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Teen suicide

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  • Turf1600
    Originally posted by Dermeister3 View Post
    i dont think im better than anyone. no shit its what you do with the knowledge you acquire. thats how it became such a good program. as for it not meaning shit, i stated that fact to show some guy that RBS is reputable and does in fact teach English in a productive way.

    to get back on subject, cant we just sum it up that no one has to feel bad for the kid. feel bad for the family, for the bullies that are living with this for the rest of their life, or the fact that this kind of ridiculous thing goes on in life.

    if nothing else, just dont joke about something as serious as an honest kids life.
    I like that the single word you chose to capitalize was English.

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  • Turf1600
    Originally posted by E30 Wagen View Post
    I have been SEVERELY depressed in my life. Despite trying MANY things to try and help myself, I could never function as a regular, normal person because I could not stop obsessing about everything that made me hate life. To make a long story short, I'll just say that I know what it feels like to act on a suicidal impulse, and that it wasn't some emo "cry for help." I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't been found in time.

    Basically, all you ignorant little shits don't know what the fuck you're talking about until you've been in that moment when your thoughts hit rock bottom. I know how the saying goes - when you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up. Well, that saying does not apply to somebody severely depressed. I suppose it didn't apply to this kid either. Instead, the pain of life becomes the only truth you know.
    Have you seen a doctor? It seems like you suffer from generalized anxiety to me.

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  • IRON-E
    Originally posted by E30 Wagen View Post
    I have been SEVERELY depressed in my life. Despite trying MANY things to try and help myself, I could never function as a regular, normal person because I could not stop obsessing about everything that made me hate life. To make a long story short, I'll just say that I know what it feels like to act on a suicidal impulse, and that it wasn't some emo "cry for help." I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't been found in time.

    Basically, all you ignorant little shits don't know what the fuck you're talking about until you've been in that moment when your thoughts hit rock bottom. I know how the saying goes - when you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up. Well, that saying does not apply to somebody severely depressed. I suppose it didn't apply to this kid either. Instead, the pain of life becomes the only truth you know.
    Quoted before thread becomes EPIC

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  • E30 Wagen
    Originally posted by blunt View Post
    or severely depressed. I feel bad for this kid. We dont know his whole story but by looking at his facebook pic Id be willing to bet he was fucked with his whole life. Kids are so much nicer when they turn 40.
    fucking shame anytime anyone takes his or her life.
    I have been SEVERELY depressed in my life. Despite trying MANY things to try and help myself, I could never function as a regular, normal person because I could not stop obsessing about everything that made me hate life. To make a long story short, I'll just say that I know what it feels like to act on a suicidal impulse, and that it wasn't some emo "cry for help." I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't been found in time.

    Basically, all you ignorant little shits don't know what the fuck you're talking about until you've been in that moment when your thoughts hit rock bottom. I know how the saying goes - when you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up. Well, that saying does not apply to somebody severely depressed. I suppose it didn't apply to this kid either. Instead, the pain of life becomes the only truth you know.

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  • markseven
    Originally posted by Massive Lee View Post
    Would you have the guts to do it?

    Internet and forums are the new locations for bullying. It doesn't take more than a few spoiled brats to make somebody's life difficult. It happens with kids, it happens with adults.

    Tyler Clementi had to manage being a teenager, which by itself can be tough and requires acceptance and understanding, but also to face its different sexuality and all the personal questionning that goes with it. He didn't choose to be gay, the same way nobody here chose to be hetero.

    There's a very high rate of suicide within the gay teenage segment, caused by all the pressure of the "environement". To those of you who prefered to laugh: I wish you had experienced the same traumatic situations. There's no joke to make.

    This coming from the guy with "Welcome to R3V. Where men are men. And newbz are gangbanged." You don't seem to empathize with the men, women, boys and girls who have been gang rapped. Really, you are making light of it.

    Originally posted by Massive Lee View Post
    Bingo. And what do you guess makes the gay teenagers uncomfortable to the point that they see no other issue than suicide? Imagine being bullied every single hour of the day for something that is not in your control or have no handle on.
    By your logic, black should have committed suicide en masse prior to 1950.

    If you look at the big picture, this kid had a good life. His roommate is a tool but probably regrets his immature actions... but then again, we don't know what environmental / cultural issues forced his behavior, so maybe he is a victim, too or maybe we should hold both accountable for their behavior.

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  • mamzak
    I wonder how his gay lover feels about all this shit.

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  • Pinepig
    Fuck that kid.

    Originally posted by Farbin Kaiber View Post
    Too soon?
    No I believe it would be too late.

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  • Farbin Kaiber
    Originally posted by Vedubin01 View Post
    so does the roommate that broadcast-ed the act get an "A" in this semesters classes because the other roommate committed Suicide?
    Too soon?

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  • assoutE12
    Originally posted by Raxe View Post
    More like kicked out of the school.
    plus 5 years in prison

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  • Raxe
    Originally posted by Vedubin01 View Post
    so does the roommate that broadcast-ed the act get an "A" in this semesters classes because the other roommate committed Suicide?
    More like kicked out of the school.

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  • Vedubin01
    so does the roommate that broadcast-ed the act get an "A" in this semesters classes because the other roommate committed Suicide?

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  • Aptyp
    I smiled through the article.

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  • Dermeister3
    Originally posted by tonywonder View Post
    really dude? who cares? 3rd best biz program? that doesnt mean shit really. it all about how you use your skills and knowledge. dont go walkin around thinkin you are better than everyone because you are overly sensitive about peoples reactions to an article and you go to the 3rd best business program in the country. (according to the WSJ)
    i dont think im better than anyone. no shit its what you do with the knowledge you acquire. thats how it became such a good program. as for it not meaning shit, i stated that fact to show some guy that RBS is reputable and does in fact teach English in a productive way.

    to get back on subject, cant we just sum it up that no one has to feel bad for the kid. feel bad for the family, for the bullies that are living with this for the rest of their life, or the fact that this kind of ridiculous thing goes on in life.

    if nothing else, just dont joke about something as serious as an honest kids life.

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  • tg318is
    Originally posted by ortholithiation View Post
    This a-hole that tapped him should pay.
    Lawl. But serious, +1 on Blunt's post

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  • sticksdaman
    Originally posted by anstead610 View Post
    Don't be gay if you can't handle it.
    what was he thinking? being gay and what not, he shouldve been straight! no one told him to like guys!


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