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Obama has gotten his healthcare and amnesty.... whats next?

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    Originally posted by e30e View Post
    Take away my student loans

    Plz gobernmnt

    he will allow students to use organ donations as payment on a student loan
    Originally posted by der affe
    What are you going to start a thread about next? "My woman's skinny jeans chaffe my special parts, f*ck skin irritation"
    Originally posted by navid41691
    And no, I use lotion so I don't have to worry about skin irritation.
    '...rolling balls, i'm elated, i'm going dumb now; drinking liquor i'm faded and having fun now; loaded gun and tripping with everyone around; keep me stuck in the sky, i never wanna come down...'...kabosh


      Originally posted by mrsleeve View Post
      No. Attempts have been made in the 1st months of the administration... Not to mention to manufacture and create a situation that dose not really exist Al LA F&F among other things.

      "I just want you to know that we are working on it, We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar." - BHO to the Brady Campaign 3/30/11
      What specifically has he done to indicate, push, advance or otherwise even hint at the very notion that he has any plans/desires/actions to introduce any gun control legislation or laws?

      Oh wait, that's right.... he hasn't. The NRA has been blowing smoke up your and everyone else's ass for 3.5 years now about how Obama is going to take away all our guns and freedom and bullets and virgin daughters. Yet as Whynot pointed out, he's actually been expanding gun ownership and ccw rights.

      so unless you can point to a specific action he has taken to limit gun control your entire statement is not just baseless, it's outright false.


        Originally posted by CorvallisBMW View Post
        What specifically has he done to indicate, push, advance or otherwise even hint at the very notion that he has any plans/desires/actions to introduce any gun control legislation or laws?

        Oh wait, that's right.... he hasn't. The NRA has been blowing smoke up your and everyone else's ass for 3.5 years now about how Obama is going to take away all our guns and freedom and bullets and virgin daughters. Yet as Whynot pointed out, he's actually been expanding gun ownership and ccw rights.

        so unless you can point to a specific action he has taken to limit gun control your entire statement is not just baseless, it's outright false.

        March 13 2009: The newly appointed (by the O-man) of the Defense Logistics agency ordered all the once fired military brass be destroyed so it could not be sold on the civilian market by commercial re loaders as moderate priced sporting/practice ammo. The brass is worth much more in casing from than shredded brass, so this would not only cost the tax payers a lot of money in lost recouped cost, and at the time ammo prices were sky high due to domestic and military high demands and that would have pushed prices even higher. Including for law enforcement to have practice ammo to use. This order was squashed by the efforts of 2 senators form Montana and lasted only a week end thanks to the shooting community acting quickly on it.

        Then about a year latter, a company (ATK) was contracted to go to military instillation's and buy and shred the brass on site. The proceeds go directly to the instillation's discretionary funds so many are using this option to fill budget gaps. And only getting about 25% of the value of the casings because they are getting the value of destroyed raw brass.

        F&F to try and bring legitimacy to the claim that 90% of guns in Mexico come from the US civilian market. Not true at all. But you have to manufacture the problem so you can do something about it..... Al la force the gun dealers via the ATF threatening to revoke their FFL if they didnt play ball and SELL to the red flags and suspicious straw buyers to give those bs claims some kind of validity

        He endorsed the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Chicago hand gun ban, Endorsed a ban on Semi auto weapons and way more position restrictions, Voted No on preventing gun makers from being sued for damages when some one uses one of their products in a crime, Opposed a bill that would have allowed a person to defend them selves in thier home in Chicago. Wants a federal AWB back and made much stronger than the Clinton era AWB. Supports the US signing of the UN small arms ban treaty.

        Really do I have to keep going this is just the shit I can think of off the top head. He cant and wont go after such things this close to his election. If elected it will be one of his top priorities then, as he dose not have to be on his best behavior to get elected again he can go after it all then. Thats assuming he has any kind of support in congress, prolly gonna lose that
        Originally posted by Fusion
        If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
        The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

        The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

        Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
        William Pitt-


          Sharia law.

          Yeah, that's the ticket for the Obamanator.

          And then he's gonna nationalize alla KENYA!!!

          THEN he's gonna name his own bad se'f PRESIDENT FOR LIFE and hire Joseph Kony as Director of Youth Culture.
          STX e30
          No. 10/110 STX: 1989 325i
          DD: 1991 318is slicktop



            Originally posted by mrsleeve View Post
            March 13 2009: The newly appointed (by the O-man) of the Defense Logistics agency ordered all the once fired military brass be destroyed so it could not be sold on the civilian market by commercial re loaders as moderate priced sporting/practice ammo. The brass is worth much more in casing from than shredded brass, so this would not only cost the tax payers a lot of money in lost recouped cost, and at the time ammo prices were sky high due to domestic and military high demands and that would have pushed prices even higher. Including for law enforcement to have practice ammo to use. This order was squashed by the efforts of 2 senators form Montana and lasted only a week end thanks to the shooting community acting quickly on it.

            Then about a year latter, a company (ATK) was contracted to go to military instillation's and buy and shred the brass on site. The proceeds go directly to the instillation's discretionary funds so many are using this option to fill budget gaps. And only getting about 25% of the value of the casings because they are getting the value of destroyed raw brass.

            F&F to try and bring legitimacy to the claim that 90% of guns in Mexico come from the US civilian market. Not true at all. But you have to manufacture the problem so you can do something about it..... Al la force the gun dealers via the ATF threatening to revoke their FFL if they didnt play ball and SELL to the red flags and suspicious straw buyers to give those bs claims some kind of validity

            He endorsed the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Chicago hand gun ban, Endorsed a ban on Semi auto weapons and way more position restrictions, Voted No on preventing gun makers from being sued for damages when some one uses one of their products in a crime, Opposed a bill that would have allowed a person to defend them selves in thier home in Chicago. Wants a federal AWB back and made much stronger than the Clinton era AWB. Supports the US signing of the UN small arms ban treaty.

            Really do I have to keep going this is just the shit I can think of off the top head. He cant and wont go after such things this close to his election. If elected it will be one of his top priorities then, as he dose not have to be on his best behavior to get elected again he can go after it all then. Thats assuming he has any kind of support in congress, prolly gonna lose that

            You just beat me to it... almost word for word! Damn!
            Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs!

            Your signature picture has been removed since it contained the Photobucket "upgrade your account" image.


              Originally posted by mrsleeve View Post
              March 13 2009: The newly appointed (by the O-man) of the Defense Logistics agency ordered all the once fired military brass be destroyed so it could not be sold on the civilian market by commercial re loaders as moderate priced sporting/practice ammo. The brass is worth much more in casing from than shredded brass, so this would not only cost the tax payers a lot of money in lost recouped cost, and at the time ammo prices were sky high due to domestic and military high demands and that would have pushed prices even higher. Including for law enforcement to have practice ammo to use. This order was squashed by the efforts of 2 senators form Montana and lasted only a week end thanks to the shooting community acting quickly on it.
              How is recycling used metal anti-gun?? And did Obama make this decision or in any way have anything to do with it? Nope. Straw grasping level: off the charts

              Originally posted by mrsleeve View Post
              Then about a year latter, a company (ATK) was contracted to go to military instillation's and buy and shred the brass on site. The proceeds go directly to the instillation's discretionary funds so many are using this option to fill budget gaps. And only getting about 25% of the value of the casings because they are getting the value of destroyed raw brass.
              You just said the order was squashed, so how could this have played out? Straw grasping level: catastrophic

              Originally posted by mrsleeve View Post
              F&F to try and bring legitimacy to the claim that 90% of guns in Mexico come from the US civilian market. Not true at all. But you have to manufacture the problem so you can do something about it..... Al la force the gun dealers via the ATF threatening to revoke their FFL if they didnt play ball and SELL to the red flags and suspicious straw buyers to give those bs claims some kind of validity
              Actually, those numbers are true, serial numbers prove it. And F&F was dreamed up, started and the guns sold during the Bush administration. Straw grasping level: Fantasmagorical

              Originally posted by mrsleeve View Post
              He endorsed the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Chicago hand gun ban, Endorsed a ban on Semi auto weapons and way more position restrictions, Voted No on preventing gun makers from being sued for damages when some one uses one of their products in a crime, Opposed a bill that would have allowed a person to defend them selves in thier home in Chicago. Wants a federal AWB back and made much stronger than the Clinton era AWB. Supports the US signing of the UN small arms ban treaty.
              How does endorsing a law that was legal and in effect at the time of the endorsement constitute an attack on gun rights? All your claims here are completely irrelevant and pointless as they all happened long before he was president or are merely statements of support with no weight or effect. Grasping at straws level: OMGWTFBBQ

              Originally posted by mrsleeve View Post
              Really do I have to keep going this is just the shit I can think of off the top head. He cant and wont go after such things this close to his election. If elected it will be one of his top priorities then, as he dose not have to be on his best behavior to get elected again he can go after it all then. Thats assuming he has any kind of support in congress, prolly gonna lose that
              You've proven nothing, brought nothing to the table and added nothing to this discussion except more tin hat bullshit. You have no arguments because your entire original statement was false, and when called out on it instead of admitting you were wrong you tried to throw up a bunch of tired, irrelevant and incorrect BS.

              The NRA has done a great job of making you and a lot of other Americans afraid of loosing their 2nd amendment rights under Obama, when in reality they're not under threat by him or anyone in his administration. They're also doing a great job of causing all of you equally small minded people to run out and horde ammunition and weapons, greatly driving up the price and creating record profits for munitions manufacturers (i.e. they're biggest donors and supporters)

              I will repeat my initial statement: Show me one thing that president Obama has done to push for or in effect limit gun ownership/rights.

              Care to try again mrtinfoil?

              edit: Seriously. You're best argument that Obama is trying to steal all your guns is that he APPOINTED SOMEONE WHO ASKED FOR USED METAL TO BE RECYCLED. That's your best argument... This is a low point even for you.
              Last edited by CorvallisBMW; 06-28-2012, 04:54 PM.


                Did you sing this same song when Cash for Clunkers destroyed all those cars that could have been used as partscars via junkyards?


                  Originally posted by CorvallisBMW View Post
                  How is recycling used metal anti-gun?? And did Obama make this decision or in any way have anything to do with it? Nope. Straw grasping level: off the charts
                  It was being recycled to begin with, and being sold at 4 times the price of raw scrap brass in the form of casing. By attempting to take those millions of once fired brass casing off the market, it would have made ammo prices sky rocket in a already high demand low availability market. A way to control gun owners and to see what they could get away with. I think he also supported a 100% tax on ammo so this would have played right into this hands. While costing the tax payers a shit pile of money on lost "recycling value"

                  Originally posted by CorvallisBMW
                  You just said the order was squashed, so how could this have played out? Straw grasping level: catastrophic
                  yup quick actions by the shooting community and some senators got the order reversed. But still this was a "test" to see how much we are paying attention. Even you can see this

                  Originally posted by CorvallisBMW
                  Actually, those numbers are true, serial numbers prove it. And F&F was dreamed up, started and the guns sold during the Bush administration. Straw grasping level: Fantasmagorical
                  BULL SHIT

                  under Boosh the guns were not allowed to WALK out of the country they were stopped long before that point. Please educate yourself on this shit or google my claims you will find them to be accurate. this is an area I am well versed in..............

                  90% of the guns returned to the US for a serial trace show that stat. Well those guns were already checked by Mexicans. Most US origin weapons were actually sold to Police and the military down there.

                  According to ATF statistics, of the 21,313 guns submitted for tracing by the government of Mexico in 2009, only 5,444 of them (25 percent) traced back to federally licensed gun dealers in the United States. Similarly, in 2010, of 7,971 guns submitted for tracing by the government of Mexico, only 2,945 (37 percent) traced back to federally licensed gun dealers in the U.S.
                  and thats of 100s of thousands of total seized weapons in mexico

                  Originally posted by CorvallisBMW
                  How does endorsing a law that was legal and in effect at the time of the endorsement constitute an attack on gun rights? All your claims here are completely irrelevant and pointless as they all happened long before he was president or are merely statements of support with no weight or effect. Grasping at straws level: OMGWTFBBQ
                  It shows his position and standing on such things, which are what his intentions are. Please you your brain here,

                  You know the old saying.......Actions speak louder than words? Yeah this applies here
                  Last edited by mrsleeve; 06-28-2012, 05:42 PM.
                  Originally posted by Fusion
                  If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
                  The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

                  The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

                  Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
                  William Pitt-


                    1991 318is ---230K - DD
                    1991 318i ---- 308K - retired

                    Originally posted by RickSloan
                    so if you didnt get it like that did you glue fuzzy oil to the entire thing?


                      I just can't wait for this to go into full effect so people can see the fucking disaster it will be.
                      Your signature picture has been removed since it contained the Photobucket "upgrade your account" image.

                      "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the [federal] government." ~ James Madison

                      ‎"If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen" Barack Obama


                        Originally posted by joshh View Post
                        I just can't wait for this to go into full effect so people can see the fucking disaster it will be.
                        I am as conservative as they come but it won't be a disaster. It will have long term effects on quality and innovation and it won't really tackle the root problems of high costs and an unhealthy American population. BUT, it does make sure that everyone has access to healthcare with a cost proportional to their income and it will make it really hard for insurance companies to fuck over patients, which are definitely really good things. Things are going to be different than they would have been otherwise, but I would hardly call it a disaster.


                          Originally posted by mrsleeve View Post
                          It was being recycled to begin with, and being sold at 4 times the price of raw scrap brass in the form of casing. By attempting to take those millions of once fired brass casing off the market, it would have made ammo prices sky rocket in a already high demand low availability market. A way to control gun owners and to see what they could get away with. I think he also supported a 100% tax on ammo so this would have played right into this hands. While costing the tax payers a shit pile of money on lost "recycling value"
                          This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

                          What do you propose the government do with all those shell casings? Sell them to John Q Public so he can blow is face off while trying to repack them in his trailer park with a ballpeen hammer and then sue the government?

                          Do you honestly believe that Obama was behind this, pulling the strings and attempting to control ammunition purchases by artificially driving the up price through stopping a small fraction of a percent of the ammunition used in this country from being reused? SERIOUSLY?? You really, really need to get a grasp on reality. You're paranoid delusions and conspiracy theories are getting less and less believable.


                            Originally posted by joshh View Post
                            I just can't wait for this to go into full effect so people can see the fucking disaster it will be.
                            What particularly with the bill is a disaster? Or do you even know what's in the bill? Most people don't including the senators that voted against it. It's not a solution but it's a good start, just the beginning of several steps to solving the healthcare problem.


                              Originally posted by herbivor View Post
                              What particularly with the bill is a disaster? Or do you even know what's in the bill? Most people don't including the senators that voted against it. It's not a solution but it's a good start, just the beginning of several steps to solving the healthcare problem.
                              that is almost reasonable
                              its another broken promise of no taxes on the middle class

                              as for all you yutes, part of the law outlaws price discrimination on account of age, so younger health care costs are going to skyrocket

                              me, i might just opt out and pay the penalty, er i mean tax. the penalty its 1% of my income which is 25% of what i pay now, and if i get sick no problem, there is no pre-existing conditions any longer so i can wait till im sick
                              “There is nothing government can give you that it hasn’t taken from you in the first place”
                              Sir Winston Churchill


                                Originally posted by CorvallisBMW View Post
                                This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

                                What do you propose the government do with all those shell casings? Sell them to John Q Public so he can blow is face off while trying to repack them in his trailer park with a ballpeen hammer and then sue the government?

                                This right here just showed how ignorant you are!
                                Last edited by Vedubin01; 06-28-2012, 06:31 PM. Reason: ignorant from stupid
                                Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs!

                                Your signature picture has been removed since it contained the Photobucket "upgrade your account" image.

