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The NSA, Verizon and Your Privacy

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    Of course they are lying to us, if the truth comes out there will be torches and pitch forks in the streets an lynch mobs looking for those in charge
    Originally posted by Fusion
    If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
    The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

    The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

    Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
    William Pitt-


      Wow, another thread showing how retarded america is. Yeah, let's all blame Obama. He's the one in charge so it must be his fault. Oh wait, wasn't it Bush that inacted the Patriot Act? You know, the law that makes this legal. The law that's allowed the gov to do this for the past 10+ years. But it's only now that people are upset over it. How pathetic. No one was bitching when this law was pushed threw. No one stopped to ask how our gov, who can't get get a single thing done in decades, was able to write and pass the patriot act in a month. Oh, could it be they had it ready and waiting for the right excuse to use it. Say 9-11. But let's just blame the black guy, we've been doing it for over a century. Worked then, works today.

      This country is getting exactly what it deserves. We all let this shit happen ten years ago. We didn't give a shit then because it was happening to other people. But now that it's happening to you it's a big deal. Or should I say cause it's in the media, it's a big deal. They've been doing this for over ten years, just wasn't in the news. But now you wanna cry foul.

      Of course they are lying to us, if the truth comes out there will be torches and pitch forks in the streets an lynch mobs looking for those in charge
      Well the truth has been out there, haven't seen anyone in the streets tho. But that would require people getting off their couches, and you know that won't happen. How much truth you want? This, all the market rigging, banks stealing homes and getting off, banks laundering drug cartel money, whistleblowers going to jail, ect... The fact is the american people just like to bitch, nothing more. We let all this shit happen, wanna blame someone, start with yourselves. But it's easier to bitch and point fingers than to actually do something. And god knows american's are all bout the easy way out.



        you really are an idiot aren't you... Cant see the forest because of the trees can you
        Originally posted by Fusion
        If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
        The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

        The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

        Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
        William Pitt-


          Blame it all on Obama? Huh?

          Talk about bitching. Also, I was never a fan of the patriot act or the government's response to 9/11.
          Build thread



            Boosh has nothing on the 0 who has taken the Patriot Act to the next level via "executive order" and injected it with an overdose of progressive steroids.
            Originally posted by Fusion
            If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
            The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

            The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

            Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
            William Pitt-


              you really are an idiot aren't you... Cant see the forest because of the trees can you
              Well Sleeve. It's funny you said this. Considering that this saying is referencing the idea of not seeing the bigger picture due to being blinded by singular points in said picture. It applies to your statements, not mine.

              I.E. Forest = lack of the american public to be proactive in their governance. Instead choosing only to complain about the issue's after the fact. Tree's = infringements upon freedoms. Like this NSA scandal. Or any of the other one's occurring these days.

              Boosh has nothing on the 0 who has taken the Patriot Act to the next level via "executive order" and injected it with an overdose of progressive steroids.
              Really? Here's just a few examples that occurred under the bush administration. All of which were reported on in 2006. There's a ton more if you actually took the time to research.

              1. Warrantless Wiretapping — In December 2005, the New York Times reported the National Security Agency was tapping into telephone calls of Americans without a warrant, in violation of federal statutes and the Constitution. Furthermore, the agency had also gained direct access to the telecommunications infrastructure through some of America's largest companies. The program was confirmed by President Bush and other officials, who boldly insisted, in the face of all precedent and the common understanding of the law, that the program was legal. And, the agency appears to have been not only eavesdropping on the conversations of Americans in this country without warrants, but also using broad "data mining" systems that allowed it to analyze information about the communications of millions of innocent people within the United States. In August 2006, in a lawsuit brought by the ACLU, a federal judge in Detroit found the program both unconstitutional and illegal. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit overturned that decision because it found the plaintiffs could not prove with certainty they were wiretapped but they did not rule on the legality of the program. The ACLU is considering an appeal. In the meantime, the 110th Congress chose basically to sanction the exact same program in August of 2007. The law that makes the warrantless wiretapping program legal is scheduled to sunset in February 2008, although Congress plans to take up legislation before then. Learn More >>

              2. Torture, Kidnapping and Detention — In the years since 9/11, our government has illegally kidnapped, detained and tortured numerous prisoners. The government continues to claim that it has the power to designate anyone, including Americans as "enemy combatants" without charge. Since 2002, some "enemy combatants," have been held at Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere, in some cases without access by the Red Cross. Investigations into other military detention centers have revealed severe human rights abuses and violations of international law, such as the Geneva Conventions. The government has also engaged in the practice of rendition: secretly kidnapping people and moving them to foreign countries where they are tortured and abused. It has been reported the CIA maintains secret prison camps in Eastern Europe to conduct operations that may also violate international standards. Congress made matters worse by enacting the Military Commissions Act, which strips detainees of their habeas rights, guts the enforceability of the Geneva Conventions' protections against abuse, and even allows persons to be prosecuted based on evidence beaten out of a witness. (See

              3. The Growing Surveillance Society — In perhaps the greatest assault on the privacy of ordinary Americans, the country is undergoing a rapid expansion of data collection, storage, tracking, and mining. The FBI's Investigative Data Warehouse, as an example, has grown to over 560 million records. Over and above the invasion of privacy represented by any one specific program, a combination of new technologies, expanded government powers and expanded private-sector data collection efforts is creating a new "surveillance society" that is unlike anything Americans have seen before. Learn More >>

              4. Abuse of the Patriot Act— Several provisions of the Patriot Act were set to expire at the end of 2005 and, despite opposition from across the political spectrum and more than 400 community and state resolutions expressing concern about the Patriot Act, Congress reauthorized the law without reforming its most flawed provisions to bring these extraordinary powers back in line with the Constitution. Since then, the Justice Department's Inspector General found that the FBI has issued hundreds of thousands of national security letters, a majority against U.S. persons, and many without any connection to terrorism at all. In September 2007, the ACLU won a landmark victory when a judge struck down the national security letter provision of the Patriot Act because part of the statute violated both the First Amendment and the separation of powers doctrine. (See

              5. Government Secrecy — The Bush administration has been one of the most secretive and nontransparent in our history. The Freedom of Information Act has been weakened , the administration has led a campaign of reclassification and increased secrecy by federal agencies (including the expansion of a catch-all category of "sensitive but unclassified"), and has made sweeping claims of "state secrets" to stymie judicial review of many of its policies that infringe on civil liberties. It even refused to grant government investigators the security clearances they needed to investigate the illegal and unconstitutional NSA wiretapping program. The administration has also expressed interest in prosecuting journalists under the Espionage Act of 1917: essentially trying to quell the media's role in exposing questionable, illegal and unconstitutional conduct, including the maintenance of secret CIA prisons abroad and the NSA wiretapping program. Learn More >>

              6. Real ID — The 2005 Real ID Act, rammed through Congress by being attached to a unrelated, "must pass" bill, lays the foundation for a national ID card and makes it more difficult for persecuted people to seek asylum. Under the law, states are required to standardize their drivers licenses (according to a still undetermined standard) and link to databases to be shared with every federal, state and local government official in every other state. Conservative estimates place the cost of the program at $10 to 12 billion. Opposition to the bill and its implementation remains fierce, and comes from groups such as the National Governor's Association and the National Council of State Legislators. (See

              7. No Fly and Selectee Lists — The No-Fly list was established to keep track of people the government prohibits from traveling because they have been labeled as security risks. Since 9/11 the number of similar watch lists has mushroomed to about 720,000 names, all with mysterious or ill-defined criteria for how names are placed on the lists, and with little recourse for innocent travelers seeking to be taken off them. These lists name an estimated 30,000 to 50,000 people. The lists are so erroneous several members of Congress, including Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), have been flagged.

              8. Political Spying — Government agencies — including the FBI and the Department of Defense — have conducted their own spying on innocent and law-abiding Americans. Through the Freedom of Information Act, the ACLU learned the FBI had been consistently monitoring peaceful groups such Quakers, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Greenpeace, the Arab American Anti-Defamation Committee and, indeed, the ACLU itself. In August 2007 the Pentagon announced that it would be shutting down its TALON database program, which illegally gathered information on anti-war activists across the country. (See

              9. Abuse of Material Witness Statute — In the days and weeks after 9/11, the government gathered and detained many people — mostly Muslims in the US — through the abuse of a narrow federal technicality that permits the arrest and brief detention of "material witnesses," or those who have important information about a crime. Most of those detained as material witnesses were never treated as witnesses to the crimes of 9/11, and though they were detained so that their testimony could be secured, in many cases, no effort was made to secure their testimony. The government has apologized for wrongfully detaining 13 people as material witnesses. Some were imprisoned for more than six months and one actually spent more than a year behind bars. Learn More >>

              10. Attacks on Academic Freedom — The Bush administration has used a provision in the Patriot Act to engage in a policy of "censorship at the border" to keep scholars with perceived political views the administration does not like out of the United States. The ACLU has filed a lawsuit challenging this ideological exclusion, charging that it is being used to prevent United States citizens and residents from hearing speech protected by the First Amendment. Additionally, government policies and practices have hampered academic freedom and scientific inquiry since 9/11, creating a system where science has come under siege. The government has moved to overclassify information and has engaged in outright censorship and prescreening of scientific articles before publication.
              And couple your statement with the known fact you have a grudge against anything close to being labelled "progressive" it's no wonder you take issue with Obama. Which is ironic considering all the founding father's ideal's line up more with those of the progressive's than the right or left wings. Not that you'll admit that. Because it doesn't line up with your opinion, so you ignore it. But to get things straight, I'm no big fan of Obama either. But I put blame where it belongs. Not on the easiest target.

              You my friend are like most american's these days. Strong opinion, weak mind.


                I have never been a fan of the patriot act, have been against it since day fucking one.

                Bush had his fair share of issue with over use and abuse of the system as well your right. Hell this goes back to the Wilson Admin if you really want to see some violations of civil rights and the Constitution check him out. We have this current admin that has been putting the pedal to the metal, pin it to win it, with this all modern digital shit. Pushing the FAA to clear domestic drone flights and make way for governmental use of them at all levels. My forest Vs Tress cliche, is to point out the fact that its very funny you think this all started with and "put the blame where its due" on bush and give the 0 a pass, and not look further into the past where this shit really got a good start, (the Progresives by they way)

                Research, yeah well more like refresh, I dont have the time nor the energy get into lengthy debates with the busy season in full swing and working 12-16 hour days with 1 sunday a month off right now.

                Really the founders align with the modern progressives ???????????????? Wow now I have heard it all.

                funny thing about bitching about shit like this though is, its the 1st steps to solving it...............
                Last edited by mrsleeve; 08-18-2013, 06:35 PM.
                Originally posted by Fusion
                If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
                The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

                The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

                Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
                William Pitt-


                  Im Love-int... of course it would only be used for our protection blah blah blah

                  NSA employees spied on their lovers using eavesdropping programme

                  Staff working at America's National Security Agency – the eavesdropping unit that was revealed to have spied on millions of people – have used the technology to spy on their lovers.
                  Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs!

                  Your signature picture has been removed since it contained the Photobucket "upgrade your account" image.


                    They assume that all intentional breaches are caught. Yeah, right.
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                      Originally posted by Vedubin01 View Post
                      Im Love-int... of course it would only be used for our protection blah blah blah

                      NSA employees spied on their lovers using eavesdropping programme


                      But only when they were abroad, that makes it better, right?


                        I wonder if when the founding fathers made spying on americans illegal, they meant "well, only when they're outside US borders, and it's OK as long as they're talking to non-American citizens or americans outside the border, and I guess it's OK if a secret court says so".
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                          The Founding Fathers would be on a boat, getting ready to settle some island somewhere the second they heard the term "secret court" in relation to the activities of the government they set the framework for.


                            Or they would be arming their militias.... er um come to think of it... I guess that wouldn't be an option either. At what point in our history did being a politician stop becoming a service and started as a carear? Where they make any laws and use all tools to ensure their constituents don't rise against them.


                              Things that make you wonder...

                              The government pays AT&T to place its employees in drug-fighting units around the country. Those employees sit alongside Drug Enforcement Administration agents and local detectives and supply them with the phone data from as far back as 1987.

                              Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs!

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                                NSA disguised itself as Google to spy, say reports

                                If a recently leaked document is any indication, the US National Security Agency -- or its UK counterpart -- appears to have put on a Google suit to gather intelligence.

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                                Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs!

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