Originally posted by gwb72tii
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Q2.*“Do*you*think*human*activity*is*a*significant*contributing*factor*in changing*mean*global*temperatures?”
No on here (or anywhere) has stated that human activity alone causes the climate to change. That's fucking ridiculous. All we are saying is that it is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures in recent decades. We're basically saying "Yes" to question #2.
In the PBS documentary, a reporter for the National Review was curious why no one was talking about climate change, so she went around and tried to asked the same question as #2 to all of the GOP congressman. In every case, they refused to answer the question or would run from her escaping in the elevator to avoid answering. It has become political suicide in recent years for any Republican to agree with the scientific consensus. So they all just avoid answering the question. Even Romney changed his position in the last 4 years from firmly agreeing that humans are significantly contributing, to "the science is not settled" mantra. The science has in fact gotten stronger in the past 4 years, yet the politicians have quieted.
Again, you should watch the documentary to know where your disinformation is coming from and why you are receiving it. You'll have to have a lot of pride and or ignorance to continue indefinitely with your position on this.