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When CCW saves peoples lives thread.

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    Originally posted by cale View Post
    Cute, josh has a parrot.

    My point was that everyday pepper spray and bear spray are completely different things, rightly so most brands market it as bear spray/repellant.

    Still have nothin to back up your claims of it being useless I see. I'd be surprised to learn you didn't pray to your guns too, what with the total blind faith you put in them.
    I'm just asking. If they are completely different, what is the difference? Where did I claim it was useless?
    Originally posted by JinormusJ
    Don't buy an e30

    They're stupid
    1989 325is Raged on then sold.
    1988 325 SETA 2DR Beaten to death, then parted.
    1988 325 SETA 4DR Parted.
    1990 325i Cabrio Daily'd, then stored 2 yrs ago.


      Originally posted by frankenbeemer View Post
      I'm just asking. If they are completely different, what is the difference? Where did I claim it was useless?
      I'm sorry you didn't catch on to the condescension and think anything beyond the first line was directed at you.

      Completely different application of the spray, night and day difference in terms of velocity, volume and effect. Chemical differences vary from manufacturer's, some are just enlarged cans of typical pepper spray but it's like comparing a small calibre handgun to a rifle you'd use to hunt elephants. All rifles are guns, but not all guns are rifles. Let me know which one you'd trust to go hunting something that wants to eat you with. *figured I'd dumb it down to something you're familiar with*


        Originally posted by cale View Post
        I'm sorry you didn't catch on to the condescension and think anything beyond the first line was directed at you.

        Completely different application of the spray, night and day difference in terms of velocity, volume and effect. Chemical differences vary from manufacturer's, some are just enlarged cans of typical pepper spray but it's like comparing a small calibre handgun to a rifle you'd use to hunt elephants. All rifles are guns, but not all guns are rifles. Let me know which one you'd trust to go hunting something that wants to eat you with. *figured I'd dumb it down to something you're familiar with*
        Two questions.

        1. What does the level of condenscension have to do with who the remark is directed to?

        2. So I can't buy non-pepper spray bear repellent?

        Originally posted by cale View Post
        I'm sure it was just a misuse of words, but it leads me to believe you don't know wtf you're trying to argue...and just arguing for the sake of it.
        I'm sure it was just a misuse of words, but it leads me to believe you don't know wtf you're trying to argue...and just arguing for the sake of it.
        Originally posted by JinormusJ
        Don't buy an e30

        They're stupid
        1989 325is Raged on then sold.
        1988 325 SETA 2DR Beaten to death, then parted.
        1988 325 SETA 4DR Parted.
        1990 325i Cabrio Daily'd, then stored 2 yrs ago.


          not a ccw, but it fits in this thread

          AWD > RWD


            A friend visited Saudi Arabia and was surprised at how careless people are with their things. He said people would leave their luggage at the airport, go eat, use the restroom, go have a smoke, talk, and then a hour later go back and grab their luggage.

            That kind of shit would never happen here because (a) you can't leave luggage unattended and (b) it would probably get stolen.

            But the point I'm trying to make is that people are so lax in countries like Saudi Arabia because if you get caught stealing, you get your hands chopped off. People are scared to break the law.

            The laws in America aren't severe enough. Some drunk driver killed my friend back in highschool. He was wasted driving fast on the wrong side of the freeway and hit him head on. It's been about 7 years and guess what, he's about to get out.

            The problem isn't with CCW's etc..The problem is that the American judicial system is a joke, we need harsher laws. I don't necessarily agree with cutting off hands, imagine if you were wrongly convicted and you lose your hands; but we need harsher laws, to really make people think twice before robbing a store, drinking and driving, rape, murder, etc...

            BTW, guns are prevalent in American society, there is no making them go away; I think banning people from owning guns gives an unfair advantage to the criminals. Imagine if the people in the Colorado Movie theater massacre were armed, do you think that asshole would be able to kill 50+ people..I don't. Same concept goes with Columbine, Ohio State, etc.


              Letter from a recent US visitor to Calgary during the Stampede. Basically he's a tourist used to carrying his gun who instinctually reached for it when approached by two not only harmless, but actually generous Stampede (huge rodeo) promoters in a park. Goes on a rant about how unprotected he was in what could have been a bad situation, but was actually a very friendly one. Pretty much everyone in the country have gotten a laugh out of this, all seven hundred and thirteen of us.

              I recently visited Calgary from Michigan. As a police officer for 20 years, it feels strange not to carry my off-duty hand-gun. Many would say I have no need to carry one in Canada.

              Yet the police cannot protect everyone all the time. A man should be al-lowed to protect himself if the need arises. The need arose in a theatre in Aurora, Colo., as well as a college campus in Canada.

              Recently, while out for a walk in Nose Hill Park, in broad daylight on a paved trail, two young men approached my wife and me. The men stepped in front of us, then said in a very aggressive tone: “Been to the Stampede yet?”

              We ignored them. The two moved closer, repeating: “Hey, you been to the Stampede yet?

              I quickly moved between these two and my wife, replying, “Gentle-men, I have no need to talk with you, goodbye.” They looked bewildered, and we then walked past them.

              I speculate they did not have good intentions when they approached in such an aggressive, disrespectful and menacing manner. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ they did not pull a weapon of some sort, but rather concluded it was in their best interest to leave us alone.

              Would we not expect a uniformed officer to pull his or her weapon to intercede in a life-or-death encounter to protect self, or another? Why then should the expectation be lower for a citizen of Canada or a visitor? Wait, I know – it’s because in Canada, only the criminals and the police carry handguns.

              Walt Wawra, Kalamazoo, Mich.
              Read the latest breaking news in Canada and the rest of the world. We bring all of today's top headlines and stories to your fingertips.


                Yet the acctual intentions of the men have not been asertained and your position has been contested that they were just giving out free passes. Yup must be a crazy man with out his gun from kzoo that is the problem here....... not the knee jerk conclusion of over reaction by a perceived point of moral and intelectually superior populace
                Last edited by mrsleeve; 09-15-2012, 06:02 AM.
                Originally posted by Fusion
                If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
                The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

                The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

                Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
                William Pitt-


                  Must've been criminals, he's lucky to have escaped with his life.

                  Your response tells me you've missed the point, and that is that we are laughing at how easily this gun loving American assumed this was a hostile interaction and that it necessitated a firearm. Even if the two guys in the park weren't promoters, they were still just two guys in the park. Had their intentions been hostile, they're the worst criminals ever if they just walk away when their potential victim tells them too however anyone with some common sense would see that they are very likely not. You're attempting to prey on the same assumption of vulnerability that he was, that's what we're laughing at here...the desperation is pathetically amusing.
                  Last edited by cale; 09-15-2012, 08:12 AM.


                    You have a cop ( or mountie to you guys ) that kis a 20 year veteran of the job. Cops are trained to read body motions and determin intent from that and with 20 years on the job that I am sure been hooned a bit over the year I. Think your discounting these facts way too much. Kzoo is not that rough of a town, though it has its neighborhoods. (I was born there).

                    I am normally the 1st to bitch when cops are all too gun happy, which many are when they are on thee job and out looking for trouble so to speek, this is may be one of those types of officers, but you can't say that based on his letter.
                    Originally posted by Fusion
                    If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
                    The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

                    The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

                    Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
                    William Pitt-


                      You continue to work on an unwarranted assumption which preys on fear, an assumption that most Canadians are having a laugh at.

                      Keeping the joke alive sleeve, one post at a time. Let's see what way you can twist it to justify his over reliance to his gun next.


                        Not going to jump in to a long debate with you cele. I will say this: I hope you are never in a situation where having the means to defend yourself (whatever they may be) could have spared you a lot of trouble/you life. Its easy to claim that anyone who caries a handgun is a fearmonger that goes around making assumptions about everyone. What's hard is getting out a situation by basically telling the attacker that you think people shouldn't own guns.

                        I do not carry a weapon at all times and I do not have CCW permit. I have been in several situations that could have ended badly had it not been for good luck. I hope to God that I wont have to injure someone else in ANY circumstance, but if felt like my life depended on it, you bet your ass I would pull the trigger.
                        MY BUILD: The Grant318is Build


                          ST. PETERSBURG — Florida's controversial "stand your ground" law has been cited in hundreds of cases. People have used it to justify shooting, stabbing, killing and maiming would-be intruders,...

                          CCW and Stand Your Ground saves a man from late pizza, thank god.

                          Swing wild, brake later, don't apologize.
                          '89 324d, '76 02, '98 318ti, '03 Z4, '07 MCS, '07 F800s - Bonafide BMW elitist prick.


                            Bad shoot, guy is going to spend 10-15 in prison, Castle law will not save him, nor should it.
                            Originally posted by Fusion
                            If a car is the epitome of freedom, than an electric car is house arrest with your wife titty fucking your next door neighbor.
                            The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

                            The Desire to Save Humanity is Always a False Front for the Urge to Rule it- H. L. Mencken

                            Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.
                            William Pitt-


                              So....I've got Friday afternoon off work. I think I'll go see about getting my CCW.

                              Question: Online classes? Any good?

                              I'm a life member of the NRA (dad is an endorsement member, IIRC), and I grew up around guns and regularly go to the range. I don't hunt though, but may be persuaded to one day by the GF's step father.

                              I don't own a handgun, but was looking at Glock 38 and 39. I really want a .45. Taurus was on the list too. I'm not a fan of revolvers.

                              School me. I'm more into my old Mosin and SKS, handguns are new to me.
                              1974.5 Jensen Healey : 2003 330i/5


                                As a prior military and current LEO I tell people who want to carry concealed or even just have a firearm for self defense is pick a firearm that fits you(a .50 desert eagle is a shitty choice for a 80lb shooter) and your needs(being easily concealable versus it sits next to your bed) next practice, and not just shooting paper but drawing it from where you keep and learning to clear failures/malfunctions and proper safety. Muscle memory kicks in when the shit gets real.

