JinormusJ View Post
                Show me proof. I've asked since page 3 for a decent rebuttal to any of my claims and recieved nothing. Give me specifics, not just vague ideas "I heard fom my grandma's cousin's friend's uncle" type stuff


                You have no right to tell me I am wrong
                but.. what?
                cars beep boop


                  Just because one believes is Jesus and their personal savior doesn't make them a "religious" person as most of you would define it. Its a relationship from my standpoint. When God created man he gave us the choice of free will, so we can either chose to love Him or not. The focal point of many religions do gather around a central deity but personally I don't want at set of rules to tell me how to be friends with my creator. I believe in God but I can't physically walk and talk with him so I pray and use the bible as a guide for many things in my life as well as learning more about who he is.

                  As one that Loves the Lord its sad to see people profess "Christianity" and use the bible to beat people or condemn them. If you look at who Jesus was, that's not how he acted, EVER. And He, along with Paul and many others in the bible lay out the frame work to become more like Jesus. I'm sure many of you have heard of the "be attitudes", rules to live by, which one is the greatest? LOVE. Many so call "Christians" miss that, they're so far off base, they find entitlement to judge when the very God they believe in says he reserves that right, and only Him.

                  The Apostle Paul after years of condemning and killing Christians was changed, many believe he is the one that started the "Catholic faith" which if you research mean "universal faith" or faith for all.

                  Paul was in the world but not of the world. Read Acts and 1 Corinthians, an amazing man. He wasn't one to judge others based on their beliefs rather loved them as Jesus would have.

                  I'm not one to point fingers at anyone beliefs, I'm not perfect. It truly pains me to see people so poorly represent Christianity when they are missing the mark so bad.

                  Rebellion Forge Custom Fabrication

                  1988 325is - TrackRat in progress

                  Instagram @rebellionforge


                    Just be yourself.

                    Don't always agree and follow what society and media tell you to do, or not to do.

                    She will not respect you, if you don't respect yourself.

                    Never put you balls in a box and give them to her.
                    You are the one with the penis.

                    Gently lead her from the get go, and be consistent but not like control freak stalker.

                    Fear of losing her is only make your relationship worse.

                    You have to be fully happy with yourself in life BEFORE you think you will make her happy by having her being with you.

                    PS: When in doubt, throw it out!


                      Originally posted by JinormusJ View Post
                      Wait a minute... You quoted ancient Greece which started roughly 600BC, but the story of the first marriage and the institution of marriage was created with Adam and Eve roughly 3800BC

                      Who was the one that was uneducated...?
                      greek checking in here. you. the first "greeks" moved into the area around 10,000BC and started agriculture. so.... and 600BC, hah! no. there was already an advanced civilization and a dark age by 600BC. read more about the Mycenaeans. and if you want to include the island of Crete, the Minoans had an advanced civilization started around 5000BC, but first settled the island around 128,000BC. read up, yo.

                      and for whoever stated how could morals have come about without religion, you really need to read a few sociology research papers on other primates. guess what, all primates have a sense of "right and wrong." they will lie, they will hide things, they will share food, they will help each other. they do not have religion. it has more to do with growing a functional society that helps each other (a society of constant backstabbers would be short lived) than anything else.
                      AWD > RWD


                        Originally posted by Kershaw View Post
                        greek checking in here. you. the first "greeks" moved into the area around 10,000BC and started agriculture. so.... and 600BC, hah! no. there was already an advanced civilization and a dark age by 600BC. read more about the Mycenaeans. and if you want to include the island of Crete, the Minoans had an advanced civilization started around 5000BC, but first settled the island around 128,000BC. read up, yo.

                        and for whoever stated how could morals have come about without religion, you really need to read a few sociology research papers on other primates. guess what, all primates have a sense of "right and wrong." they will lie, they will hide things, they will share food, they will help each other. they do not have religion. it has more to do with growing a functional society that helps each other (a society of constant backstabbers would be short lived) than anything else.
                        As I mentioned earlier, it's PAINFULLY obvious JinormusJ that you aren't particularly educated on this subject.

                        The extent of your expertise seems limited to "I have the right to be wrong, don't criticize me because of it."
                        Need parts now? Need them cheap?
                        Chief Sales Officer, Midwest Division—Blunt Tech Industries

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                          "We praise or find fault, depending on which of the two provides more opportunity for our powers of judgement to shine."

                          Pretty much sums up what's going on in here.
                          "We praise or find fault, depending on which of the two provides more opportunity for our powers of judgement to shine."


                            Originally posted by previasc96 View Post

                            In our generation, It is often the case that once you are married, it like "Dude, you better do what ever she says". Those are the joking comments you get from older married men or even your Dad. Pleasing the woman and doing what she says keeps her "Happy", but years down the line, she'll lose respect for you because you let her have her way all the time to avoid conflict (like a lil Biach). It seems there needs to be a balance. She wants to buy a new sofa and it's affordable, fine, let her and give your opinion if she asks. But if she want to get a new joint credit card, if that's not a good idea, in a loving manner, explain why that's a bad decision for the family and even if she gets mad, she'll get over herself and probably even apologize for being a brat.
                            Just give your wife respect, nothing contrived or fake. See each other as equals, be interested in lifting the other, try your best to serve her in ways that she will appreciate and will feel loved. In a truly balanced and healthy marriage, no one "wears the pants"; rather husband and wife walk hand in hand, side by side as equals.


                              What an interesting read~

                              The subject of both religion and relationships interests me greatly due to the fact that nearly everyone has a different opinion on both.

                              Some jaded, some happy, some sad, and some just blank. That goes for both interpersonal and religious relationships.

                              My personal taste came to light about 3 months ago. I had went on a few dates with a very cute redhead, and she was very pleasant to be around. I hadn't dated anyone in maybe a year or so (my job takes most of my time) so I wasn't rushing into anything. I am pretty jaded from past relationships and just go into things expecting the worst, so I am not exactly 'hungry for mashed potatoes'. I find myself saying 'I told myself so' when the shitblizzard finally breaks, and I am happy rather than sad about it.

                              Anyway, she calls me one day and is freaking out about a mouse in her apartment. Now she is a very cute, maybe 110lb lady about to hit the magical 30 mark in age. Usually dresses and heels and done up for her job. I can understand this mouse issue, but it deeply troubles me. It troubles me because I had been living on a mountain, alone mostly (had roomates but didn't see them often), shooting rats the size of your boots off the food bowl in the chicken coup.

                              I would almost call this girl a prize- a trophy- a beautiful 'catch', and I am sure she will make some guy very happy one day. But I cant stand that shit. Perhaps it is the 'redneck' side of me or something but good lord- if you cant pee in the woods or shoot a gun or kill a rat with your teeth you are pretty much a liability to me. You would have to be really good at 'mashing my taters', cooking me dinner, or cleaning something... otherwise what good would you be to keep around?

                              Perhaps it is that kind of greedy 'what can I get' rather than un-requited love that puts our society in the place it is today. I have been to as many divorces as marriages and I think the reasons are getting better, with less children between them. People want to constantly improve their lives, not settle down. When one is ready to settle and one still wants to improve... well.... time to move on.

                              My generation saw our parents fighting hard- hating each other and not getting divorced till it 'got that bad'. We will not make the same mistakes, and we do not have the same expectations.

                              I started dating a nice, also about 30 girl, around the same time as redhead. Drop dead gorgeous, roller derby girl, stronger than I am, stable job at a bank, dad is a diesel mechanic, not afraid to get dirty or kill mice, or cook or clean or pee in the woods. Shoots guns and rides motorcycles. Anyway, I think she can protect me more than I can protect her. We both work full time, we are both, for the most part, happy with ourselves. Awkward fear of spiders, but it is just funny in comparison with the other stuff.

                              Every time I read the 'women in the kitchen' bullshit I think of a group of about 30 girls between the ages of 25 and 45, many single mothers, who would love to have a word with you about what horrible shitbags most men seem to be. You can bet your ass they would lead the house because the last guy they let in charge screwed up their life completely, and they are just now getting it back on track. Seems like you know about this issue, too.

                              Religious-wise I would hold my tongue as near all religions bash women and slaves 'the mark of cain' pretty hard. I still don't think Catholics allow females to be ordained, but they skirt around it with the 'separate but equal' nun thing.

                              We pissed off the women and the blacks by treating them as 'lesser-humans', and they are coming back to get us. Equality means that- same expectations for all no matter race or sexyness.

                              Footnote: I know some guys that are good at interior decorating. I know ladies that are great landscapers, raft guides, and engineers. I only know 3 women that have the 'grandma' gene where they actually enjoy the kitchen and baking and momming everyone to death with pies and food. I had thought about dating them... but trying to picture mashing taters with grandma was awkward even if she was in a hot 23 year old bod for now.

                              Originally posted by Grand525 View Post
                              Just be yourself.

                              You have to be fully happy with yourself in life BEFORE you think you will make her happy by having her being with you.

                              PS: When in doubt, throw it out!

                              Originally posted by Farbin Kaiber View Post
                              This thread has shaken my religious and sexual ideas to their very core. Am I a better, or a worse man for having read all this?

                              Oh, and it wasn't the wife's box, it was her potatoes being mashed. Sometimes if it's a big meal, there are a lot of potatoes to mash. Gotta get in there and work them over.


                                Originally posted by Redfox View Post
                                Why anyone argues over religion is ridiculous. Athiests get more butthurt than Christians to support their claims, beliefs, etc. I have a relationship with god. At a point in time I was atheist entirely. I've had two extremely deep and personal experiences that reconfirmed my beliefs and faith. I, however, do not attend church. I believe we have a maker. I don't believe in a few thousand year old book that preaches one tune that can't be true today- being a virgin and having sex before marriage =being stoned to death, or being around a woman on her period is a sin, unclean, having oral sex is a sin, or sex on your period, whatever. I highly doubt our maker is so petty.

                                I believe you shouldn't steal, rape, murder, molest kids or waffleswaffleswaffleswaffles animals, etc etc. Common sense morality shit. I pray. I believe in God, an afterlife, and hell and evil. I try to be the best person I can be. We are human. We make error. But regardless many of the the scriptures aren't applicable to today's society or world. Man wrote them. We are imperfect and make error.

                                Do I share that I believe in god? Absolutely. Am I ashamed? Not at all. If you aren't interested in hearing it, then that's fine. It's your life and choices. Not my problem. If your atheist it should be the same regards. Don't waste your time trying to prove anyone is wrong on their faith, keep it to yourself if they don't want to hear it. Life's short and moves too quickly. Arguing the unknown will never have an answer, only opinions. And you know what they say about opinions... They're like a$$holes, every one has one.

                                We're friends now okay?

                                Originally posted by IronFreak View Post
                                Just because one believes is Jesus and their personal savior doesn't make them a "religious" person as most of you would define it. Its a relationship from my standpoint. When God created man he gave us the choice of free will, so we can either chose to love Him or not. The focal point of many religions do gather around a central deity but personally I don't want at set of rules to tell me how to be friends with my creator. I believe in God but I can't physically walk and talk with him so I pray and use the bible as a guide for many things in my life as well as learning more about who he is.

                                As one that Loves the Lord its sad to see people profess "Christianity" and use the bible to beat people or condemn them. If you look at who Jesus was, that's not how he acted, EVER. And He, along with Paul and many others in the bible lay out the frame work to become more like Jesus. I'm sure many of you have heard of the "be attitudes", rules to live by, which one is the greatest? LOVE. Many so call "Christians" miss that, they're so far off base, they find entitlement to judge when the very God they believe in says he reserves that right, and only Him.

                                The Apostle Paul after years of condemning and killing Christians was changed, many believe he is the one that started the "Catholic faith" which if you research mean "universal faith" or faith for all.

                                Paul was in the world but not of the world. Read Acts and 1 Corinthians, an amazing man. He wasn't one to judge others based on their beliefs rather loved them as Jesus would have.

                                I'm not one to point fingers at anyone beliefs, I'm not perfect. It truly pains me to see people so poorly represent Christianity when they are missing the mark so bad.
                                We're really good friends now too okay?

                                This sums it all up.
                                -it's wrong to judge no matter what belief. Respect is key here.
                                -rationalizing isn't always a good idea either, no matter what religion
                                -Quit polishing your pussies, once again this is true no matter what religion.
                                Last edited by Vtec?lol; 06-06-2013, 09:18 AM.

