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    Looks good, Matt.
    '72 2002 | '88 M5 | '89 330is | '89 M3 | '95 911 | '02 M5


      Originally posted by Austin! View Post
      Looks good, Matt.
      thank you sir. i am no longer ashamed of my rocker panels.

      i recommend this to everyone with ugly rockers, it was so easy and fast and made the car look so much better
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        I normally use John Deere blitz for trim paint and such. Very durable and has a nice dull finish, very similar to that of OEM stuff.
        '72 2002 | '88 M5 | '89 330is | '89 M3 | '95 911 | '02 M5


          Originally posted by george graves View Post
          Any e28 owners out there that I can molest your car for an hour or two - I'll buy you beer (if you're 21)
          My car is a slut for this and would be happy to oblige. I live in Leschi neighborhood of Seattle.


            Originally posted by Austin! View Post
            I normally use John Deere blitz for trim paint and such. Very durable and has a nice dull finish, very similar to that of OEM stuff.
            i'll have to try that next time. possibly re-do the bumpers of my pathfinder with that since it was always super flat looking paint.
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              Works excellent, but you have to make sure not to touch your prepped areas with your bare hands or have any chemicals in the air, or the paint will fish eye. Kind of tedious prepping, but worth the extra time.
              '72 2002 | '88 M5 | '89 330is | '89 M3 | '95 911 | '02 M5


                Originally posted by Austin! View Post
                Works excellent, but you have to make sure not to touch your prepped areas with your bare hands or have any chemicals in the air, or the paint will fish eye. Kind of tedious prepping, but worth the extra time.
                I did my rockers and lower rear bumper with 3M rubberized undercoating. They just sort of disappear into the road below. I love the look. Just make sure it's clean, rust free, and prep with acetone.

                2014 GTI | 2002 Land Cruiser | 1991 Volvo 745t


                  Originally posted by ajhostetter View Post
                  I did my rockers and lower rear bumper with 3M rubberized undercoating. They just sort of disappear into the road below. I love the look. Just make sure it's clean, rust free, and prep with acetone.
                  Word. How you been, man?
                  '72 2002 | '88 M5 | '89 330is | '89 M3 | '95 911 | '02 M5


                    I sanded and then used SEM Primer and Trim paint IIRC, worked perfect both times and held up to the beating. If you sand just make sure you wipe it off after sanding, like AJ said, some sort of acetone or other chemical.
                    1989 BMW 325is | 2019 Ford Ranger FX4


                      3m undercoating for the win, that shits great.


                        Originally posted by Austin! View Post
                        Word. How you been, man?

                        Good, work is crazy, baby #2 coming in a couple of weeks, and doing a head gasket on my car. How have you been?

                        2014 GTI | 2002 Land Cruiser | 1991 Volvo 745t


                          Speaking of crazy, was in Denver last week for work and got t-boned in my rental car. The other guy was doing about 40. My car spun 540 then tipped onto the drivers side before coming to rest back on the wheels.

                          2014 GTI | 2002 Land Cruiser | 1991 Volvo 745t


                            Daaamn scary shit! Everyone getting hit! Glad my E30 is hiding away in my garage


                              Originally posted by ajhostetter View Post
                              Speaking of crazy, was in Denver last week for work and got t-boned in my rental car. The other guy was doing about 40. My car spun 540 then tipped onto the drivers side before coming to rest back on the wheels.
                              Fuck, that sucks!

                              S52 HG popped?! That's lame. Didn't Joseph just install that motor? I'm alright, getting ready to start putting my other car together soon.
                              '72 2002 | '88 M5 | '89 330is | '89 M3 | '95 911 | '02 M5


                                It does. I'm ok tho. Yeah, he did. We've got it worked out.

                                2014 GTI | 2002 Land Cruiser | 1991 Volvo 745t

