This morning , I started up my Delphine metallic 1988 E30 325IS , unfortunately some lady in a cayenne ran a red light and completely T boned me on the driver side. The car still drive fine and gets into all the gears fine. The damaged areas are the drivers door , Pilar , rear quarter panel , side skirt and roof has a small dent. I exchanged insurance information with the other drive so that’s all good. My may concern is will this be fixable ? Obviously I’ll need to buy a new door but what about the rear panel and Pilar which are the most damaged? The front fender is perfectly fine. Is there some sort of specialist that you guys would recommend? This E30 is my life and I really don’t want to let go of it , I’ll even drive it around crashed if I have too😅. But please let me know what you guys think , hopefully it’s repairable because I don’t want to get rid of the car and I won’t. I looked underneath and the frame where you jack the car up was perfectly fine , the whole undercarriage looked perfectly fine as id nothing happened. Like I said I can still drive the car , as a matter of fact I drove it home from the accident location, E30 really are little German tanks ! But I will upload more photos of the damage but any opinions or advice would be helpful! Thank you
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Is this damage repairable??? Delphine Grey Metallic E30 down:((
I was hit by an 18 wheeler and brought mine back. But you have quarter panel damage that I didn't have. But as said before, everything is repairable as long as you are willing to spend the money. I sourced my own parts and I installed all the trim pieces myself. I did all the work I could do prior to taking it to the body shop.
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Well it’s safe to say money isn’t a issue, I’m willing to spend to have it looking like nothing happened, the other lady did have insurance so they should be covering it but this just happened this morning so I’m barely gonna call my lawyer tomorrow to work out the insurance situation. My main concern was that the car would not be repairable but as long as it I’m willing to pay whatever it cost. Here are some photos of the damage. Poor E30 and nice build !Last edited by Obito22; 11-19-2023, 07:12 PM.
How much is it insured for ?89 E30 325is Lachs Silber - currently M20B31, M20B33 in the works, stroked to the hilt...
new build thread
It depends how much you are attached to e30. On one of my e30 I was hit on the same side like yours. The door and quarter panel plus other parts was hit hard . I had all repaired with new parts.Projects Hartge,Alpina & AC Schnitzer Builds.
DSC04926 by Raul Salinas, on Flickr
DSC03413 by Raul Salinas, on Flickr
Oof, sorry about your baby! Are you okay after a hit like that?
How does the trunk fit? Panel gaps?
Any creases in the roof or passenger side sheetmetal?
If you have these, you can be sure of chassis damage.
Just by looking at it from here, I can say the chassis is definitely tweaked.
But you'd be surprised what a good frame shop can do. Try to find one with oldschool guys and factory measurements.
Start by getting the chassis straight, followed by an alignment that reads out true.
Then worry about new body panels.
Fixable? Yes. Worth it? No.
As others said, the other person's insurance is going to total the car. I've been meaning to do a write-up on how to deal with a totaled car in CA, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I've been through it twice due to another driver, here is the short version:
1. Talk to a lawyer now.
2. If you haven't gone to the doctor, do it now. Make sure your pain is documented. You will need follow-up visits. Look into physical therapy to deal with any pain and/or range of motion issues. Physical therapy will be a months-long process.
3. Call your insurance to report the accident and relevant info.
4. Do not accept the other person's insurance's offer. Tell them you will have it appraised if they will accept your appraiser's value, or they can have it appraised.
Things to keep in mind (this may be CA specific)
a. Unless you have a comprehensive coverage, your insurance is not going to argue to get you a good settlement from the other insurance company
b. Unless you have agreed-value coverage, your insurance may also low-ball your value
c. The other person's insurance is going to low ball you, but since it's a collector's car, they will also hire an independent appraiser. The appraiser is not going to come in person to inspect your car. You tell them about your car, why is is special, and worth a lot of money, and then they come up with a number. Sometimes you can work with them to get their number higher. Bring-A-Trailer is a great way to demonstrate the current market.
d. You can, and should, demand storage fees for while your car is inoperable and you are trying to settle on a value. Let them know you are accruing fees, especially if it's at a body shop, this may help motivate them to go quick
e. The settlement for your car is split from your medical settlement, You can get the cash from your car while still dealing with the medical portion
f. Sentimental value in the car is part of your medical settlement
g. The medical settlement will cover all medical bills and they should give you something for Pain and Suffering. In CA, they is generally recognized as 3 times the cost of medical treatment. HOWEVER, that is ONLY if you demonstrate an ongoing injury. That is why physical therapy is important. A "treat and release" for a one-time doctor's visit is generally $500.
h. You have 2 years to submit a claim in CA, take your time with the medical portion to be sure you don't have any injuries appear later.
i. You may want to keep the car and part it out. I think they offered me $14k for my coupe, or $12k if I kept it. The wheels alone were worth $3k, so I obviously kept it and stripped it.sigpic
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The roof has a small dent , I upload a picture of it ^ but the trunk opens fine but the gap on the crashed side is slightly bigger but on the passenger side there is no dents or anything. I know the I’ll probably have to buy another E30 and just swap everything over , I have a full built engine stroked to a 2.7 with a full suspension upgrade, it’s a street legal track car but the Delphine metallic is the original paint and both the welds on the front fenders are in tact meaning they have never been removed before. The car is in good condition and it really means something to me but how hard will it be to find another Delphine coupe ??
Like the others said, you can repair anything but that car is totaled. Insurance will not give you want it costs to fix. I had the same accident on the passenger side. Hagerty is only reason I got what I thought was a fair payoff.
Looks like b pillar is screwed. Just by eyeballing and previous experience, that's 16-17k of damage.