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    Originally posted by Exodus_2pt0 View Post
    Everyone's eyes are different. You are probably just less sensitive.

    Could very well be the case. I know when I'm in tight spots and have to weld with the torch goggles i see spots.

    1989 325is l 1984 euro 320i l 1970 2002 Racecar
    1991 318i 4dr slick top

    Euro spec 320i/Alpina B6 3.5 project(the never ending saga)
    Vintage race car revival (2002 content)
    Mtech 2 turbo restoration
    Brilliantrot slick top "build"


      Originally posted by MrBurgundy View Post
      I'm going to search for some more information about that, because my hood's shade maxes out at 13.

      EDIT; found it

      article link
      Yep, that looks like the one I read, and why I suggested folks planning to use welding hoods read up on the subject. You only get one set of eyes.
      Originally posted by kronus
      would be in depending on tip slant and tube size


        I got an email from my pilots union saying #14 welding glass is safe.
        Gigitty Gigitty!!!!

        88 cabrio becoming alpina b6 3.5s transplanted s62
        92 Mtech 2 cabrio alpinweiss 770 code
        88 325ix coupe manual lachsilber/cardinal
        88 325ix coupe manual diamondschwartz/natur
        87 e30 m3 for parts lachsilber/cardinal(serial number 7)
        12 135i M sport cabrio grey/black


          Going to go with Nasa on this one.

          "Viewing with Protection -- Experts suggests that one widely available filter for safe solar viewing is welders glass of sufficiently high number. The only ones that are safe for direct viewing of the Sun with your eyes are those of Shade 12 or higher. These are much darker than the filters used for most kinds of welding. If you have an old welder's helmet around the house and are thinking of using it to view the Sun, make sure you know the filter's shade number. If it's less than 12 (and it probably is), don't even think about using it to look at the Sun. Many people find the Sun too bright even in a Shade 12 filter, and some find the Sun too dim in a Shade 14 filter — but Shade 13 filters are uncommon and can be hard to find. The AAS Reputable Vendors of Solar Filters & Viewers page (link is external) doesn't list any suppliers of welder's filters, only suppliers of special-purpose filters made for viewing the Sun.To find out more about eyewear and handheld viewers go to (link is external)."


          Played around with it the other day, 13 worked very well. Side note, the sun looks quite interesting.
          Last edited by Exodus_2pt0; 08-18-2017, 04:09 AM.
          No E30 Club
          Originally posted by MrBurgundy
          Anyways, mustangs are gay and mini vans are faster than your car, you just have to deal with that.


            So my girlfriend has gone flaky on me. I had begun to save up money so we could get a place together in a few months, as we had discussed before.

            But recent arguments and such have made me realize that you really can't count on someone who can't really handle themselves. She pulled the whole "I just need to grow. I don't really want to be in a relationship with anyone right now." Bullshit on me. So I think I'm going to continue saving up and get another E30 soon to make my project car, which would then become the show car when I open up my shop (which has become my new goal, an affordable custom BMW/Audi/etc. shop) in the future.

            I'm going to get my truck finished up, and then get a late model to drive for fun while I try to find an S54 to build.

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            Originally posted by flyboyx
            how about if i yank the anal beads out of your ass like i'm trying to pull start a chain saw?
            Originally posted by Northern
            beer is my new liver cleanse.

            Henna - '84 Hennarot 325e
            Lola - '89 Schwarz 325is - being saved
            Christine - '88 Schwarz 325is - Spec E30 Racecar
            '01 White F150 Lariat 4x4 Supercrew - Daily
            Dad's '05 Interlagosblau M3


              You're young iirc. No need to get caught up in a serious relationship at your age. Just focus on yourself.

              You don't need a woman to be happy. Just beat your meat and build cars. You know? The simple life.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              Current Collection: 1990 325is // 1987 325i Vert // 2003 525i 5spd // 1985 380SL // 1992 Ranger 5spd // 2005 Avalanche // 2024 Honda Grom SP // 2024 Yamaha XSR700 // 2024 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon


                If she says she doesn't want to be in a relationship, then don't push it. Life is too short to try to convince someone to be with you.

                I found out years ago that Women want you more than they ever did when they give you that shit, and you say "ok, see ya."

                At that point though, move on.
                No E30 Club
                Originally posted by MrBurgundy
                Anyways, mustangs are gay and mini vans are faster than your car, you just have to deal with that.


                  Just keep banging until you can't bang anymore
                  Current Cars:
                  -1999 996.1 911 4/98 3.8L 6-Speed, 21st Century Beetle

                  Make R3V Great Again -2020


                    Originally posted by MrBurgundy View Post

                    You don't need a woman to be happy. Just beat your meat and build cars. You know? The simple life.

                    Precisely what I've been doing lmfao. Mostly because i refuse to get in a relationship with the women around here they are bat shit fucking crazy...Like all of them... I'll bang but that's it..

                    1989 325is l 1984 euro 320i l 1970 2002 Racecar
                    1991 318i 4dr slick top

                    Euro spec 320i/Alpina B6 3.5 project(the never ending saga)
                    Vintage race car revival (2002 content)
                    Mtech 2 turbo restoration
                    Brilliantrot slick top "build"


                      after 5 years of paying for a car I hate, the mazda is finally paid off.

                      The extra ~$341/month will be nice, considering I don't have a job and the wife has been struggling a little to keep us afloat...
                      Originally posted by priapism
                      My girl don't know shit, but she bakes a mean cupcake.
                      Originally posted by shameson
                      Usually it's best not to know how much money you have into your e30


                        Originally posted by Northern View Post
                        after 5 years of paying for a car I hate, the mazda is finally paid off.

                        The extra ~$341/month will be nice, considering I don't have a job and the wife has been struggling a little to keep us afloat...

                        Feels like a giant weight has been taken off your shoulders when you send that last car payment doesn't it.

                        1989 325is l 1984 euro 320i l 1970 2002 Racecar
                        1991 318i 4dr slick top

                        Euro spec 320i/Alpina B6 3.5 project(the never ending saga)
                        Vintage race car revival (2002 content)
                        Mtech 2 turbo restoration
                        Brilliantrot slick top "build"


                          This one's a keeper. She has her issues, but the upsides definitely outweigh the downsides. She's going to school to become a computer programmer, and that has her stressed out. Which is understandable, but doesn't really seem like something that you'd do to a guy you supposedly love, who's also been really understanding and had told you that he wants to make it work with you.

                          She said "well I'd never be able to make time to come see you because I'd always be doing homework." And so I responded with "why can't I just be around while you do homework. I'm not a child. I don't need to be babysat". Which she said "well I wouldn't end up doing my homework, and I'd just go be with you."

                          But anyways, it's all drama. I want to be with her, and I'm willing to compromise to be with her. But if she doesn't want to even try, then there's no point in getting worked up over the whole situation. I've asked her to set aside some time before the semester starts (if she actually wants to try to work it out) so we can talk about how we can make it work, if she doesn't then oh well.

                          It's a shame that I'm still short on money right now. A couple really nice E30s for sale in the area. A black/black 5 speed '90 325is for $6500, and an alpine/tan '90 auto 325i for $4300 that's screaming for a manual and 24v. Going into max money-making mode before I decide to go back to get my business degree.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                          Originally posted by flyboyx
                          how about if i yank the anal beads out of your ass like i'm trying to pull start a chain saw?
                          Originally posted by Northern
                          beer is my new liver cleanse.

                          Henna - '84 Hennarot 325e
                          Lola - '89 Schwarz 325is - being saved
                          Christine - '88 Schwarz 325is - Spec E30 Racecar
                          '01 White F150 Lariat 4x4 Supercrew - Daily
                          Dad's '05 Interlagosblau M3


                            Originally posted by HennaE30 View Post
                            "I just need to grow. I don't really want to be in a relationship with anyone right now."
                            In other words, "I think I can do better than you and I want to break up."

                            Sounds like your typical entitled princess. If she isn't cheating on you already, she will eventually, but that won't stop her from seeing how much of her shit you can take until you either break up with her or she gets caught. Seen it happen over and over, so the sooner you kick her to the curb and move on the better.
                            My Feedback


                              i wear dress pants with t-shirts.
                              always have for years and years.
                              recently i've been told that is alittle strange. alittle but who cares.
                              i never see anyone outside of a work environment with dress pants though.

                              silky silky dress pants. so comfortable. with the elastic waistband oh so smooth and comfortable.

                              not the khaki dockers shit. i'm talking about the good shit. the polyester stuff.


                                Originally posted by E30 Wagen View Post
                                In other words, "I think I can do better than you and I want to break up."

                                Sounds like your typical entitled princess. If she isn't cheating on you already, she will eventually, but that won't stop her from seeing how much of her shit you can take until you either break up with her or she gets caught. Seen it happen over and over, so the sooner you kick her to the curb and move on the better.

                                We aren't getting back together anyways, even if I really wanted to. I ultimately got fed up with everything and told her I didn't care anymore. I said "you can get gangbanged by a bunch of guys while you "grow" and "find yourself" now for all I care. I'm done being hurt by the whole situation."

                                I'll just do me for now I guess... I've had a lot of bad experiences with dating, and it kept me from dating for a long time.. I met her, and I actually thought she was different. She was older and it seemed different. And yet it all ends pretty much the same way. I'm kind stuck in this whole "I'm trying to find the one for me, so this doesn't happen anymore. But I don't want to keep dating because I'm sick of the bullshit" paradox.
                                Originally posted by flyboyx
                                how about if i yank the anal beads out of your ass like i'm trying to pull start a chain saw?
                                Originally posted by Northern
                                beer is my new liver cleanse.

                                Henna - '84 Hennarot 325e
                                Lola - '89 Schwarz 325is - being saved
                                Christine - '88 Schwarz 325is - Spec E30 Racecar
                                '01 White F150 Lariat 4x4 Supercrew - Daily
                                Dad's '05 Interlagosblau M3

