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Nonsense Thread

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    Originally posted by Northern View Post
    Can someone from the US explain why people on social media keep saying the CDC lied about coronavirus death tolls?
    Stupidity. People always seem to want some sort of conspiracy/drama and can't accept that counting/reporting procedures are not perfect or even close to ideal.


      the way they report annual deaths for normal seasonal flu is estimated not actual but they put it out as actual.
      so its probably much lower, or higher, then the number they give. idk about it being a lie, but when ppl think that's actual and they find out it's no they feel lied to
      and jump on conspiracy band wagons.

      also, china.


        There's nothing wrong with being a skeptic
        Current Collection: 1990 325is // 1987 325i Vert // 2003 525i 5spd // 1985 380SL // 1992 Ranger 5spd // 2005 Avalanche // 2024 Honda Grom SP // 2024 YAMAHA XSR700


          Conspiracies are stupid, but I've been skeptical about how serious a threat this virus actually is to the average healthy person and if extending these quarantine orders are serving any purpose. From what I've seen it seems like those who get it recover just like you would from any other flu. I think the media is making a huge deal out of it because disaster reporting always get the most attention, and I have to wonder if that's partly responsible for lawmakers continually extending quarantine orders. I think here in Michigan businesses were expected to reopen in mid April but now we're looking at the end of May... The economic impact of this is going to be terrible.
          My Feedback


            it's too early to know what this new china virus does.
            you don't die from the virus you die from complications like pneumonia heart attacks strokes people are getting permanently damaged lungs
            they don't even know it. damaging organs or just dieing in their sleep.

            if youre in the middle of nowhere nebraska wyoming or something you wouldn't care vs ppl in new york or california or texas where basically everyone person
            in every city is going to get it.


              Sheesh, I need to go for a drive. Dreamt of buying a red Prius at a dealer and took delivery only to be unable to get them to clean the interior of the car.

              Come on brain, you can do better!


                You know you want that sweet commuter 50mpg!

                Originally posted by MrBurgundy View Post
                There's nothing wrong with being a skeptic
                Sure, but you have to base your skepticism on something valid. Otherwise what's the point? With a healthy dose of skepticism about reality and a bit of fun at thought exercises we could all go down the path of we all live in a simulation. And that's fun and all, but how much does it matter in its affect to us? It doesn't change anything about our life at all. That said, I always take whatever any agency is saying with a grain of salt. They certainly all their own agendas and unfortunately, best public interests seems to be pretty far down the list. That said, if anyone is saying that Covid19 doesn't exist or that no has died from it... well.. people also believe in invisible forces that will grant them wishes if they think about it hard enough. To sum it up, people are crazy.
                AWD > RWD


                  Originally posted by roguetoaster View Post
                  Sheesh, I need to go for a drive. Dreamt of buying a red Prius at a dealer and took delivery only to be unable to get them to clean the interior of the car.

                  Come on brain, you can do better!
                  What a nightmare. I'd rather drive just about anything than a prius, and the new ones are puzzlingly ugly compared to the completely bland and unremarkable early models.

                  IG @turbovarg
                  '91 318is, M20 turbo
                  [CoTM: 4-18]
                  '94 525iT slicktop, M50B30 + S362SX-E, 600WHP DD or bust
                  '93 RX-7 FD3S


                    Originally posted by LowR3V'in View Post
                    people are getting permanently damaged lungs
                    they don't even know it.
                    I got absolutely flattened by a flu in mid Dec last year and it did exactly that. Spent two days in the hospital, and I'm still on the steroid inhaler 5 months later.

                    Trying to avoid this covid shit like the plague really.
                    Originally posted by priapism
                    My girl don't know shit, but she bakes a mean cupcake.
                    Originally posted by shameson
                    Usually it's best not to know how much money you have into your e30


                      Went to the Texas beach this past week, Mon-Thursday. Had fun. There you can drive on the beach(Crystal Beach). We also went to Galveston and ate at a restaurant. Been 2 months since we got to do that.

                      Also, last Sat, not today, I did a get together where we went through the backroads around here, had 3 e30s, an e90, older 7 series(733i?). Was a fun couple of hours.

                      Not much of an e30 scene even though there are a bunch around here.
                      1990 325is
                      g260 (1987 325is 5spd tranny)


                        ^i got a flu like that 2 years ago
                        was hacking out my lungs for 3 days and couldn't move.

                        I'm fine, but that fat toad who infected me STILL clears his lungs all the time. Definitely permanent damage.
                        stay fit.

                        also check this other weird ass thing covid can do.
                        ALARMING: Some coronavirus patients are unknowingly losing oxygen in what's being called silent hypoxia. By the time they realize they're having trouble taking a deep breath and reach out for help, they are already dangerously sick.


                          ^ my lungs shut down like pneumonia, they sent me for xrays because they thought they were sure. My O2 was down to 82% on admission, and that was after I coughed up a bunch of crap getting out of bed to get to emerg.

                          Anyway, positive news: finally found a s2.79 diff without the housing, so there's the carrier for my diff. Also gives me a 2.79 gearset should I ever need it. Probably will throw the R&P in a bag and drench them in LPS3. Still need bearings and seals, and unfortunately there's not going to be a school order I can tack my bearings onto so I'll be buying them separately I guess
                          Originally posted by priapism
                          My girl don't know shit, but she bakes a mean cupcake.
                          Originally posted by shameson
                          Usually it's best not to know how much money you have into your e30


                            Where do you see the numbers are made up? The John Hopkins Disease Center is counting death certificates from each county and reporting them at 8pm EST. They even say on the site the numbers may be higher since the hospitals may not be reporting cause of death as "covid 19". If they are "lying", then it's in the wrong direction to cause panic.

                            Data is updated once per day after 8 p.m. Eastern to allow the system to pull county-level data. For the most up-to-date confirmed cases and deaths, please see the COVID-19 Global Map. New York City borough deaths data does not include Probable COVID-19 deaths, as this data is not reported.
                            Last edited by ForcedFirebird; 05-11-2020, 08:17 AM.
                            Transaction feedback: Here, here and here. Thanks :D


                              my fucking aux fan just caught on fire lol

                              wtf, maybe the motor froze or something.

                              Good thing I was looking at the car right when it happened and put it out immediately, holy shit, I could have lost the car.
                              Current Collection: 1990 325is // 1987 325i Vert // 2003 525i 5spd // 1985 380SL // 1992 Ranger 5spd // 2005 Avalanche // 2024 Honda Grom SP // 2024 YAMAHA XSR700


                                Originally posted by MrBurgundy View Post
                                my fucking aux fan just caught on fire lol

                                wtf, maybe the motor froze or something.

                                Good thing I was looking at the car right when it happened and put it out immediately, holy shit, I could have lost the car.
                                Think about it another way, could've raked in that fat insurance payout.

