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Chump for President

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    in 4 pics of Hillary wearing orange attire.
    1990 Alpine 325is
    1992 Schwarz 325ic (sold)


      Well this sucks, time to #calexit
      Jah bless! :pimp:


        Originally posted by BraveUlysses View Post
        BLM is not a black nationalist organization, so while you may view them as a "racist" organization I don't think it's comparable.

        The Black Panthers and The New Black Panthers are nationalist groups but both are extraordinarily small fringe groups. I'm going to guess that both BP/NBP don't think much of Obama's presidency.

        Do you honestly ever spend a single moment of any day worried about what BP/NBP might be up to? As if this country ever had a strong history of black nationalist groups doing anything remotely close to what white nationalist groups have done in the past? lol
        Who said racist? You did. The response was hate grops gaining traction, right? No shifting goalposts.

        I am a cop. I worry very much about hate groups who want me dead b/c of what I do professionally. I am an American. I worry very much about those who desire nothing more than to destroy America.

        Don't lecture me. I am getting to the point of not giving a damn what you think. I am running out of them for you.

        You ever served BU?
        ACS S3 Build / Dinan 5 E34


          Originally posted by TimeMachinE30 View Post
          Who said racist? You did. The response was hate grops gaining traction, right? No shifting goalposts.

          I am a cop. I worry very much about hate groups who want me dead b/c of what I do professionally. I am an American. I worry very much about those who desire nothing more than to destroy America.

          Don't lecture me. I am getting to the point of not giving a damn what you think. I am running out of them for you.

          You ever served BU?
          It's okay I don't really care what you think either.

          Don't accuse me of moving the goalposts when you're the one bringing up BLM/BP/NBP when I wasn't talking about them.


            Originally posted by 2mAn View Post
            Not sure how you guys feel about huffingtonpost as a source, but this was the first one that came up. Im at work so I have limited google/ r3v time

            I don't trust huffington post at all.

            "I spoke w Arianna abt PMUSA Board and will send her more info. She is enthusiastic abt the project but asks if she's more useful to us not being on the Board and, instead, using Huffpo to echo our message without any perceived conflicts. She has a point. We'll keep talking."

            From: To:,,,,,,, I spoke w Arianna abt PMUSA Board and will send her more info. She is enthusiastic abt the project but asks if she s more useful to us not being on the Board and instead using Huffpo to echo our message without any perceived conflicts. She has a point ...


              Originally posted by BraveUlysses View Post
              It's okay I don't really care what you think either.

              Don't accuse me of moving the goalposts when you're the one bringing up BLM/BP/NBP when I wasn't talking about them.
              I brought them up. So pick your battles correctly. You said you think the Alt Right is more of a threat than BLM and the Black Panthers.

              Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
              Si vis pacem, para bellum.

              New Hawtness: 1995 540i/6 Claptrap
              Defunct too: Cirrusblau m30 Project
              Defunct (sold): Alta Vista

              79 Bronco SHTF Build


                I find it very disturbing, that we have so many rioting over this and so many more calling for a CalExit.... I mean really the butthurt and the actions resulting from it are disgusting, I recall lots of pissed off conservatives when the o-man was elected both times, but I dont remember violence, and burning shit and what not across the country over it. The same people doing this shit would be the ones gloating and yelling sore loser and "deal with it" if the shoe was on the other foot.
                Originally posted by Fusion
                If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
                The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

                The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

                Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
                William Pitt-


                  Acting like a bunch of children, throwing tempter tantrums.

                  Everybody wants to act like it's the end of the world because Trump was elected. It's almost as if they don't realize that Hillary was on the fast track to a potential war with Russia.
                  Last edited by Exodus_2pt0; 11-10-2016, 05:26 AM.
                  No E30 Club
                  Originally posted by MrBurgundy
                  Anyways, mustangs are gay and mini vans are faster than your car, you just have to deal with that.


                    Funny when people protest in their own neighborhoods and burn them down... What ever happened to the days of protesting peacefully?


                      Originally posted by Exodus_2pt0 View Post
                      Acting like a bunch of children, throwing tempter tantrums.
                      Maybe because we had another election where the popular vote went one way and the electoral college went the other way. So the US population voted, but the majority didn't get their pick. I understand why they're upset. Same thing happened with Bush/Gore, right? People were upset and look how that turned out.

                      Didn't vote for either. They're both trash. MD always votes Blue anyway, 1 vote isn't changing anything. But I am surprised that Trump won. The next 4 years are going to be awful. Complete deregulation of a lot of industries. Stymying the EPA at every turn. I'm really worried for the National Parks and NASA. I mean.. the guy thinks climate change is a hoax made up by China. I can't respect anyone that can't listen to people trained in their respective fields. Let's all just assume we know best, not the guy that's spent 40 years studying the atmosphere. Let's just start rejecting all of JLevie's knowledge, because we all know better than he does. Smoke test for vacuum leaks? GTFO with that trash.

                      I am going to be sadly laughing for the next 4 years. This guy is a complete joke.

                      Edit: Our future first lady, folks.
                      AWD > RWD


                        The country needs to come out with a simple id card that says "Legal Voter" and then we need to boot the old system of the Electoral College.

                        Granted the Clinton Campaign was banking heavily on winning Ohio, N.C. and Florida. Without Ohio and Florida it's not possible to win according to all the mock ups. I think their would have been protests if Clinton one and I for one would have voiced my disgust but burning stuff and so forth is not needed.

                        On a side note did anyone notice the NY Post mentioning that "White House open to a Clinton pardon"

                        I see this happening.


                          I just saw this on Reddit. Definitely interesting data. Looks like The Republican voter base has been pretty consistent the last 3 elections and that not enough Democrats came out and voted. The reason is pretty obvious, of course. Clinton sucks. The DNC did this to themselves by shutting Bernie out, I still think he would have swept the election.

                          AWD > RWD


                            Who says he isn't better trained? He has more access to intel than you ever could. A president - and leader in general - needn't be the smartest guy around. No, he ought to instead be able to pool the best and brightest. The presidency is not a lone position. BHO had Soros, Valerie Jarrett, et. al.

                            I am glad you said "climate change". Yes, climates change. The earth is not set like a home thermostat. It is an entirely complicated system, interwoven with interstellar inputs beyond our control. Would you now agree the media shows incredible bias? Polls for instance that are designed with their outcome in mind? The same MSM, acting as the mouthpiece of liberals and progressives, is teaching you? Are you so quick to trust the same who just proved themselves flat out wrong and liars?

                            The world gets hot. The world grows cold. We can be stewards of our resources without being fanatics. What does all global warming desire really? Regulation in the form of fees, taxes, more government. A surefire recipe for abuse, torture and sure failure.

                            Deregulation allows competition. Then you choose with your money. You are a big boy. You decide for yourself. You put your money where your mouth is. Buy all the wind power you want. See it grow. Government is already tossing tons of subsidies to solar. Why haven't you gone solar yet, for instance??!?!?!

                            I just came from a community board meeting. Funny, that one time, twice a year, where folks tell you how wrong everything is but have not a single way to improve. There a lot of whiners and opinions. There are just about as many who are not willing to do anything about it.

                            And styming the EPA? And all the other over reaching agencies? Good, I hope so. Follow through the Clive Bundy incident out west? Gov't got called out and couldn't back up their overreach.

                            We do not need more regulation, more taxes. We need more jobs. We need more healing of the states. We have folks in our country that have water, labeled as the drinking type, with copious amounts of lead.. leading to developmental problems, birth defects, death (research the zinc mines in Pitcher, OK). We are killing our own Americans! And we all pay for it. Let us take care of us.

                            Good news is, JihadWatch does not like Trump being elected. And Russia is, to be brief, offering that WWIII is now off the table. Avoid war and the very enemy trying their best to destroy us are upset... sounds like a win, win there.

                            He is no joke.

                            God bless America.
                            ACS S3 Build / Dinan 5 E34


                              Originally posted by M-technik-3 View Post
                              On a side note did anyone notice the NY Post mentioning that "White House open to a Clinton pardon"

                              I see this happening.
                              Tough to say.. both ways. I think it will happen however.. there is WAY TOO MUCH FALLOUT if the truth is exposed.

                              You have sexual child predators like Weiner, Eppstein, Podesta brothers... all in the same circle. The clinton group haiti disaster was not just housing, they lost young girls.. this thing goes deep. And it isn't just money being misappropriated. It is rape. Something we all an agree is WRONG.

                              They need this suitcase of dirty laundry shut! I hope it does not happen. The truth needs exposed.

                              How many remember or know Ted Kennedy and his Chappaquidick crash and the events around it... sad state of affairs. That is child's play compared to what could be uncovered with honest, go-get-em investigations.
                              ACS S3 Build / Dinan 5 E34


                                DNC owes its loss to itself. They rigged the nomination process and put away Sanders because he didn't please Wall Street. Bernie offered to change things. What the Orange guys is offering. Just not the same way. People voted for Trump because they are tired of the status quo.

                                Can't wait to see Clinton in her new orange outfit brooming the yard... ;-)
                                Brake harder. Go faster. No shit.



