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Red Rocket - 1990 325i Turbo

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  • JCarp90
    Originally posted by thatphysicsguy View Post
    It's all good. Just means the next build when I have proper space and money will be good. Maybe another turbo something. Maybe a LS1 or LS3. Time will tell.

    I had hoped to get the car out for a drive today but didn't have time. I'm glad I didn't though because it hailed golf balls and rained like crazy out of nowhere this afternoon. Now if we could just get some good hail damage on our G6 and total it out...

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  • thatphysicsguy

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  • JCarp90
    Well, I haven't updated here for a while but so I'll jump in with a quickie update.

    Ditched the squeaky 2.93 LSD and bought a 3.46 LSD. Got that in last week and all is well.

    The tune is pretty much finished. AFRs are in the mid 11s under full boost and it pulls really well.

    Unfortunately with all of this being said, the car is listed for sale. I'm using the money for a down payment on a house. With the birth of our first child, our current house just won't cut it. If you're interested at all, let me know. My price is negotiable (within reason).

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  • JCarp90
    Originally posted by lambo View Post
    Man I want 300 torques... But like how do you even hold all those torques.
    Everyone needs 300 torques. :)

    Right now, they're contained by a new set of RA1s. I have yet to buy another set of tires for my Fittis.

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  • lambo
    Man I want 300 torques... But like how do you even hold all those torques.

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  • JCarp90

    Still working on it, but getting close. :D

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  • JCarp90
    Pulled LC1.

    Installed MTXL


    Kameron sent me a virtual dyno on one pull. I shut down at like 5100 rpm though so it's not complete, but still a pretty good idea of the power I'm making.

    This pull was a little lean but he has since sent me another tune with a little more fuel. I didn't have time to burn that one yet because I got distracted by the 75 degree weather and my supermoto, but tonight I'll do some more pulls.

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  • JCarp90
    Originally posted by TheTacoMan View Post
    I remember the day Kamotors, just a 5-6psi auto. We all can see where that one.

    12psi is a worlds of difference from 7psi.

    I remember that too. The good ol' days. Would be sorta cool to see an E30 auto with his kind of power lol.

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  • TheTacoMan
    I remember the day Kamotors, just a 5-6psi auto. We all can see where that one.

    12psi is a worlds of difference from 7psi.


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  • JCarp90
    Originally posted by TheTacoMan View Post
    get arps yet?

    Whats the new plan with the the bigger injectors ? Mor boost?
    No ARPs yet. The lady has limited my budget on this project unfortunately until she's back at work since she's on maternity leave. My 30#ers were maxed out. I was running out of injector at like 4400 RPM or so. The plans would be to probably get ARPs, go to 12psi and leave it. Everyone says they will leave it alone and they don't so we'll see lol.

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  • spoolinspoon
    Mxtl was my second choice but I got a decent deal on my uego

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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  • JCarp90
    Originally posted by spoolinspoon View Post
    Nice. I ordered a aem uego

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
    Originally posted by Bmwb View Post
    the lc1 wideband is such a pain in the ass i endded up going with the AEM its such a hastle , cars coming together great!
    That was recommended to me as well. I ended up going with the MTXL because reviews online said it was more accurate. We shall see. If this one doesn't work out I'm writing off all Innovate products.


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  • TheTacoMan
    get arps yet?

    Whats the new plan with the the bigger injectors ? Mor boost?

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  • Bmwb
    the lc1 wideband is such a pain in the ass i endded up going with the AEM its such a hastle , cars coming together great!

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  • spoolinspoon
    Nice. I ordered a aem uego

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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