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    Originally posted by LuckyHenriksen View Post
    Dang man thats too bad
    It's all good. I just wanted the motor and wheels. Was gonna part/scrap the rest. Lol.
    '72 2002 | '88 M5 | '89 330is | '89 M3 | '95 911 | '02 M5


      Haha I hear ya

      Bahama Beige E23 Project
      Bluebird Bus Conversion
      New Oregon Trail


        Thanks for the killer deal on paint Abe. You the man!!




            Anytime man! Yes Carlos, I sell paint. And no I don't sell automotive paint :(

            out dated sig is out dated


              Hey can anyone point me in the direction as to how to take out the OBC? I wanna change that stupid burn light bulb behind it. Thanks...

              out dated sig is out dated


                Originally posted by AbeSonic View Post
                Heycan anyone point me in the direction as to how to take out the OBC? I wanna change that stupid burn light bulb behind it. Thanks...
                Guey remove hvac panel thats all you have to do
                Originally posted by bmwm42
                PNW vulture pm me for parts
                Strategic nw e30 command


                  with the new job and overtime im now starting the search for a M50 and 5spd settup for my car. anyone have idea's of were i can find this stuff?

                  Originally posted by nwvb bmw
                  That guy is going to lock you in his basement and make you ware a little pirate costume.


                    Attached Files


                      Originally posted by Mullet Bullet View Post
                      with the new job and overtime im now starting the search for a M50 and 5spd settup for my car. anyone have idea's of were i can find this stuff?
                      There is a guy on here selling an entire setup for a good price

                      Bahama Beige E23 Project
                      Bluebird Bus Conversion
                      New Oregon Trail


                        found it... might just have to work something out

                        Originally posted by nwvb bmw
                        That guy is going to lock you in his basement and make you ware a little pirate costume.


                          So here is my question for all you M20 guru's:

                          My project car starts and runs fine, but as soon as I put it into any forward or reverse gears, (auto) AKA put load on the motor it drops the RPM's and has a really rough idle, shakes the car more than it should. Another symptom is a hesitation off idle and poor throttle response. What should I be fixing or looking for?

                          Things I have done so far:

                          Filled with 5 gallons of fresh premium fuel w/ Seafoam
                          Changed fuel and air filters, along with spark plugs
                          Cleaned the ICV and the throttle body

                          Thanks for any advice!

                          Bahama Beige E23 Project
                          Bluebird Bus Conversion
                          New Oregon Trail


                            Originally posted by LuckyHenriksen View Post
                            So here is my question for all you M20 guru's:

                            My project car starts and runs fine, but as soon as I put it into any forward or reverse gears, (auto) AKA put load on the motor it drops the RPM's and has a really rough idle, shakes the car more than it should. Another symptom is a hesitation off idle and poor throttle response. What should I be fixing or looking for?

                            Things I have done so far:

                            Filled with 5 gallons of fresh premium fuel w/ Seafoam
                            Changed fuel and air filters, along with spark plugs
                            Cleaned the ICV and the throttle body

                            Thanks for any advice!
                            Adjust your AFM. There is a tutorial over on mye28. If you search for "AFM adjustment," you should be able to find it. If not, I have the link somewhere, just PM me. Check for any vacuum leaks also.
                            '72 2002 | '88 M5 | '89 330is | '89 M3 | '95 911 | '02 M5


                              Hmm ok thanks mang

                              Bahama Beige E23 Project
                              Bluebird Bus Conversion
                              New Oregon Trail


                                Plugs/rotor in good shape?

