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Eta-to-M50: Build thread

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    And it looks so much better in person than in those pics, everyone knows how hard it is to properly photograph black, and all I'm using is my G2.


      I find anything I photograph looks terrible ha.


        The paint job in my engine bay is completely ruined. The clear coat they sold me to go with the paint wrinkled almost immediately after spraying it on, leaving big patches of paint that look like wrinkle coat and other patches that are smooth. I'm so fucking pissed right now I can't even see straight.


          Did it look like this?


            I'm really sorry Josh.

            [IMG] 8.jpg[/IMG


              Yes, but finer, in HUGE patches, all over the place. Some are perfectly smooth, the rest looks like this:

              Looks like I'm doing the whole bay in bedliner now.


                tis why you do test patches before applying clear :)

                Status: HG repair. 488wtq though!


                  Originally posted by shiboujin View Post
                  tis why you do test patches before applying clear :)
                  Gee, I'd never thought of that. Thanks for the tip.

                  I did. Sprayed the same paint on a piece of sheet metal last night, and with the clear coat tonight, didn't do anything.


                    Oh man. Whats the rectification? sand and start over?
                    HDE30 <3


                      Please don't do bedliner.
                      "We praise or find fault, depending on which of the two provides more opportunity for our powers of judgement to shine."


                        I see. Well mine did the same. It wasnt as bad as yours though.
                        Few questions.
                        Did you wipe the engine bay down with anything before spraying your paint?
                        Did you spray primer before you laid down the color?
                        Was your clear the same brand as your paint?
                        I just read that you waited over night to clear the panels. Any reason why you did this? Its best to spray the clear the after your paint flashes so it all locks together and doesnt chip off the paint.


                          I wiped the engine bay down with mineral spirits before spraying the paint, a few hours prior.
                          I only primered in large areas around where I did the filler, where the welding was done. Everywhere else, I thoroughly scuffed with a Scotchbrite pad.
                          The Clear was not the same brand as the paint, but I was told it was ok, and I did a test on a scrap piece of sheet metal, and did not have any wrinkling.
                          I waited a day to do the clear over the paint, because again, this is what I was told by Industrial Finishes, because he was afraid it might react if I sprayed it too soon.

                          It doesn't matter at this point, anyway. It's all completely fucked now, and I don't know what to do about it. I can't afford to have it professionally stripped, prepped and repainted. I shouldn't even have cleared it, I should have just left it how it was.


                            oh man what a drag Im sorry Josh., But bite the bullet and do it right while you can. Strip it and start over. Youre not going to be happy down the road with bed liner
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                              Sounds like the person who sold you the paint told you some BS.
                              I would go back to the store and ask for new paint or a refund or both. WTF right?
                              I always suggest using the same brand primer/paint/clear on everything. If you dont you run into the same shit you just did.
                              If he was worried that something would happen if you put the clear on to soon, then he knew something would happen.
                              tisk tisk on his end.


                                How deep are those grooves? Maybe you could put a coin in a picture to get a scale. If they are small enough you maybe still be able to save the paint job by wet-sanding with a very fine grit sand paper.

