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    Oh and, last time I checked burning it never hurt anybody. Breaking into cars hurts the owner of the car. People that burn it have morals, and even try to stay from others not wanting to be around their smell, smoke, etc. They don't smoke in parks, they don't smoke near business or walking down the street, and legalizing it doesn't mean there won't be regulatory laws to follow. They would most likely be similar to tobacco laws as to not disrupt others.
    Jah bless! :pimp:


      Originally posted by jflip2002 View Post
      Youre missing option #3 on the poll:

      "Yes, Marijuana should be legalized, because I am a fucking loser degenerate who has nothing else better going on in my life, so Id rather smoke weed".

      (Now lets hear the "Its natural" and "God put it here" arguments)
      Originally posted by z31maniac View Post
      Regardless of whether you think potheads or casual smokers are losers, there are two simple reason to make it legal.

      It takes the money out of the hands of criminals and keeps tens of thousands of non-violent offenders out of jail, and also off the gov't payroll.

      How much more money could be dedicated to public services if weren't spending $45k+ a year on non-violent offenders?
      Originally posted by jflip2002 View Post
      So we see who the losers are... Yes, I will paint you all with one broad stroke. If you smoke pot, you are a loser. Hey Bro, go smoke some natural cocaine or heroine, god put that here too for you to consume, right brah? Losers.
      I have three close friends who smoke weed. One just graduated from UC berkely and is taking classes right now to become a lawyer he smokes weed! The second one just graduated from UC Davis and is now working with video game company known as Cryptic. He smokes weed. And the third one is a looser who is 23 already has a kid and works at a local dive bar as a bouncer, he smokes weed!

      A looser is a looser. No weed necessary.

      I don't smoke weed. I also don't drink or smoke cigarets.
      Last edited by T Verdier; 07-23-2009, 11:48 PM.


        Originally posted by Wh33lhop View Post
        Oh shut up, you don't have to be a degenerate to smoke pot.
        True, but it helps.
        "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill


          Originally posted by jflip2002 View Post
          Thats because many want to tax you losers, not because they agree with your degenerate habits.


            lol you are trying to make a point, but in the process you are making an ass of yourself. And your definition of a loser is completely flawed.

            Originally posted by jflip2002 View Post
            So if I just broke into cars recreationally, itd make me a better person than someone who does it nightly? lol
            This is about the stupidest thing I have read in a long time. You are defining a loser as someone that smokes weed simply because it's illegal. So are you saying that you never have broken the law? You think that every law is a good one? I'm sure you don't, and you are using extremely weak arguments to come to even weaker conclusions. No, there isn't anything wrong with using marijuana recreationally. And I can't believe that you tried to compare it to breaking in to people's cars to smoking. Sure, they are both illegal, but that is where the similarities stop. One is a victimless "crime", while the other isn't. This is called poor logic, and sheer stupidity.

            Smart people would say that being a loser has more to do with their contribution to society than what they choose to do in the comfort of their home (like having a couple of beers or smoking a little weed). Real losers are people that are unemployed and would rather be a leech and continue taking handouts (unemployment) than to get a job and be a contributing member of society. Those type of people represent what is wrong in America today -- lazy leaches. I'm not sure about now, but I've seen you post how you lost your job at the parts counter somewhere and you would rather just take unemployment than look for another job.

            Another criterion for being a loser is simply being stupid. Your hugely flawed logic and inability to put together a good argument make it quite clear that you are a dumbass. I wouldn't be surprised at all if you were a high school drop out... you sure carry yourself that way.

            So let's see: You can't hold down a job as a parts monkey, would rather take handouts from the government than look for a job and are a straight dumbass. Yep, you fulfill three major criterion for being a loser.


              Whoops, double post.

              Prediction: jflip is going to come back with some comment about how he works out, he hates fat people, he doesn't drink because he is better than anyone that does or some other sophomoric babble.


                Originally posted by T Verdier View Post
                I have three close friends who smoke weed. One just graduated from UC berkely and is taking classes right now to become a lawyer he smokes weed! The second one just graduated from UC Davis and is now working with video game company known as Cryptic. He smokes weed. And the third one is a looser who is 23 already has a kid and works at a local dive bar as a bouncer, he smokes weed!

                A looser is a looser. No weed necessary.

                I don't smoke weed. I also don't drink or smoke cigarets.
                Yeah man because everybody knows that bouncers with kids are losers by default.
                Last edited by Guest; 07-24-2009, 01:11 AM.


                  double posted as well


                    I really don't like weed. I don't smoke it, and I don't like being around people when they're stoned. I hate the way it changes a person into someone they're not--makes them a retarded embarrassment. By the same token, I don't like watching someone get drunk, as many people enjoy.

                    However, jfilip I must disagree with you. There is no supportable moral or even practical difference between alcohol and marijuana, except that marijuana causes people to relax while alcohol can potentially make them aggressive and destructive. Alcohol is inarguably worse than marijuana. Therefore, why is it pot illegal? I'm afraid that you're arguing from behind a glass wall with your mind closed--you have already decided that pot is essentially evil, and that any who allow it into their life at all have doomed themselves to a sub-par existence. That's fine--it's your opinion. But it is not a position to effectively argue from. Similarly, those of you saying simply "legalize it" have no argument whatsoever ... and are probably stoned.

                    Oh man I had more to say but I just realized it's the internet and no one cares

                    Body roll+perspective=the poor man's drop


                      Originally posted by jflip2002 View Post
                      This is how much of your post I read. Theres no difference.

                      Heres a good rule of thumb:
                      If you can not pass a piss test, you are a loser. period.

                      (Leaf, are you kidding me? You are going to try to argue with someone on the internet who gets better looking girls? Also, obviously you do not know how sexy I am. Maybe next time I will leave the lights on while you are sucking my dick)

                      If you can't keep a job you are a loser. Period.
                      Need parts now? Need them cheap?
                      Chief Sales Officer, Midwest Division—Blunt Tech Industries

                      One stop shopping for NEW, USED and EURO PARTS!


                        Originally posted by Alkasquawlik View Post
                        There's a huge thread about this over on Bimmerforums.

                        I seriously doubt it's going to get legalized, but I have nothing against it.
                        I have never smoked a thing in my life. No cigarettes, no weed, no cigars, etc. I have my reasons and my friends have come to respect it. I don't care if they do, I just think it's a little immature, but it's their life so it's not right of me to impose my opinions on them

                        It basically comes down to this

                        The people who are for weed:

                        1. Older generation who views pot as a harmful drug that leads users down the wrong path and cannot be convinced otherwise

                        2. Younger generation who have never smoked pot in their life, and take it upon themselves to preach to people about the

                        3. People who have never smoked pot, but have the sense not to impose their opinion on others.

                        People for weed

                        1. Douches who do it to be cool

                        2. People who just started to smoke and now have every Bob Marley poster known to man in their room

                        3. People who smoke to enjoy it, but have the sense to keep it under control and not pressure others to do it
                        4. Stoners who smoke numerous times a day and are wasting their lives away
                        I don't endorse it but moderation is a key to alot of things...alcohol, pot even down to food.


                          haha the hell


                            If you cried when Michael Jackson died you are a loser (Jflip2002).

                            Last edited by ragged325; 07-24-2009, 06:26 AM.


                              I think a big part of why the older generation doesn't accept weed is because of the stigma and stereotypes attached with pot smokers. All the movies that have potheads in it have portrayed this image of (to quote jflip) loserness, laziness, and an inability to do anything but sit on a couch or look like a moron.

                              Originally posted by nitrorustlerdriver View Post
                              that made absolutely no sense.

                              I've never smoked and don't ever really want to. I've been around it enough in life to know it's not for me.

                              That being said, i think they should legalize it, tax the hell out of it and ban cigarettes.
                              Last edited by Alkasquawlik; 07-24-2009, 06:44 AM.


                              Originally posted by JamesE30
                              And with a car looking like yours I imagine the balance shall tip in the favor of insult, like a big fat fucking retarded fucking black girl on a see-saw, opposite... a dwarf.


                                movements are being made toward legalization.

                                join the E30 Cabrio owners gruppe
                                click here for details

