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So.. If Obama wins, does the hate machine shut down?

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    Originally posted by Kershaw View Post
    the hate is not going to stop.
    No, but it's not like those on the left wouldn't fire up the hate machine if Romney wins.

    It's too bad compromise is such a dirty word now.

    If the extremes of both parties would come to the center............that's where they'd likely find most of America.
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      Originally posted by BraveUlysses View Post
      Who are you directing this to?

      The GOP (dems too, on different issues or reasons) is more than happy to behavior-related laws to appease special interests "moral" whims.

      Are you trolling us?
      Well. If you read, although I did miss a comma, you if you voted for Obama.

      And I am more of a do what is right for our country kinda guy. I am far from a die hard party guy.

      Troll... Sure why not haha

      Just answer the questions


        Originally posted by Kershaw View Post
        the hate is not going to stop.

        Like Bush right?
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          Its hard to like a guy when you can't name much he has actually accomplished.
          Obamacare- "you have to pass it to aee whats in it"
          Nobel peace prize - seriouly wtf where is mine?
          Troops home in 18 months - again wtf?
          Name something he had accomplished.


            ^ finally. That's all I am asking is for someone to sensibly answer a question without resorting to insults and anger.


              I think the only people who hate the man are on the very fringe radical right. These are the same kind (albeit on the left) of people who wanted bush tried for war crimes.

              Obama is a likeable guy. He has personality and seems like a great husband and father. The problem is with his job as president. He has made the country weaker with the way he represents us abroad, wasted money in a stimulus that has yet to show enough promise (IMO) and seems to have no interest in a balanced budget.

              You can debate social issues all day, but the country is in a financial crisis. We can't keep piling the debt on and assume everything is alright and we cant keep blaming ever successful or wealthy person for the economic mess. The majority of the government budget goes to entitlements and what no one wants to talk about is that fact that we WILL have to reduce spending in the area (and possibly cut programs) in order to keep from being the next Greece.

              In short, I think you are misguided. No one except the radical fringe (aka KKK and other loons) hate Obama. FOX news does not hate Obama. Using the word hate is a tactic that misguided people use to center the focus away from real issues. If you want to debate policy, there are many valid points on both sides, but if you want to act like anyone who disagrees with a policy is a racist, you are just plain wrong.
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                I say hate because of the magnitude of feelings against him, and I'm talking since before the '08 election was even done with. And I'm not trying to say Obama did a stellar job or anything, but I routinely run into people who are literally like :hitler: OBAMA IS THE REASON WE'RE IN DEBT. And every other thing that's been wrong for 10+ years is his fault too. Really??? I guess people will believe anything, or they just love to hate the guy. I just don't get it. I didn't see any of this with Clinton.

                With Bush it was pretty cut and dry, sure I thought he was a mouthbreather from the start but I didn't despise him until he started a few wars, turfed the UN's lawn, patriot act, insane spending, etc. Then signed TARP on his way out. Complete inaction/failure to accomplish anything would have been much preferable to the damage he did there. I feel pretty justified in my feelings against him, but they are directly tied to things he actually did. And I don't remember senate/congress blocking every damn thing just because they could for Clinton OR Bush. There were valid concerns when something got held up. Don't get me wrong there was still some serious BS going on all around but these last few years have been just stupid.
                Originally posted by u3b3rg33k
                If you ever sell that car, tell me first. I want to be the first to not be able to afford it.


                  Originally posted by 2l2ltq View Post
                  please explain

                  Do you personally think that obama is leaning towards being marksest at all?
                  Marxist. The word is Marxist.

                  Originally posted by canadiankid View Post
                  Its hard to like a guy when you can't name much he has actually accomplished.
                  Obamacare- "you have to pass it to aee whats in it"
                  Nobel peace prize - seriouly wtf where is mine?
                  Troops home in 18 months - again wtf?
                  Name something he had accomplished.
                  ACA, Dodd/Frank Act, ARRA, gays in the military, auto-bailout, killing Osama, and his intervention in Libya. Just off the top of my head.


                    Once again.... you join the few that think I meant to type it like that. Autocorrect ftl.

                    But if you credit obama for killing osama... when did he become a seal?

                    Auto bailout!!! Sure did us a lot of good. I mean isnt gm right back in the same position with another talk of going broke.

                    And last but not least. Gays in the military.... thats all we need as americans. A bunch of queers running around thinking about getting dirt on their blues instead of saving someones life.... but seriously. I do think that gays in the military is the worst thing to happen because gay people do not think like straight people do. I mean there may be a few exceptions, but as a whole they, to me, are incapable of making war time decisions like they should. Feelings before action.


                      Originally posted by Vedubin01 View Post
                      I think Obama is toast if this comes to be true....


                        Originally posted by z31maniac View Post
                        No, but it's not like those on the left wouldn't fire up the hate machine if Romney wins.

                        It's too bad compromise is such a dirty word now.

                        If the extremes of both parties would come to the center............that's where they'd likely find most of America.
                        But then they might have to actually focus on solutions and doing work rather than just slinging insults at the other party and assuming people will settle for the extreme that matches the greater part of their personal stances.

                        At least the circus act that was the GOP primaries shows how absolutely disgusting some of the potential candidates were as far as offensive beliefs. Hopefully the sun is setting on social conservatism. Even Santorum knows the smart will never be on his side.

                        And I can only hope that this class warfare bullshit subsides and people can have a little more respect for their fellow man. Certainly responding by attacking the poor isn't intelligent in any possible manner. But in the end, people need to realize that in the free market, everyone wins when businesses play by the rules and succeed... because we get cheaper, better, and innovative products and services that improve our lives. All the OWS crowd with Apple products and other neat shit from corporations show this irony. Dicks like Enron exist, but corporate stewardship is increasing IMO and that's a good thing.

                        We shouldn't be pointing fingers at the rich or poor, successful or less fortunate, but rather finding ways to improve our country. We have a large number of people without jobs and a bunch of jobs without qualified applicants, and a HUGE future opportunity for some industries and careers. We have a crap system of boring kids in the classroom and teaching towards tests that don't matter to them, shoveling them into college when an apprenticeship program like Germany could get some interested and keep them in HS and onto technical training. And with talented and skilled people who have passion for what they do, there should be more people creating their own jobs through entrepreneurship. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg didn't wait for someone to provide them a job and make them successful. We also have a need to gain efficiencies in everything we do so our populace can support a growing number of retirees that got us where we are today. We need healthcare innovations and best practices that cure diseases and help us moderate costs. We need energy revolutions to keep us transporting, traveling, cool in hot weather and warm in cold, and reading at night... and cost effective ones. We need smaller and smarter government to deliver better performance with lower cost. We need a simpler tax system, without as many tax loopholes like mortgage interest deduction. Hopefully private philanthropic programs can continue to grow and innovate, delivering help to some of the areas government may lack in ability to successfully accomplish social program goals. Together with efficiency and private choice instead of public redistribution, hopefully the government will need less to run on so taxes become less of an issue. Certainly health care innovations and productivity increases would help with the largest growing aspects of mandatory spending, so let's hope deficit and debt can be managed. But paying a bunch of assholes to argue and not get along, then take contributions and air hate ads won't do much to help any of that.

                        We also just need to get along. As long as politician's platform are "they are evil"... we won't get far. Nothing upset me more in the primaries than having a legendary statesmen who has been a great leader for my state being displaced after 36 years by a Tea Party opponent who labeled compromise as a sin. Congress is a joke, and we're not on any path towards improvement at the current time. Just more bullshit, more hate, more extreme stupidity, and more biased news trying to separate the nation when we should be working together to solve all the coming issues.

                        People can disagree with a politician's stances all that want, but the ignorant hate should stop. It's not helping our way of life. I personally despise bad "facts", shit out of context, and campaign lies that blur the truth and feed on ignorance. I call BS on both sides and they always assume I'm on the other side of the issue, when generally I'm in the center and just know both extremes are crap.
                        Last edited by rwh11385; 09-19-2012, 09:47 PM.


                          ^ I like you sir


                            Romney just seems like a sleezy business man to me. All talk and seems like he would not be able to walk the walk.

                            Obama hasn't accomplished much true, but he did inherit one giant cluster fuck of a job. I also don't feel like he has made things worse either. During Bush's presidency, things just felt like hell to go through and felt as if the administration had no clue where to take the country.

                            I can handle another 4 years of how things are right now but if Romney were to be elected I feel like we will be shoved back into the shit hole we were in with Bush. I am purely speaking out of the experiences I went through during the two administrations and the vibe Romney conveys to me. Purely my opinion.
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                              Originally posted by 2l2ltq View Post
                              But if you credit obama for killing osama... when did he become a seal?
                              Obama made the call to go after him. Bush was in a similar situation around 10 years ago and backed out.

                              Auto bailout!!! Sure did us a lot of good. I mean isnt gm right back in the same position with another talk of going broke.
                              Saved hundreds of thousands of jobs and GM and Chrysler are both in a much better position than they were a few years ago.

                              And last but not least. Gays in the military.... thats all we need as americans. A bunch of queers running around thinking about getting dirt on their blues instead of saving someones life.... but seriously. I do think that gays in the military is the worst thing to happen because gay people do not think like straight people do. I mean there may be a few exceptions, but as a whole they, to me, are incapable of making war time decisions like they should. Feelings before action.
                              You are an ignorant, bigoted fool.


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