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Bugout/Disaster Prep. Thread

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    Originally posted by slaterd View Post
    What will you have in that shelter? I assume some way to store water, some food, medical kits, radio, flashlights? Usually when a town gets hit by a tornado it'll be multiple houses. If bad enough then the town is crippled and emergency service would be swamped. They may not be able to get to you and your neighbors quickly.
    Yep, you nailed it. (And yes I see what you're getting at)

    The reason I have such derision for many of the "preppers" is many seem to think it's going to be a zombie hoard, Chinese/Ruskie invasion, martial law implemented by the Feds, or 1984.
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      I'm the same way. I personally can't stand preppers who think the world is going to implode at anytime. Don't get me wrong, the redneck part in the back of my head hopes for a zombie apocolypse but...come on...let's be realistic.
      Originally posted by Wh33lhop
      This is r3v. Check your vaginal sand at the door.


        Originally posted by z31maniac View Post
        Yep, you nailed it. (And yes I see what you're getting at)

        The reason I have such derision for many of the "preppers" is many seem to think it's going to be a zombie hoard, Chinese/Ruskie invasion, martial law implemented by the Feds, or 1984.
        you have to remember something though polite society will break down after about 72 hours the thin veil of civility and chivalry that keep out society mostly safe and running smoothly will be gone. Many of those not prepared well enough for a longer time frame than just a few days will start to turn to looking for those that are read for such an occasion and likely attempt to take your shit from you. (just read a fun article last night about Chimps and their natural aggression towards each other and use of coordinated group attacks on each other, only other species that does that is MAN. )

        Now that said this is not likely going to be the situation on a local or even regional scale where help and supplies will be flowing in form other areas that were not affected by such and such event. But look at Katrina and Nawlins, where there was lots of looting and pillaging going on after a few days with out any type of law and order. While much it was consumer goods not so much necessities it would not take long for it to get to that point either. So the point of having a means to defend ones self, family and means to sustain them selves is a good idea to have in your plan, many take that side of things too far, but that is somewhat the lighter side of whole process and the "fan part" of it if you will. After all would rather count pails of beans and cans of chicken soup, while dusting and organizing them or shoot guns???

        Another thing to consider rather than a tornado or local event is something similar to the Carrington event in 1850. Yes its been nearly 150 years, but just last weekend we had a shave with a similar event though much smaller. This type of thing would FUBAR all of the western world for at least several months if not years to restore basic services and deliveries..
        Originally posted by Fusion
        If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
        The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

        The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

        Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
        William Pitt-


          Originally posted by mrsleeve View Post
          Another thing to consider rather than a tornado or local event is something similar to the Carrington event in 1850. Yes its been nearly 150 years, but just last weekend we had a shave with a similar event though much smaller. This type of thing would FUBAR all of the western world for at least several months if not years to restore basic services and deliveries..
          We came extremely close 2 years ago to having this happen again. Even at NASA they were saying if we were to be hit, which was relatively close, we would've been thrown back to the 19th century. NASA finally released this information just about a month or 2 ago. That shows that even IF the government or other agencies know of some kind of severe, impending threat, they will not tell us.
          Originally posted by Wh33lhop
          This is r3v. Check your vaginal sand at the door.


            Personally I think our food supply lines are at the biggest risk right now. Couple failed crops due to pesticide resistant bugs and lack of organic diversity due to the GMO genius' could lead to panic food buying. As mentioned earlier in this thread, our grocery store shelves are minutes/hours away from being empty upon upsetting and panic inducing news. Think of the gun/ammo shortage that is just barely starting to lift triggered (pun intended) by the possibility of not having them in the future. You can't eat bullets and AR15s.

            Moral of the story, there are many things in our society that are deeply intertwined. Any number of things could cause an issue as minor as not having power for a few hours (where do you keep your candles? does your flashlight have batteries that work? could you find it in the dark? this is basic preparation.) to not having any public services for months on end. These people who plan for one "scenario" because that is what they "fear" is foolish, planning for the unknown to the best of your ability and resources is just common sense.
            Last edited by ParsedOut; 09-18-2014, 11:34 AM.


              Originally posted by slaterd View Post
              So after keeping up with the world events I've been finding myself wanting to finally start on some king of bugout preparation.
              LOL if current world events scare you I couldn't imagine what you woulda done in 1962. Stop listening to NPR dude.


                This thread reminds me of a great Twilight Zone episode called The Shelter. Oh the genius mind of Rod Serling.


                  Originally posted by Liquidity View Post
                  LOL if current world events scare you I couldn't imagine what you woulda done in 1962. Stop listening to NPR dude.
                  Originally posted by Wh33lhop
                  This is r3v. Check your vaginal sand at the door.


                    You gotta love people talking about bringing their cars with them or being able to support multiple families for "quite some time" in some shelter. Nuclear fall-out lasts for decades people, not weeks. Your little bomb shelters are nothing but large coffins. The people will only "thank you" for the first couple days til they realize you're fucking retarded and sealed their fate.

                    Learn to hunt and trap without firearms and to be a man of the wilderness. That's your only true escape from this if you really take this shit seriously.


                      Originally posted by Liquidity View Post
                      You gotta love people talking about bringing their cars with them or being able to support multiple families for "quite some time" in some shelter. Nuclear fall-out lasts for decades people, not weeks. Your little bomb shelters are nothing but large coffins. The people will only "thank you" for the first couple days til they realize you're fucking retarded and sealed their fate.

                      Learn to hunt and trap without firearms and to be a man of the wilderness. That's your only true escape from this if you really take this shit seriously.
                      Who said anything about nuclear war/fallout? Keep trolling.


                        Originally posted by Liquidity View Post
                        You gotta love people talking about bringing their cars with them or being able to support multiple families for "quite some time" in some shelter. Nuclear fall-out lasts for decades people, not weeks. Your little bomb shelters are nothing but large coffins. The people will only "thank you" for the first couple days til they realize you're fucking retarded and sealed their fate.

                        Learn to hunt and trap without firearms and to be a man of the wilderness. That's your only true escape from this if you really take this shit seriously.
                        Already do.
                        Originally posted by ParsedOut View Post
                        Who said anything about nuclear war/fallout? Keep trolling.
                        Even though technically that subject could be brought in...we were talking mostly about natural disasters.
                        Originally posted by Wh33lhop
                        This is r3v. Check your vaginal sand at the door.


                          Originally posted by slaterd View Post
                          Even though technically that subject could be brought in...we were talking mostly about natural disasters.
                          I think most would agree that if hundreds of nukes began flying it would pretty much be a lost cause. An EMP or a solar flare that knocks out the power grid? That is survivable if you are smart about where you go, what you have and what you know.


                            Originally posted by ParsedOut View Post
                            Who said anything about nuclear war/fallout? Keep trolling.
                            Try reading the first post and what I quoted. Unless you somehow think "world events" means some terrorists are somehow gonna be able to overthrow our country, the only possible scenario that anyone would have to go to the extreme of living in a shelter is nuclear war.

                            I was gonna say all you have to do is put two and two together but I forgot people in AZ can't do math.


                              Originally posted by Liquidity View Post
                              Try reading the first post and what I quoted. Unless you somehow think "world events" means some terrorists are somehow gonna be able to overthrow our country, the only possible scenario that anyone would have to go to the extreme of living in a shelter is nuclear war.

                              I was gonna say all you have to do is put two and two together but I forgot people in AZ can't do math.
                              I read what you wrote, you made your close minded conclusions. The only talk of a "shelter" was that silo that someone posted that was kind of cool, that's it. Your entire post history shows you have nothing productive to say, I'll continue to consider you a troll.


                                Also read the first post. Did I mention anything about living in a shelter? Nope.
                                And wow, great stick at people who live in Arizona. I give you a gold star.
                                Originally posted by Wh33lhop
                                This is r3v. Check your vaginal sand at the door.

